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Everything posted by Agilov

  1. Atm all servers seem to be down. Can't see a singe exp. :huh:
  2. Agilov

    In Loving Memory:

    Spoilerception! (My wifi works outside :lol: )
  3. Don't forget to chew properly before swallowing :P .
  4. I've seen piles of loot in some locations persistent over a few server restarts (some DE/UK servers crashed every 3 minutes). I don't think I saw any spawned stuff, because almost all open houses were lootet empty. Met some very agressive freshspawns and some cool guys from Germany and Romania in Novo that I played about 4 hours with. The servers were very laggy so we decided to meet again on stable until theres some fix for the stability and performance issues we experienced.
  5. End of the month: http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/204676-reddit-rocket2guns-on-an-update-on-tents-and-persistent-items/ (probably... ;) )
  6. There's no need to get offensive, you know? Theres a special section for your complaints about how shitty you think DayZ is. Go there. http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/6794-i-give-up-this-game-is-bull-i-want-my-money-back/
  7. Its not the kids that scream alpha... There is a tiny difference between industrial high availability systems like MRTs and production line systems and a consumer product made for entertainment. But in fact you didn't even buy a product - just access to the development build. Nothing more. Edit: Well, maybe more... You get the finished product for a lower price in the end B)
  8. I would like to see it disappear if noone touches it for some time (maybe 4 hours) after the dead of the player it belonged to (or even if he's still alive but didn't touch it for one week or so)
  9. Agilov

    Lost In The Wilderness

    I don't ever use maps... But its helpful for a new player to learn about distances and directions.
  10. Agilov

    Lost In The Wilderness

    Oops! ¥:'£&': tablet keyboard... its 079 024Stoooop! Nooooo! I've doomed him! The guilt! I'll log in and jump off the next building. :(
  11. Agilov

    Lost In The Wilderness

    There is a map at dayzdb.com. You also can use the maps you can find ingame. You are in the far north of the map. But I would suggestto go to the website, type jn the coords and head towards the loot points in your vincinity. If you are playing in the evening, the sun must be on your right if you want to go south.
  12. Agilov

    Lost In The Wilderness

    You are here: 079 042. Have fun!PS: Check out the garages in the east, the train station in the south and Gvodzno in the southeast.
  13. Agilov

    My Buddies 2nd Day

    Nice story! Btw... The mask your buddy wears is a bullet magnet. He likely gonna be shot at no matter if he's friendly or not.
  14. You should be lucky your char did not swallow a hatchet or pitchfork ;)Btw... did you report it on the bugtracker yet?
  15. Agilov

    Home Media Programmes

    My NAS is an QNAP TS-112 and there was an prebuild package for it. With the latest firmware installed the installation is quite straight forward (fool proof). I also use their Android app "Twonky Beam" for streaming of Videos from various websites to my TV.
  16. Agilov

    Home Media Programmes

    I'd give TwonkyMedia a try. I run it on my NAS to stream media files to my TV. They have embedded, Linux and Windows versions of their server. The navigation in your media files is done via the DLNA menu of your TV. So no special eye candy here. But I'm quite happy with it.
  17. Agilov

    120x2 RAID0 SSD vs 250GB SSD?

    Its about statistics. The propability of failure of dependent components is always higher than the propability of a single component to fail. Example: You have bought 4 harddisks and each harddisk has an warranty of 5 years. Lets assume they are likely to fail after this time. Now you strip them into one big volume. The average livetime of a stripped volume is calculated like following: LT = 1/(sum(1/LT_drive_x)with x from 1 to n) n is 4 in our case so the average statistic livetime is 1.25 years. This is one of the reasons why I do RAID1 at home. (Don't forget to backup ;) )
  18. Sooner or later every thread does... ;) Did I mention KOS sucks? But karakoz is right. As long as the game allows us to do things that are unfair against honest players, well have to live with it. Alpha stuff... But until all those glitches are taken away from the glitchers, we still can rant about those @¥$¥ cheaters and feel much better than them when dying. In the final product I think honest players will have an advantage over former glitchers because they really learned how to play the game. B)
  19. If you do something that is not intended to be possible to do by the developers to give you an unfair advantage over honest players -> this is cheating. Even if everyone has the option to do it. Can't count the deads by bullets on night servers when I was obviously the only one using my flashlight. Wall leaning? Cheat. Duping? Cheating too. Died? Bad luck - try again. You know, its a survival game... Thats about surviving. Not about lamecore.
  20. Agilov

    Mouse,Screen Resolution problems

    Check this out: http://steamcommunity.com/app/221100/discussions/0/540744935156985772/
  21. If you are uncertain if a sound you hear is broadcasted by an other player or not, you can also mute them one by one in the player list (P). Once you have found the disturber of your ingame frolic type "#vote kick <playername> who is just annoying" into your console.
  22. Keep cool and calm down ;) . I don't like the term "hacking" too, because I doupt that any of this script kiddies even knows how to code... Usually refer to all activities that give you an unfair advantage as cheating. No matter if it is scripting, dll injection, runtime memory modification / overlays, wall leaning, duplicating or gamma tuning at night.
  23. Agilov

    The Best Start For Hardcore?

    Usually play on german or UK hardcore servers. I don't like beeing shoot by a corner peeking coward on regular. People don't tent to KOS if you don't sprint at them with a rifle in your hands (at least thats what I experienced). Less visible weapons like pistols will do the job pretty well if the situation gets unpleasent.
  24. Thats right. But its very immersive if all the stuff nobody needs keeps laying arround. A possible sollution to the cluttering could be a despawn of items noone touched for some time.
  25. Persistent could mean that anything you drop on the ground is still there after a server restart. Good for not relogging without pants or backpacks.