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Everything posted by hunter2123

  1. hunter2123

    Chopper 1 week respawn?

    I believe the 1 week respawn is as it should be.
  2. hunter2123

    looking to team up

    Check out my signature, we host a public DayZ TeamSpeak and a TON of people are in the same exact position as you. Hope to see you on our TeamSpeak !
  3. hunter2123

    New Invisibility Hack

    We can only hope..
  4. hunter2123

    Looking for a small group to play with

    Added you on Skype
  5. swift-gaming.hiddencorner.org is our TeamSpeak. We use it as a public TS , as well as a few clans use it.
  6. hunter2123

    Murder or not?....How does this happen?

    On the Lingor version of DayZ (Unoffical)
  7. DayZ devs COULD, but I doubt they will.
  8. hunter2123

    Was Harry a cheater?

    Admins cant give power.
  9. hunter2123

    Dayz Train

    Sounds perfect for banditry...
  10. hunter2123

    Was Harry a cheater?

    I am Harry, we seen you running through the woods and when I tried to engage you you murdered me as you said. My mate shot you in the back as you walked right up to the person you shot without looking around you. Unsure what happened in that barn though, I respawned in Solichny after you murdered me. I will say well played, you outsmarted and killed me. Unfortunately for you, you didn't check your surroundings and their was another 4 people with me. Also, I am the host of US 1040 and you can always pop in TeamSpeak if you have a issue on our server swift-gaming.hiddencorner.org Also with no kill messages, this is because we do not have them enabled. We are a 100% expert server.
  11. hunter2123

    Keeping hacked vehicles.

    100%, like I just said in your cheat report. I don't think you need multiple threads for the same question, also if you KNOW its hacked why would you even want to keep it? #herpderp
  12. hunter2123

    LU211 Hacker

    Sounds like mass killing to me.
  13. hunter2123

    US 1520 hacked vehicle.

    It wont be there after server restart as its hacked, so no.
  14. hunter2123

    Server Blackout

    When a day/time is figured out, shoot me a PM.
  15. hunter2123

    What is the best way to kill a player?

    Shoot them in the face, or hack them to death. Quite simple. & You can find beans in towns, how else do you think people find them to begin with ? -.-
  16. hunter2123

    How to find a home server ?

    US 1040 is up 100% of the time, also restarted when needed.
  17. Just to add, I've setup the Mumble server for you if you decide you want it. Set at 1000 slots for now, if it ever needs to be raised it can no problem. to login the mumble. Contact me there or via PM for more information and so we could set this all up
  18. hunter2123

    Server hosting problems with Host Altitude

    I'd suggest villayer, or HostVenom when they get the DayZ side up.
  19. hunter2123

    Server hosting problems with Host Altitude

    It took over a week to regain a password to my VPS (wasnt a new customer) we got DDoSed so I sent a ticket in, they reply saying 'we have no reports' like ummmmm you inbred cunts thats the report right there. Moving to HostVenom in a few days.
  20. You got banned from a PRIVATE HIVE which has nothing to do with DayZ. Play official servers or cry more. Second option will entertain me more.
  21. hunter2123

    Dayz ban

    No one tell him rofl. Everyone except him will be banned.
  22. Just shoot me a PM if you'd like to utilize the service I'm offering to you free of charge. I could also stick a mumble up specificly for DayZclans.com if that would work better for you.
  23. He should still get blacklisted for being too retarded to read the rules he agreed upon when he applied for whitelist :)
  24. hunter2123

    Server hosting problems with Host Altitude

    Send a ticket in, and wait 36+ hours. Then get a refund, Host Altitude sucks.