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About jynxie

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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  1. jynxie

    Choppers losing constant fuel?

    Exactly the same happened to us, make sure you scroll down all the way through the list of things to repair, cant remember what's at the bottom, but it was the cause of the fuel leak for us.
  2. jynxie

    DayZ Stories

    I spawn in Cherno and slowly make my way along the docks heading for the church, I see a couple of other survivors but decide even with no gear, after some recent experience its best to avoid making my presence known. The church had been looted, so had the supermarket but I did manage to find a axe, so I head off to the fire station, I mange to slip past a couple of zeds hovering by the doors and head slowly up the stairs. When I reach the top, I hear a voice that asks if I'm friendly, his names Taco and I reply that I am and proceed up the stairs only to see him on the ground with a broken leg. He asks if I have any morphine and while I eye up his Makarov and Lee Enfield, disbelief hits me as I actually hear my own voice say “ gimme 5 mins and I’ll be back”, what the hell did I say that for? I ask myself, But I cant take it back, whats said is said. I turn and run down the 3 flights of stairs, knowing there were zeds outside the door, I decided not to stop and bolted out of the fire station, I panic and run the wrong way heading east further into the factories, the zeds turn and give chase as I head north towards the hospital. It wasn’t long before 2 zeds became 4, then turning the corner another 2 joined the fun. Franticly thinking of where I could go to lose them I ran through every storehouse and building I could think of, but it didnt work and instead I have even more after me and find myself a lot more east than I wanted to be. I dont stop running though and all the while I was thinking that Taco would probably think I wasn't coming back or if I died, how long would he wait before he gave up hope?. I made it to the hospital, luckily someone else had recently been and all the windows were broken I ran straight in and started looting the boxes, morphine bandages and blood that’s all I need. The group of zeds outside wating to munch my corpse had grown significantly and I had taken a few hits on the way here. Having lost a lot of blood, I patched myself up as good as I could while I gathered my thoughts Having worked out my route back to the fire station I set of again at full speed, I cut through a big long warehouse that slows the zeds and I'm off again, I hear shots fired close to me, which attracts some of my followers and it only spurs me on, I had told Taco 5 minutes and was determined to keep my promise. I take a slight detour and head through more buildings trying to shake a few zeds and it seems to work, Once back in the fire station, I’ve lost all the zeds, head upstairs and I patch Taco up, he gives me badly needed blood as I’m down to 3k after the mercy dash and he offers his thanks and his Makarov, which I decline and we head off back into the city. Sometime later we have become separated, I don’t know why but I find myself heading back to the fire station, again head up the stairs to the top and come face to face with another survivor, but this time its different, no questions asked he just pops a couple of shots and I’m down, unconscious. He crouches over my body but for some reason he doesn’t t fire again, instead I’m assuming he tried to loot me and all the while he's leaning over me, all I can think of is “this sucks, this is the same room I saved Taco in and this is the thanks I get”? He is still crouched over me when I recover, I stand and he panics, runs straight into the wall and fires a shot that goes through the window, I start laughing as he turns to try and head down the stairs, I swing my axe and I think I miss, so I swing again and again and he disappears down the stairs, I think for second about patching myself up, but decide instead to give chase, I run down the stairs and I’m greeted by the sight of his body on the floor, seems that last swing caught him good and he paid with his life. I guess that somehow I was rewarded for my earlier compassion for a fallen survivor with a healthy dose of good fortune. My first survivor kill, self defence I tell myself, but I did feel bad and he only had himself to blame, because if your going to kill someone, just make sure they are dead before seeing what loot you can grab, just like I did when I took his compass, map, Makarov and my favourite Franks n Beans. My first rescue and my first player kill. At different times, in the same room on the same night. I love this game, thanks Rocket