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Everything posted by hunter2123

  1. hunter2123

    [Video] 2 Helicopters

  2. hunter2123

    [Video] 2 Helicopters

    Negative' date=' repair the Hull even if it's green. That's the cause of the leak as you cannot add Fuel Tank Parts to the UH-1H. [hr']
  3. hunter2123

    [Video] Overwatch at Stary Sobor

    ^ Hop in my TeamSpeak ts.adrenaline-gaming.net and look for Hunter. Yes the video is quite boring it was just a framerate test mostly, only had one contact the whole time at Stary but we don't server hop so maybe that's why. Posting some videos, we had 3 helos today total :) One got shot down and we didn't get footage of all 3 at once, just 2
  4. Screen shot taken on 6/28/12 http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/163/sidechat.jpg/
  5. hunter2123

    [Series] "Your story"

    Your story is a lets play, that you can dictate! What I do is dictated on top comments/most likes on those top comments. The first episode is just a preview as to what I will be doing in the future. A few friends and I thought this was a great idea, and would be a ton of fun. My YouTube channel is http://www.youtube.com/user/jwrollin?feature=mhee Season 1 Episode 1 (Preview) is here
  6. hunter2123

    [Series] "Your story"

    Thanks for your reply.
  7. Had tons of issues with them on Dallas 1 also.
  8. hunter2123

    not banned from Dayz but from a server.

    When a dev says "thats hacking" that's how I react. As I expect any of the staff would.
  9. hunter2123

    not banned from Dayz but from a server.

    I had Dwarden say it was a cheat. I also had some other random say it had to do with a vehicle, this happened 26 minutes after Sherman died so if he did make it back to his camp, his leader Foo said no vehicles were at camp. Therefore he didn't touch a vehicle which made it suspicious so I went with what Dwarden told me.
  10. hunter2123

    Add way of adding people to your group

    +1 Group is still in the mission Bad, just not side or global.
  11. hunter2123

    3v1 Rampage

    Well I was going to start a top 10 kills/lols/fails etc. of the week for DayZ as I thought it might be interesting, I've only gotten one clip so far so I'm gonna upload it as a "preview" to the series. Like/Comment/Subscribe for more, contact me via PM to send some clips in. Hoping to have the first top ten up very very soon Clip was submitted by [AG-1] Sherman as he tried to take out 3 guys with just a revolver..
  12. hunter2123

    3v1 Rampage

    Thanks for any support, videos will keep coming
  13. hunter2123

    Server hoppin BARSTARD

    You know, the kids that hop server just to loot the barrack at the NW airfield or something? This is what we think of them...
  14. hunter2123

    Server hoppin BARSTARD

    They do. We had a few but none left and haven't seen any since.
  15. hunter2123

    Server hoppin BARSTARD

    Link edited, unsure why it did that. Thanks for bringing it to my attention.
  16. hunter2123

    Opinion on server hoppers? (JUSTICE)

    Still the best kill ever :)
  17. This is how we did it :D Totally failed trying to shoot one that didn't detonate.. We need more satchels now :/
  18. This isn't minecraft. Don't dedicated servers run at like 100mb?
  19. hunter2123


    Even if you were blacklisted, it would be your fault. The dev's have said NO EDITING THE M-I-S-S-I-O-N then something about not following guidelines could result in blacklist etc.
  20. hunter2123

    3v1 Rampage

    Sizes are off because Sherman edited it before sending O.o
  21. hunter2123

    What to do with a UAZ...

    Regardless. It got blown up because its a unneeded piece of crap. Coffin on wheels