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Everything posted by kurtino

  1. kurtino

    Where's the communication?

    Pretty much the stage the game's come too at the moment.
  2. kurtino

    Dayz getting boring?

    LOL some of these replies... "you're making the game boring because you can't handle how hardcore it is" "grow a pair of balls and do this and that" "you're complaining about a free mod?" Jesus christ, you can't mention a single thing about this game on this forum unless you're sucking upto it, otherwise you get the 'community' scolding you for it because you don't play exactly how they play or...better yet, 'hardcore'.
  3. kurtino

    Suggestion for cutting down on bandits

    It was a example not fact, not everything is as simple as a straight line. I'm sure people who have been brought up rough are completely lovely people too I never said that I just generalised a statistic...the way you're brought up and the environment you live in influences how things are, it's why people in the USA are different too people in Africa and yet there are bad people in both of these area's. If there was a island where you were brought up where people just killed people on a whim and for each others stuff then you'd be severely different too another island that lived lived without a single murder ever happening. So yeah, people would be different in real life and better in some places, worse in others but obviously this game doesn't reflect that because of anonymity being on the Internet brings.
  4. I mean don't get me wrong, it's for the immersion and feel of the game right? Cause it's realistic? Hello? We're playing a online multiplayer game, what's the difference between playing offline against AI bots that shoot on sight too playing online against people who'll shoot on sight? They can talk. ARMA 2 is built in with communication, why remove a key feature? The white text is short range and barely working, I tried speaking into my microphone and someone couldn't hear at all, as if I wasn't speaking (not volume) so that didn't even work. I haven't heard a single peep out of anyone... and if I find someone? He shoots me or I shoot him back in reply. I've had 1 person type in symbols who was russian and didn't fire at me but honestly, this hasn't improved the game at all. Makes it kind of boring. I don't know about everyone else but not everyone sits there in a private skype or TS chat coordinating and having a bunch of friends too talk too. Sometimes people just like too jump into a online game and participate in chat...or not? It's nice too socialise and interact with others or just read little bits of chat and info about what's going on...it's interesting...it's informative...it's friendly. Sometimes the server messes up and there's loads of lag so people on the server would communicate with each other too ask what's going on and if anyone else is lagging as well...this is suppose too be a alpha, surely communication is the most helpful thing you could have? What if someone is lagging or there are hackers or whatever else you want too say...you just can't say it...watching youtube video's of this game make it seem a lot more friendly because people are talking too each other in chat or over the microphone. I don't mind the microphone's, no one spoke in side channel for microphones anyway because people obeyed that sort of rule but if it bothered people...remove that instead. I don't know if Side channel is completely gone or not but every single server I've joined has it off now and the only reply I've got from people OUT OF GAME (because I can't talk too people in game) is "it's been removed". Honestly...I swear all of these changes are just narrowing and narrowing it down towards a smaller community. This is a online game, you know?
  5. It's absolutely going to change. If community is what you want to see in the game you should really go read every interview with Rocket that you can get your hands on. I think you'll be very excited to hear some of the ideas he would like to add. No thanks, anyone can pull a Interview and idea's but the way they represent themselves towards their community affects their overall appearance and I'm just not impressed so I won't be following anything but pure updates/patch notes too the game.
  6. No one's mourning the death of the community I'm just giving my feedback as anyone should so hopefully things like that don't happen but from the replies you get back from the forum or from the game creator himself "deal with it" you have too question where this is going. Thankfully Bohemia are behind this mod and will defiantly push its support now and at ARMA 3. I'm not being impatient but a feature has been removed and I'm complaining about it, seems fair enough since I didn't even know about it so I was asking around if it was a bug at first. Apparently it's an 'experiment' so hopefully it'll change.
