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Wilhelm (DayZ)

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About Wilhelm (DayZ)

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Wilhelm (DayZ)

    FR 34 / FR 129 RAID WINE Servers Thread

    Hey man, I really like your server and just started playing DayZ in general about 3 days ago. But today, after I left the server because of the anounced restart, I wanted to rejoin but it says I got an admin ban, this is the full message: "You were kicked off the game. (BattlEye: Admin Ban (BP-setdamage-1 Wilhelm 07.03.2014 21:13:28 <<8ef54c8bb7391131bfa)) What does that mean, does the system think I cheated? I don't cheat and the only thing I did was check out our camp a friend and I built last night, then I went to Gorka. Killed a pig, a cow (cow kinda bugged and had 12 steaks instead of 6) and a few zombies. Didn't kill any person. I gotta say though, I was really late when leaving the server during restart, maybe the server restart caught me, when I was a short time in the lobby after aborting? I just tried joining again, the next restart should have happened already, but I still get the same message. Could you please tell me what's the problem and please unban me?