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Everything posted by hunter2123

  1. hunter2123

    Official US 1040 Colony Thread

    Both security and scavenger spots are open :) We don't charge for blood transfusions, we even give you the bag free if we have extras!!! Food/Water is located center floor in a tent to accomedate all of our guests.
  2. Turn off the voting? God damn. I suggest a minimum IQ to run a server.
  3. Prove it. They're still going to use CuntEye
  4. "30 year old kid" Grow up. Nuff Said.
  5. hunter2123

    Admin abuse on US 1040

    TeamSpeak admin yea.
  6. Hello, I'd like to introduce my new 512 slot TeamSpeak server (Hosted by Swift-Gaming) dedicated to DayZ. (Yes their are a few others but why only have 4-5 500 slot servers with 500k unique players on DayZ?) We now HOST us 1040 Server Stuff: Slots : 512 Staff needed?: Yes IP: swift-gaming.hiddencorner.org Port: 9987 WebSite: http://swift-gaming....ner.org/forums/ Notice: We ARE looking for staff members, Administrators and Moderators of the TeamSpeak server to ensure all rules are followed and that the clients using our TeamSpeak are being treated fairly and not being harassed by others. Also this is a NEW TeamSpeak, bring all your friends in. RULES: All DayZ Rules are to be followed Respect the Administration (They aren't paid to be staff) Talking about ANY hacks/exploits/dupes will result in a ban and it will be forwarded to DayZ staff No Hacking Notes: Any feedback is welcomed and will be read, reply to this forum or send to my email Any major problems are to be E-mailed to [email protected] Custom channels/ Server groups will be assigned to clans, or a group of people that are regularly in the TeamSpeak (Contact Hunter) Once again, we are in NEED of staff for this TeamSpeak. Contact Hunter ASAP for a application. (All Timezones, Bilingual is also nice)
  7. hunter2123

    Idiot streaming

    http://www.own3d.tv/zExplicit/live/366217 Title says all.
  8. hunter2123

    Admin abuse on US 1040

    Funny how you get 'banned' when no admins are on whatsoever?
  9. hunter2123

    Admin abuse on US 1040

    <3 to see this proof. Only 3 people have the admin passwords, none have been playing most of the night.
  10. hunter2123

    Idiot streaming

    Are you blind, retarded, or both?
  11. You might just be as retarded as them "Dont ban the hackers :o!!!!!" Btw, battleye isnt winning shit. If people are using a good website to pay for the bypass, they dont get banned unless they stream it.
  12. hunter2123

    Official US 1040 Colony Thread

    Believe we're still up there, we had a few that didn't die.
  13. 0$ unless he doesn't use battleye. I'm not paying more $ just to get raped by hackers.
  14. hunter2123

    "Can only ban confirmed hackers"

    Though this is smart, then we wasted money on a server only to get blacklisted because Rocket's rules are fucking retarded.
  15. hunter2123

    Official US 1040 Colony Thread

    Ah good ol' colony still goin good. Just waiting for the artifacts to get fixed.
  16. hunter2123

    "Can only ban confirmed hackers"

    The big problem with the bypasses are, a certain website that you pay for said bypass has gotten almost no one banned for it (I watch the site) I'm thinking about paying for it just to forward it to BE. But if someone has a bypass NOTHING comes up in logs.
  17. hunter2123

    Admin abuse on US 1040

    You cant even spell but you try to call people stupid... Were you dropped on your head as a baby?
  18. /idiotcantreadchangelogs Radar was taken out of the UH-1H in DayZ
  19. hunter2123

    Why should we be a server host?

    You might just be retarded if you don't even know how to ban people.
  20. Nope. Your fucked along with everyone else.
  21. hunter2123

    Dear Bandits of EU404,

    LMFAO! Nice man!
  22. hunter2123

    Server hosting problems with Host Altitude

    Don't expect it to get better. I've never seen customer support THIS bad. Can't wait for my month to be over.
  23. hunter2123

    Server hosting problems with Host Altitude

    So a idiot specificly telling me "IM GOING TO DDoS YOU" then my box going down for a insane amount of time, isnt a DDoS? Owait, might just be your shitty company fucking up.