  7. I've never been able to vault over any of them and when I first found one I tried repetitively.
  8. I'm sorry, what? Enable chat then so I can find a easier and more enjoyable experience of performing this action. I shouldn't be forced too talk too others on skype or add random strangers just too interact with people on this game. You narrow down the features for this game that a small community likes then guess what? You'll be left with a small community. The need of many outweigh ultimately and with little features like this which are pretty standard and harmless, I don't see why anyone would argue against it. I still don't understand much of your post though, are you implying that you're in a little community of roleplayers and are talking to each other over VOIP or something and insulting people that aren't?
  9. i do not feel this is a viable option. if you do this' date=' players will likely only key into blue colored text and potentially ignore anything that doesn't show up blue. essentially anyone who is not in side chat and doesn't want side chat will be at a distinct disadvantage. it's kinda the same argument but from the other side. i think, and this is definitely just my thoughts, that global chat was removed to make us feel more lonely, more isolated. it makes communication rare and precious, something you get extra excited about when it happens, and potentially increases your connection to whoever actually does talk with you. it's sorta like how before the recent patches, when starting out i would see tin cans and bottles and just curse and move on. now when i see them starting out i get excited and feel like i have more options. removal of initial abilities made what little you have that much more significant. i might like other compromises though, but i'm (respectfully) not in favor of this one. [hr'] So basically: I hate chat it breaks immersion. But I wouldn't disable chat, that means I'm at a disadvantage too everyone else? You can't argue both of them. That's like dragging everyone down with you because you're a selfish person and don't want people too play the game the way you're playing. You don't like chat? Don't use it. There's no disadvantage too it either unless you wan't too exploit people through meta gaming and that's up to both yourself and the person typing if they want to put themselves in that situation. I honestly don't think the radio idea would be that wise anyway. That's like telling people they have too work for their radio...for what? What happens when they get a radio anyway? The luck or chances of finding a radio so you can actually talk to someone? Come on, I'd agree if I was playing a Roleplay game where I was forced too Roleplay with others in a small community and we pretended we were living out as survivors through a character but we're not. There was nothing wrong with the system as it was, you could join a server that had chat enabled or disabled and understandably, the majority of servers had chat enabled...why would a server host disable chat for his community of players and more likely than not upset them? It was the more popular feature I think it is fair too say and there was a simple option Yes/No if you wanted it or not. If it breaks immersion...(not like a god tonne of other things don't in this game) then turn it off...if you were that bothered by it you wouldn't argue that you were at a disadvantage so you'll have too turn it on just in case you don't want too miss anything. Ever played a roleplaying game? They use a system called IC and OOC. In character (IC) is local chat in proximity and Out of character (OOC) is global. Almost every RP game I know uses this and its extremely popular because people do want to just relax and talk too each other while they're playing a game, even when they're doing something that requires a lot of immersion such as roleplaying. It is not a unwanted feature although admittedly it can get accessive especially on roleplaying games but this is not a roleplaying game as there are no rules. P.S. The idea behind it is potentially good but the reality isn't. Sure, if some of the things you were saying happened then yeah, I'd be all for it but at the moment it actually encourages shoot on sight and as this games had more and more changes it has become even more frequent. Those rare chances of communication people are getting are too rare; this is a game and people want too enjoy themselves and too interact with others online.
  10. kurtino

