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Everything posted by hunter2123

  1. Anyone know of a good company that offers affordable VPS's? Host Altitude is THE WORST company I've EVER dealt with. We've been down over 24hrs awaiting a new IP, and the cunts refuse to refund us due to THEIR fuck ups. What I'm looking for VPS: - Full root access - unmanaged - decently priced - good amount of bandwidth
  2. So the fact we've been down over 40hrs (Due to your shit support) is our fault? It isn't rocket science to tell a DC to un null us. Real good chance we wont be continuing our service after this month, we're paying you to sit on your ass and do nothing. Funny how you say the IP became available, but we still don't have it. EDIT: Anyone considering this company, be prepared to waste money almost on a daily basis :)
  3. So on a serious note Rocket, how do you expect us to ban 'confirmed hackers' that have a bypass so nothing shows up in logs? & How is standalone gonna be hacker free if you still use CuntEye? I see DayZ going downhill....
  4. hunter2123

    Seattle 123 - Admin Abusing ~{SoH}~

    #1 NOT THE RIGHT TOPIC YOU IGNORANT FUCK #2 HIVE is fucked, shit doesn't save right. Heli always goes back to that ONE spawn that is determined by DAYZ DEVS not server hosts. Please take your ignorance to www.runescape.com
  5. hunter2123

    AS50.... AWS?

    Nope, M107 TWS was the legit one. Also, they were removed from database some time after they were taken out of the game. #idiot
  6. hunter2123

    NVG drop from "pilot zombies".

    I've heard stories about teh same thing.
  7. hunter2123

    Hacker on De 1040

    'Termo' vision... LOLOLOLOLOL
  8. Green DIAMONDS, are the AI markers originally in Arma, and that is not a player mark hack.
  9. hunter2123

    Invulnerable player

    Then your posting a retarded topic, with no point or proof. *Awaits mod to come lock this due to retardation of the OP*
  10. hunter2123

    ADMIN abuse on NO 56, 20.08.2012

    This is the dumbest report I've ever seen. Random banditry, then cry when it happens to you. Magically assume the admin teleported (which they cant without hacks) because you happened to die. Go fucking google hello kitty's island adventure, or RuneScape. You'll fit in there.
  11. Moron doesn't even know how to check the wiki to see whats in-game... & I thought our player IQ average was rising a bit.. Nope.
  12. hunter2123

    Combat Logging you fuckers.

    You didn't know 12 year olds are the key to sucess when it comes to a clan? WHERE DA FOOK U BEEN HIDIN!
  13. hunter2123

    Combat Logging you fuckers.

    Mr. Clan Admin, you sir are butthurt. But a AS50 round in their dome before they see you, -100k blood for them ;)
  14. hunter2123

    AS50.... AWS?

    AS50 TWS* You cant even read the name of the gun your holding? Btw have fun, wont find any legit ones.
  15. hunter2123

    This guy needs a huge global ban

    If its showing in logs, battleye also has that info. Incoming global for this faggot, until then I'm adding his IP to my banlist ^.^
  16. hunter2123

    Better than teamspeak

    ^ This guys a cunt. But on a serious note, if you want to stop people from entering your voice chats, lock them. Other then the fact hes a cunt, he is right. A.C.R.E. Does exactly this, but isn't implemented in DayZ and it was said by Rocket that they tried, but it was having compatibility issues. Also A.C.R.E. REQUIRES TeamSpeak, which could be a bit of a issue for some players if ACRE was implemented amongst all DayZ servers.
  17. hunter2123

    Official US 1040 Colony Thread

    We'll see. Where ya from? Some poor 3rd world country ? Considering the DataCenter is pressing charges, not myself; the kids fucked.
  18. hunter2123

    ~Surplus for Trade~

    Nice hacked nades. (RGO's)
  19. Just find it funny how the SIMPLEST things will take your company 24+ hours. Changing a IP on the VPS? 30+ hours waiting now. Oh and because you were too lazy to change it, we got nulled by DC because of the DDoS's; best part? No refunds for YOUR fuck ups.
  20. H.A. is the worst company out there.
  21. hunter2123

    Official US 1040 Colony Thread

    Federal charges pending, let him have his fun :) Alos this ADMINZ R HAXIN!@#@! OMIGAWD, come check our staff list out. Darwin is not a part of our staff team, nor was he ever. Allowing 1 hacker into the server to tell me whos teleporting and shit, is really the only defense a admin has especially since battleblind does nothing. No where in the host agreement does it say "You cannot allow a hacker onto your server to catch the other guys with bypass's that are nuking" Quite honestly, if your on my server hacking and nothing comes up in logs I DON'T CARE. But when you start nuking shit, I will ban you, your bypass wont save you when someone else is watching.
  22. hunter2123

    Official US 1040 Colony Thread

    Read the things you click on sir..
  23. hunter2123

    Battleye Global Ban #e7bd

    You fucking idiot, read stickies.
  24. hunter2123

    Invalid ban from UK 119

    That's like hitting shift P or opening map and scrolling. your a fucking shit admin