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Everything posted by toofu

  1. I have been using my PS3 controller to play many games for a long time now, so when i got around to using it with DayZ SA i was eager to see controller support built into the game. My only trouble is getting the axe swing to be useable on the controller. I can fire guns with the setup i have, i just can't swing a melee weapon. Considering the latest update on zombies made them a bit more difficult to deal with and not being able to swing an axe is deadly. Any ideas? I haven't tried editing the keybindings directly from the configuration file.
  2. toofu

    Keybinding issue when using axe

    @Geckofrog7: I do have raise weapon bond to a key on my controller. Even after rising the axe, using the same button that fires my rifles does not swing my axe. ~~~ @Korsbaek: Does one have to always use a keyboard and mouse for playing pc games? As I stated in my original post, i have several games i play on PC which i have taken a liking to playing with a controller, not to mention the myriad of indie games which play 100 times better with a controller in hand.
  3. Currently the game shows a player list at the server list (albeit it isn't up-to-date at all time), when you connect to a server it shows all other connected, and when you view players in-game (either via the "p" button, or the players tab while viewing the in-game map). While i understand your desire for "total immersion", and how showing the list in-game may change how people play this game, the goal of this game is not PVP. The goal of this game is PVE. Player versus Environment, currently it may seem like a PVP game due to the large lack of survival elements (cold/wet/hunting/animals) but over time this will change as the developers release more survival content. We are getting cooking whenever the next patch is released, an i'm guessing that with cooking there may be benefits to cooking foods, and drawbacks to eating something raw. What does removing the player list do for added immersion in a survival game? not much as far as i can tell. If you want blind play for immersion/realism, than i want an inventory system that takes into consideration the size of the available inventory slots, id est you can put a small protector case in a backpack but not in a jacket or pants. (this is an example, though i wouldn't be against use a change in the game.) What sort of solutions could you have for having this "blind" playstyle many you desire? making it a server side option and adding a filter to the server list. I currently use the player list to mute fellows i'm actively playing with, we use TS to communicate and any accidental use of in-game chat can be pretty scary. ~~~ (edit) For notation: i play for two reason, i love the exploration aspect of this game, the survival requirements only enhance my experiences of exploration. of course, i also like the idea of team play. playing with a handful of friends running around and helping each other survive (getting geared, fed et cetera), than we run to the spawn coast and protect fresh spawns.