    Suggestion for cutting down on bandits

    To be perfectly honest if Day Z is narrowing itself down too its smaller community and not widening out towards simple solutions that would make more people happy overall, then no I wouldn't agree that it's doing fine and criticism from people like him or anyone is helpful. No one has too remove things entirely but pushing it to become a super hardcore game that only a few enjoy doesn't make it better. For example, removing side chat is something "new" and not mainstream? Games for Windows Live game's are notorious for the majority of them not being able too chat to other players on a keyboard because they are xbox ports, I'd call it a downgrade more than anything. You could solve both parties problems by having optional servers with chat on or off and additionally the ability too turn off chat in game on the players whim. That solves both people's problems and no one has too complain about it. Same solutions can be made without drastic change for other problems as well, such as the bandit one...although that one is a lot more complex of course but generally, if games are ruthless towards the player then the community is smaller, people get bored or fed up easier, frustrated and so on..it's human nature and sure, communities like that live on in smaller gatherings but I would again by no means call that successful. It is a alpha and I hope that the changes and improvements coming do stretch out towards more players because more people being happy is better but yeah, I feel like this discussion is going off topic and less about the bandits and more towards both of your opinions of each other...which, by the way, are false because you can't tell anyone what they're like in a game, you can assume but nothing more.
  11. couple things. first, if you go to your steam library list, right click any game, there will be an option to show you the manual in pdf form (just in case you didn't know). i like the tension of not knowing whether someone is a bandit or not. rocket does not regard this as a game (and technically it's a mod for arma 2 and not really a game), but more of an antigame, art, and experiment. i do lament that it might be harder to approach for new players who cannot ask in game questions, but you can always ask here, or alternatively join up with a group from here... there's a thread somewhere in new players section about this. you could also try playing some regular arma 2 and asking questions about the game mechanics there. so there is options outside of in game chat. and really, i am very much for no global chat. it adds authenticity and tension, and is not something you can find in other games. it adds more value to being able to communicate. Well each to their own, I understand your line of thinking and hope you understand mine. The "asking for help in chat" thing was just one point of many, it's not the strongest by far but you can't admit it's not useful, not everyone wants too sign up for every forum for each game or create a thread that could potentially get ignored or receive negative feedback from (judging by the state of this forum...seems very likely) and really, it's just helpful in general. Heck I didn't even know how too type when I first played but I figured it out...like (it says global but everyone is typing in this side channel and there's numbers...hmm?) and yeah not everyone understands things but a lot of people don't like having too search online when they can just jump into a multiplayer game and interact with others. I joined a ARMA 2 domination server yesterday and had no idea what I was doing so this guy spoke to me on voice chat and others during chat and told me all about it and it was a pleasant experience, I enjoyed talking too them and they even offered me to come back too the server any time and they'll help me. It was certainly a lot more enjoyable then simply alt tabbing...searching up what "Domination" is on google....reading through information trying to find suitable parts...you know?
  12. kurtino

    Suggestion for cutting down on bandits

    Because you can like some elements of a game and hate others, sort of like a piece of art and there's just that little smudge on it that disappoints you...it doesn't make you immediately hate the entire thing and just give up on it...well not everyone has that logic. No offence but I see you post a lot on these forums just too bash at others, as if complaining is a crime when people are giving feedback and their opinion on what they dislike about the game, in its alpha stage, in hopes that it would improve. If no one complained about anything then nothing would get done, feedback is good...what I hate is people who complain about complainers...telling people "if you don't like it leave" and visa versa. Why not just have a normal discussion? I've complained about side channel being gone too have someone call anyone who likes talking in this game "retarded". Of course you can't stop this type of negativity but seriously, if you have the brains too pull out decent sentences then just discuss something instead of insulting people, yes it get's annoying and some posts deserve it I guess but honestly he has a valid point it's just not said in the best way. There's a thread called "fuck the players on this game" or something like that where this guy has completely raged and insulted people and everything but funnily enough he has said some valid points he just hasn't said them in the right way. Doesn't mean everyone should insult him back though, even though they have...It just helps to try and see everyone's side of thinking and if you disagree you can discuss, no?
  13. kurtino

