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Everything posted by Agilov

  1. Agilov

    Exp Update: 0.60.+++

    Hi there! I also remember Mr. Hicks mentioned something about testing servers under heavy login fire. I guess the best way to do so is open just a few servers?! -> Agilov
  2. Agilov

    Exp Update: 0.60.+++

    BI is not EA, you know? BI is a developer studio from Praque, Czech Republic. AND its called experimental for a reason. Stable servers out there are not hosted by BI. Experimentals are. Do you have an idea, what traffic costs? So be patient and spam the login button until you get a chance to "test". -> Agilov
  3. Agilov

    Exp Update: 0.60.+++

    Have you tried to drag it onto your current dress and then select "swap" if the menu pops up?
  4. Agilov

    Exp Update: 0.60.+++

    Looking at the login-screen for 30 minutes now...
  5. Agilov

    Exp Update: 0.60.+++

    Same here until I tried to connect over the detail page of one server. Heared an "pock" - sound and when the connection failed I got sound and grass/trees.
  6. Agilov

    Exp Update: 0.60.+++

    Downloading....... Only a matter of hours ;)
  7. Agilov

    Recommended FPS Counter?

    I tried the steam overlay on my 40" FHD TV screen in the living room. The fps counter of steam is about 1 cm x 2 cm without the option to resize it. I'm not blind, but its hard to recognize from about 3 meters away...
  8. 2.: I guess because you are literally sitting on the motor. Ever wondered why this trucks front is so short? ;)Edit: Getting cold while driving is a bug then...
  9. Agilov

    Zastava M48

    Wow. Thats a great piece of work. Looks really awesome. How long dit it take you to model it and what techniques did you use (sculpting for example)? Regards -> Agilov
  10. Agilov

    Stable Branch - 0.53 Discussion

    From now on some people should be very cautious when looting my character after a kill... :lol:
  11. Agilov

    Western European/American vehicles

    Blasphemy! This proud road warrior was build in my hometown :lol: . -> Agilov
  12. There seems to be a misunderstanding here ;) . I just wondered if they are required again to get one, because I was able to buy without invitation. -> Agilov
  13. Do you need invites again? I bought the 64GB version for my girlfriend before christmas. (Without invite directly from their shop) -> Agilov
  14. Thats what you get if you let THIS particular person live... ;) Edit: That fence!!! :P
  15. Agilov

    Userlist, Ban.txt, etc.

    You could press "P" on your keyboard to see the list available to everyone. -> Agilov
  16. Agilov

    Beer/wine/spirits in Dayz

    I guess its more likely some kind of lemonade. Last time I had one in russia I bought it on the street tapped from a tank like this below. Delicious and refreshing! I guess you'll have to drink a few litres of it before you get noticable effects... ;) -> Agilov
  17. Agilov

    Chicken Eggs

    You forgot the baked beans. You need eggs, beans and bakon to create the ultimate tactical breakfast ;)
  18. There is also a chance to spawn as a invisible and invincable player. Happened two times to me yesterday as I relogged immediately after the "no message for xxx seconds" message. The scrollwheel menu always shows entries like "hide body" and "show content". Direct communication, hunger, cold and interaction with items didn't work. However - opening and closing doors did.
  19. Just a buggy experimental... Nothing to worry about.
  20. Agilov

    Zombie go boom! The tale of my first grenade...

    Nice throw. Btw... an interesting inventory you got there...
  21. A while ago I read that this can be caused by an failed sync attempt with the central hive. The suggestion was to log out immediately and try again.
  22. Agilov

    World War II era gun emplacements

    This particular flak tower is located in vienna, austria. But there are still a few of them in germany.
  23. Agilov

    Results of killing (insanity, morality)

    I dont like beeing shoot at, but... If someone gets the chance to shoot at me, he saw me first and this tells me that I wasn't careful enough. But if they add more/smarter/dumper infected I guess someone shooting in a big city will have to deal with a horde on his heels :D
  24. Agilov

    Give Us the Option to "Give" Players Items

    Yeah, we all played Fallout3, didn't we :D?