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Everything posted by hunter2123

  1. hunter2123

    Scottie's Greatest Kill

    Was lookin at my YouTube, seen this from when my group was at its tactical peak. Was pretty fun, raped a server hopper.
  2. hunter2123

    Official US 1040 Colony Thread

    Follow procedure and you wont be shot.
  3. hunter2123

    Admin abuse on US 1040

    As I've said everything you say it just bs. No proof of anything. I'll gladly send the RPT to a DayZ admin if and when they request it, but I'm sure you don't know what a RPT is Freddie. Take your childish claims elsewhere. You say "oh you spawn this, you spawn that" but I see nothing to back that up. Server logs will prove it. You saying 'send it to a higher admin' means nothing, it will be sent to them when and if they request it. If I'm global banned how am I playing now ? Who in their right mind would buy FIVE different keys? Insane.
  4. hunter2123


    Rofl.. Incoming blacklist
  5. hunter2123

    Wanting to do an event for charity

    Against DayZ rules to lock a server.
  6. hunter2123

    Wanting to rent a server

    Server logs help you none when idiots have a bypass.
  7. hunter2123

    Bomber for hire

    Facepalm at hosts who don't know the rulez
  8. hunter2123

    Servers should be cleaned/reset after a few months?

    He's just a forum mod and has nothing to do with DayZ itself other then moderate the forums. >:(
  9. hunter2123

    Admin abuse on US 1040

    Only time its been 'reset' when something happens is when hackers decide its a good idea to call arty/airstrikes in on the factory and completely blow it to pieces along with most likely a good majority of the map. It gets restarted to bring it back to original form, and not a huge map of rubble because a script kiddie goes psycho
  10. hunter2123

    Admin abuse on US 1040

    I don't speak retard, I will send any logs to any DayZ dev that requests them. Which means not you. & Yes you were banned from our site, constant spam threads aren't needed. You do realize EVERYTHING you claim other then TeamSpeak kicks/bans are just heresay with no type of evidence? You say I'm a hacker, but I see nothing to support this. You say I'm global banned, but yet I still play DayZ. Your not so smart are you?
  11. hunter2123

    Admin abuse on US 1040

    Chat logs for TeamSpeak don't need to be provided as that has nothing to do with DayZ.
  12. hunter2123

    Admin abuse on US 1040

    He was never banned from the DayZ server sir. Only TeamSpeak which is basically a voice chatroom.
  13. hunter2123

    Admin abuse on US 1040

    No point in replying to this, this is our TeamSpeak not the DayZ server.
  14. hunter2123

    Admin abuse on US 1040

    + I love how you accuse me of spawning things.. LOL! With no proof, *Awaits good ol' Legacy to lock a bullshit topic*
  15. hunter2123

    Assassination contract, US 1040

    Trolololololol, try us :)
  16. hunter2123

    Admin abuse on US 1040

    DayZ has no control over my TeamSpeak. Good try though. & You were banned for constant bugging of EVERYONE
  17. hunter2123

    Official US 1040 Colony Thread

    Too funny :D
  18. hunter2123

    Official US 1040 Colony Thread

    Your good mojo. When the artifacts get fixed we're moving to green mountain
  19. hunter2123

    Official US 1040 Colony Thread

    With BEC you can have servers auto reset every few hours. It's done to ensure zombies and loot cycle correctly on the server for when admins aren't on, but we don't turn off the BEC when we're online so it will still auto restart. So anymore raiders? 2 Failed attempts so far.
  20. hunter2123

    Official US 1040 Colony Thread

    Oh yes, a clear video of the server restarting. Such proof. Lmao. We don't restart when we get attacked, oh and the retard that says we need to move, yea lets go to green mountain with the artifacts because rocket cant fix what he broke :) sounds fun
  21. hunter2123

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Failed horribly, artifacts are worse
  22. hunter2123

    Wanting to start..

    I want to start say a group or a team of people. We can use Skype or Teamspeak, whichever is prefered by most. Thinking about 10 people or so. Add me on skype jorden.welscher I want us to -Survive -Thrive -Win
  23. hunter2123


    Looks suspicious to me
  24. hunter2123

    Official US 1040 Colony Thread

    You were never banned server side, it was TeamSpeak side and we resolved that via PM. Was the wrong person, you weren't the one having a go. I've never restarted the server due to people dying, what would the point even be? Bodies vanish and they would still respawn on coast.