    Suggestion for cutting down on bandits

    Instead of resorting too insults and making yourself look both immature and foolish, you should think into what he's saying. Yes, it's a little extreme what some of his points are and some are exaggerated but I get his point. For example, you could be shot down and sniped from any point anywhere without any defence. In ARMA 2 you can't really see where the bullets coming from and heck, even the sound positioning is off. Sometimes you don't even see a bullet or hear a sound, you're just instantly dead, knocked unconscious or whatever else happens to you. People can camp like this, there's nothing too stop them you can't defend yourself against someone like that. You dropping too the floor won't save you either and unless you're near some buildings and the person after you misses, you can possibly hide for some cover but ultimately be at a huge disadvantage of what to do, where the shots coming from or how too fight back. Personally, I would call that cowardly shooting but clearly from your typing you wouldn't call it that. He has a point none the less, there is absolutely no skill involved at all by being killed from someone far ranged or from a unknown location because the majority of times you can't defend yourself. Generally the person who shoots first gets the kill and really I don't know if there's a way too fix this style of gameplay or if it should be fixed...I just hope that people won't be like that while I'm playing the game and sadly, some are. We may not all be psychopaths, but you'd be surprised what mankind is capable of without a system of punishment/law. PVP doesn't need to be touched at all, PVE just needs to be tuned so that it's more lucrative. Then I think you might be better off somewhere else, the elimination of direct chat is the start of making this games atmosphere feel very bleak and lonely. We play multiplayer because the human element is an unpredictable one. It's a side effect of it's popularity. It's also not nearly as big of a problem as people make it out to be. Bandits are far and few between. What you play and enjoy is of little concern, obviously, to everyone else, and the devs included. From what you've stated, this is obviously not your type of game, and instead of adapting your playstyle, you want the game to adapt to you. This is the key problem that comes across in every single complaint thread about PvP. You're speaking for everyone here. Your idea of "we" isn't everyone's idea. Stop getting them mixed up, you aren't the world after all and people have different opinions. My idea of this game is however I like it to be. You can't tell me to stop playing, you're forcing this forced vision of "this game is like this, you can't change it, leave" like so many others are in this forum so really, my respect for you has dropped and until you realise that this game isn't how you say it is the better your opinion on things will be. My concern may be interesting too someone else, just like in real life, not everyone is ignorant, not everyone is a psychopath. Stop putting everyone into one basket.
  14. kurtino

    Suggestion for cutting down on bandits

    I think the strongest point here is that it's a simulation and people like immersion. Immersion is broken when everyone shoots on sight, that makes it feel like a death match. In the real world we're not all a bunch of psychopaths...if this were too ever happen even suggesting 10% of people would shoot on sight would be completely insane. But removing bandits altogether is too break the immersion even more because some people would shoot for someone's things...or because they've lost their mind. Keep in mind that no one in this thread too my knowledge has actually said remove PVP altogether seriously, only methods too tone it down. We come online on the Internet too play online games too interact with others, socially. We play multiplayer games to have these interactions. These are friendly, helpful and all sorts...if it was a MMO it would be too gain loot and show off to others and since this game has looting mechanics, this is also part of those interactions. PVP is also part of the interaction but it isn't the main part...if it was we'd be playing a huge deathmatch and clearly the many thousands of people who installed this after watching cooperative playthroughs on the Internet didn't want this. So yes, too much aggressive behaviour from other players breaks realism, immersion and overall enjoyment. I myself don't really play competitive games but I enjoy Zombie games and Survival games. I think anyone is fair in saying toning it down isn't unreasonable because if everyone's aggressive and acts like a psychopath in a game then it's not so enjoyable but this behaviour is forced on people because they have been killed in the past and find it easier to just very easily kill someone with a single or two bullets than having too deal with another player in a online game involving social interaction...oh dear.
  15. kurtino

