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About Capiel

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  1. Food problem is just search better, and zombies are op, yes, but the game is in alpha, and the game use the alpha and this forum to report issues, don't try to play a game is not finished, have fun and report the issues, not having fun? Ok wait for other update, read posts, reviews before buy anything.
  2. Capiel

    When my action man meet DayZ

    Cool man, remeber me metro 2033 and Dayz.
  3. Capiel

    [Video] Watch what happens when you follow an Admin

    What can i say, just fucking retard, looks like a kid running a server.
  4. Capiel

    Alternate means of transporting equipment

    You can make a hostage and make him carry yours stuffs, but that would be cool.
  5. Capiel

    Cooking in DayZ

    The game you can't stand 30 min without eat you start die for starvation, this game have some things that i can't undestand.
  6. Capiel

    Marks journey - Some screens

    Nice story dude, i wish i could live far as third image haha
  7. Capiel

    Cooking in DayZ

    The game could use the same system of the mod, Cooked meat recover some health, not 2000 blood like before but recover, i think you understand what i mean
  8. Capiel

    A wonderful experience.

    I play in the public hive with a friend, however he was not on, so i was going to play on private, i spawned on Prigorodki,i ran at the barns ,i found a shovel and then i saw a player, he demonstrated friend, after a minutes we decided to start a farm, but after a while we started feeling hungry, so we went to Cherno to find food and the server went down and I could not find it This events are so nice.
  9. Capiel

    The reason behind KoS: ?

    When i KoS, is on big cities or military bases, peoples try to surround you that kind of thing, so i kill.
  10. Capiel

    Instant Death Glitch, CONFIRMED.

    I died today too, i was playing with my friend, we are looting a prison then i just broked my leg and died, no running at stairs, no shots, no bleeding just died.
  11. Capiel


    Did was right, military areas are not safe.
  12. Capiel

    Dayz Standalone Uncontrolled Bambi army

    Nice video, i loved the part of the gate, you guys seemed like a bunch of dogs haha.
  13. Capiel

    Hey... You friendly?

    Every time i meet somebody who is not a obvious bandit, i try to chat, but everytime is the same thing,"I am friendly too :)" and shot me or hes friend do the job.
  14. Capiel

    Need Help

    The server you played must have a private hive, you gear will be diferent of the public hive, check this on the server browser.
  15. Capiel

    How do your immerse yourself?

    I like to play wit someone and talk using VOIP, living on the woods, killing who attack us or others, idk, i just survive