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About Condemption

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    On the Coast
  1. Condemption

    Pending Hotfix: Build

    Though you are correct that the game requires a high end PC, the majority of FPS issues are from servers not cleaning things up correctly which causes massive drops in FPS for users playing on the server. So in one server I am getting 12 FPS, hop onto another server that was recently restarted and I get 40-60.
  2. Condemption

    Pending Hotfix: Build

    For some reason ammo falls out of my pockets when I pick something else up. I enjoy the comical idea that I'm just stuffing things in my pockets and they fall out, but it's quite frustrating. EDIT: What the guy above me said.
  3. Condemption

    should they roll back the update?

    YES New animations are worse than the old ones. They clearly need to do some more work on the LOS deal and zombies attacking through walls is a game breaker. I like the no weapon at start, but I do NOT like the fact that I have literally no food. Like I should seriously start out with at least one can of beans and a coke. I'm not going to leave home without a doggy bag, seriously.
  4. New ones are hilarious looking, but somehow worse. So comical seeing them flap their arms at you.
  5. Condemption

    Build 1.7.1 Rolling Update

    If the zombies are going to be this fucking ridiculous then their numbers need to be cut down a bit. Also if I run into a building to hide they all end up clogging up the exit door and just stand there for eternity instead of saying "fuck it, he is gone" and walking back out of the building. It wouldn't have been a bad thing BUT I HAD NO WEAPON! lol, it was an interestingly terrifying experience, but a little to ridiculous to the point of unplayable.
  6. Condemption

    Will FPS change ?

    So getting unplayable FPS in the major cities (Cherno for example) on a rig that should have no problems is "distributed computing"?
  7. Condemption

    An open letter to the silent majority

    Still not sure who is worse. The people complaining or the people complaining about the complainers.
  8. I should NOT be getting 15-25fps in large cities like Cherno, but I am. GTX 480 1.5gb i7 2600 3.4GHz 8gb RAM 7200 HDD Changing graphics settings does NOT make a difference. I still get FPS in the unplayable range.
  9. Condemption

    What's the point in trying?

    OP has a point, but still has it all wrong. The game is about survival. You see how long you can survive. Well, 97% of your survival involves running around a 225km map. Running. This is my main issue with the game. I spend hours upon hours traveling. Only minutes are spent scavenging, only seconds to a few minutes are spent in zombie killing and even shootouts with other survivors. Once I had an SVD. I was just running along very far north when I spotted a random survivor running along some trees and thought hell I'll kill him, and in one shot over 300m away he was dead and it was the first time I'd ever fired that gun. So it was that damn easy to just randomly murder another person who had probably been running for hours to get to the spot where they were. Not too long after this similar deal happened to me, but I went back North spent several hours getting there and was shot going by a small town on a very low population server. So the issue isn't "What is the point in trying?"...it's all about "Why even bother going that far north?" So now I just go to a few deer stands and towns slightly north and come back and just kill people in the south because there is no point in wasting time going so far north. :) Once I die near the south I'm not too far from where I died and from the locations I got my loot from. Many other people make this same decision on how to play the game because they are just stuck in between the "casual" and "hardcore". The kind of people who like a challenge, but don't have a lot of time to play or simply don't feel like risking their day off getting a gun they wanted just to be killed at random at the end of the day. Regardless of how good you are at ArmA2 gameplay you will never get enough kills or enjoy the time with a specific rare gun long enough to warrant the amount of time it takes to get to the north. DayZ kicks ass. It's the best thing to happen in a long time. It just has that unfortunate flaw of requiring massive amounts of time running which no one enjoys doing.