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Everything posted by hunter2123

  1. http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/184745-cmf-chernarus-military-force-epochmatureorganized/
  2. hunter2123

    Looking for epoch group

  3. Check us out if youd like http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/184745-cmf-chernarus-military-force-epochmatureorganized/
  4. hunter2123

    Searching for Standalone Partner

    Check us out man! http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/184745-cmf-chernarus-military-force-epochmatureorganized/
  5. hunter2123

    looking to join a group/clan any type of epoch

    Check us out ! http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/184745-cmf-chernarus-military-force-epochmatureorganized/
  6. hunter2123

    Tactical Style squadmates needed

    Check us out, we wouldn't move servers but we're tactical! http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/184745-cmf-chernarus-military-force-epochmatureorganized/
  7. hunter2123

    Looking for a group/Clan!

    Check out the CMF http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/184745-cmf-chernarus-military-force-epochmatureorganized/
  8. We've switched backt to cherno! www.unreal-dayz.com TS SERVER SERVER #2 Self BB Auto Refuel/repair Infistar Hostage options (Check them out) Snap build AI Missions Side Chat Active Admins Admin spots open Starting Loadouts
  9. hunter2123

    4 characters? Stable vs. Experimental?...

    Yep that is true.
  10. Free briefcase & Car when you register on our website!
  11. Come to unreal-dayz.com we have ACTIVE ADMINS tons of scripts We LISTEN to our players! admin events all the time admin spots open all of your favorite scripts 512 slot TS DEDICATED SERVER none of this dayz st crap
  12. We've opened our TeamSpeak to the public of DayZ. Whether you play Standalone or Mod you can come here and meet some new friends and find a group to play with. Already have a group? Get a private channel for free by asking a Admin We have 512 slots so theres room for EVERYONE TS IS Hosted by UnReal Gaming
  13. hunter2123

    Fix teh damn issues

    Climbing ladders should not instantly kill you. Zombies should not 1 hit Bandaging should not plummet you through the floor to a broken leg. Cmon games been out how long ? Alpha sure. Quit focusing on making shit .22 rifles and fix the GAMEBREAKING issues
  14. We've opened our TeamSpeak to the public of DayZ. Whether you play Standalone or Mod you can come here and meet some new friends and find a group to play with. Already have a group? Get a private channel for free by asking a Admin We have 512 slots so theres room for EVERYONE TS IS Hosted by UnReal Gaming
  15. hunter2123

    StandAlone or MOD?

    In the Standalone you start with nothing.
  16. hunter2123

    Role Playing Servers?

    Real RP servers wont be able to be enforced until private hives
  17. Well we're looking to add some people to our group. A little about us We're not bandits or heros, we're survivors. We play a lot and have our own TS and website Check us out unreal-dayz.com addm eo n steam huntinyou
  18. hunter2123

    Looking to add to our epoch group/server

    Gotten a few PMs!
  19. Need some help with scripts on epoch skype jorden.welscher or pm me here
  20. We either have or are adding what you want. Check out my thread "Decayed Dayz Epoch"
  21. hunter2123

    [Survival Force]

    Survival Force is a group of survivors that make decision. We are not bandits or heros we just survive. We play EPOCH Add my on steam if interested huntinyou We are mature, and use TeamSpeak to communicate.
  22. hunter2123

    US 264 Dallas`

    Never seen a server owner rage SO hard about a tractor getting stolen :D:D:D: http://steamcommunity.com/id/jbobl338/screenshot/939252621053070508?tab=public Go check out the side chat while your at it.
  23. Sick of hackers killing you because nothing shows up in logs so admins cant ban? Sick of your tents not saving? Sick of admins that aren't active, or just plain ol' lazy? Check us out at http://swift-gaming....forum/index.php We strive to bring the best gaming experience possible on a private HIVE. Database backups every 25 minutes, loads of vehicles. Side Chat. You name it. 99 Player Slots (on a box that can handle it ;) ) Anything you'd like to suggest for us to add, please add it in the suggestion area of the website. :) Thanks for reading.