    Suggestion for cutting down on bandits

    I'm personally shocked that Terror or anyone would suggest that if something like this were too happen that people would kill over a can of beans and stuff...Really? People in the real world aren't a bunch of murderers and psychopaths without emotions, no matter how hard you think you are after playing a simulation of such a event over the internet. Sure, if your mind was clouded from severe starvation, fear and other emotions then yes, if you lost your mind then maybe you'd do stuff like that...but insanity and "people in real life would kill on sight for a can of beans" are two different things. Heck, in real life you wouldn't even shoot someone for a can of beans, why the hell would you? And attract a huge horde of zombies? It wouldn't be worth it...in real life you'd play it smart and you couldn't just disconnect to remove agro from the zombies.
  16. I can't believe people are being so aggressive about this, even a certain member calling the rest of us retards because we like communication? Don't get me wrong, I like some of the changes and some of them I don't. I always think a developer should be trying too tend too the needs of the many instead of the needs of the few and opening up a game towards a wider range audience without too much disappointment. Chat though, it's not really a huge issue. There was a perfectly NORMAL option too allow or disallow chat on servers, this was fair enough it gives that extra bit of control towards server hosters or admins and towards players. The player can choose if he wants too join a server with open chat or not...each to their own surely? Too remove it all together...yes I admit it's boring...I come on my computer too play games online with people I like too communicate with people it's social interaction I mean come on, how can you fault that? About 50% of you, probably a lot more are going too be on skype or TS anyway and that certainly breaks this "immersion" everyone seems too be complaining about. You won't admit it but you certainly are. And yes, I understand the fair arguments (the ones where people aren't calling others retarded) where people have had spammers in both microphone or text...boring or repetitive chats... (friendly? who fired in X city) etc...yeah fair enough I understand...I don't really care about what kind of chats there were but if they were abusive or spam like then yeah, I understand why you wouldn't want it there. My experience with side chat was brilliant. I didn't know how too play ARMA and I used side chat for a means of communicating with others, getting help from others explaining things too me and they were fully willing too help me and all of my chats have been positive...It was nice too just talk too someone on a game see how they're doing what interesting moments they've had in the game. You know how you guys create threads on the forum too discuss moments you've had on the game? I could do that in game...and I generally don't use forums and many people don't. It is a fact that the majority of players that have played the game have probably never registered for the forums either or their post count is going too be low. Come on...I have a lot of complaints about the game but don't just put all of us into one category because we dislike a newly implemented...or perhaps removed feature. I understand both sides of the argument as well but each player has a different experience...I had a good experience with side chat and honestly, if you don't like it, why not just enable CHAT servers on/off like they use too? And to be perfectly honest, the majority of servers had chat turned on because the majority of people liked too talk...it's not like CH on/off or third person...
  17. Well everyone say's that but I've made sure that every server I've ever joined always says the correct version and that my version is updated as well as the beta. I guess technically the server could say it has the latest version but doesn't but really I only join similar popular ones, it's doubtful but it still seems too happen. Both me and my friend both had the same version and beta installed and joined the same server...I had access to Side chat but he didn't...There was no explanation for that so I'm going too say it's still a bug.
  18. Then get off your lazy ass and take it back. Holy shit imagine that. Yeah, his experiment was successful. I now enjoy the game less and have less of a desire too play it. Not everyone sits there reading the forums all day. You presume everyone is exactly like you and so everyone does the same as you...you're wrong. Funny how above poster thought the same thing. I remember when I first had the game and asked people in chat how to do this and that. Right click to bandage was the first thing I had help on...I can imagen the amount of people who just simply wont get this and believe it not, some people like to play this game casually, not super immense survival shoot on sight expert mode. Not having a chat in game just makes it harder on the forums. Here's a fun fact: Did you know there is a bug where you simply cannot communicate too each other and the side channel was already missing? I can't tell the difference if I have that or not now, so sometimes people will simply not be able too talk and not be aware that they can't read other people talking either. And no, it's not just the wrong beta version that does that, it's a legit bug that I know three people have had including myself while running the correct version.
  19. I didn't mean too say I was shooting people on sight, I meant too say people were and only 1 person stopped too talk to me and I obviously didn't shoot at him because I told you he typed in some russian language with symbols. The majority of people you'll meet will shoot on sight, the chance that I'll get any communication in this hugely online game is very little. Sure it adds too the feel of the game but come on, a game's a game. I'm sure if I turn off Skype and Team Speak, Vent or whatever...sit on my own in the dark, starve myself and cut off communication from the outside world i'll feel a lot more immersed into the game as well. Keyword being game.
  20. I have everything at the latest version, Beta patch 93965 at the moment and the latest version of DayZ through six patcher. I also have another computer which has just installed the game fresh start completely new with the game as well and it also has the same issue, so I defiantly have the latest updates. I don't read any text and I can't type in the side channel either and this applies too every server. I've had this before alongside with a friend and a restart fixed it but with both me and my other computer it's not fixing at all since the latest patches, I'm getting no chat whatsoever and I'm on servers with enabled chat. Is there a fix?
  21. Fully disabled? Are you sure? How do we communicate with each other close range then, does the direct communications channel work?
  22. My friend updated his game too and lost his sound and now I've updated my game too and I get no sound in game. I get normal ARMA 2 sounds, like accessing menu's etc but in game there is no game play sound...no footsteps no music nothing at all. Updated the game through Six Updater as well...