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About KKS3K

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. ... Game purchase. ...
  2. KKS3K

    HOTFIX Rollng Update

    ... Yep. The Tents suck! Even more, as they would be so important for the survivel-feeling. Lost tree tents allready!! First disappeard from server after login, second disapeard after dismouted when server went down. The last I could not pick up anymore after I dismounted it (was v. 1.5.7): http://u.jimdo.com/www27/o/sa3b397b044c6203d/img/ie66e78d40250dc0c/1337969269/orig/image.jpg It even did not appear on left side of gear-window: http://u.jimdo.com/www27/o/sa3b397b044c6203d/img/i49611bf73ef79729/1337969553/orig/image.jpg ...
  3. KKS3K

    So I shot down a helicoptor today...

    ... What is the meaning of this thread? Does DookieJankins intend to show that he has something like a dick? The only thing we know now is, that Dookie cowardly shot on a helicopter-crew he asked for help, which could not respond fire due stuck in vehicle-slots. ...
  4. KKS3K


    My ingame-name: kks3k. Steam-account skorpiun. Ask for teamwork or help if needed, if you meet me on a server.
  5. KKS3K

    Girl Character?

    Killing joke wrote: "I do NOT think, as one poster had commented, that it would be a smart idea to have girl models dropped as skins throughout the game. There are no trans-gender modification stations in my zombie apocalypse, sorry." But at least it might be a good idea to place some rubber-dolls to loot? ...
  6. KKS3K

    Factions ? chose your side!

    Factions? You should go back playing your fantasy-RPGs again. There you will have magic spells, dragon-swords, girls wearing leather-bras ...and factions.
  7. When this has happend to you too: http://au.ibtimes.com/articles/345235/20120525/gamer-died-playing-diablo-3-days.htm ...
  8. KKS3K

    Server Recommendations

    PAIKEA, there are a lot of gamers on dayz you can thrust. I never had any bad experience with other gamers I got in chat-contact before and only got shot by some hidden idiots about 4 or 5 times. And I play Dayz now for more than a month.
  9. KKS3K

    Girl Character?

    It should not be impossible to add female charakters to dayz. As well zombies an players. Women exist as civilians in the Arma-games. And even female player-charakters were made by modders: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=12248 http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=12459 If Dayz calls itself realistic, then female zeds and survivers are needed too.
  10. KKS3K

    Takistan map?

    Takistan would be pretty boring. Bare hills without any trees. And then those Houses in oriental style... I could not identify with that kind of landscape.
  11. Never called the Enfield Leeroy before - but hey - what a nice nickname for it! So sad that there isnt much use for the Leeroy in dayz.
  12. K.T Gutenberg: "all this whining is incredibly fun to read. you are part of testing ..." And therefore the developers need feedback from the alpha-testers. And this is what happens in this forum...
  13. MBRicochet wrote: "I am awaiting the FART feature". Genius, but dayz was faster! Didn´t you know this feature is in progress already??? As a part of it there was that dense fog simulating the bean-fart-emissions in v. 1.5.7, now temporarily removed because of wrong color.
  14. This wood-feature doesnt make any sense to me. What is the idea of it? - To make the game more realistic? Nothing more unrealistic but finding no wood in the woods or carrying firewood in the backpack(!!!). - To force the long time survivors out of the forests into the villages again? No need to force them out with such features. Apart from the fact that it would get boring to hang around in the woods all the time (U would play deerhunter instead dayz then) one still has to loot towns and villages for ammo and drugs. - To get the peacefull guys back to bean- and firewood-war? So the idea of the game would be given away, that you have alternativ ways to survive in chernaruss, what identified the game till now.