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Everything posted by hunter2123

  1. hunter2123

    US 1040

    We have made revisions to the admin structure, and removed the admins who were restarting the server for retarded reasons. These actions wont occur and if they do the admin will lose his rank and the password will be changed *as it just was* Sorry for having idiots on the server, at some points I assumed it was the auto restarts but it ended up being idiots when i checked the logs.
  2. hunter2123

    Official US 1040 Colony Thread

    We hit you with DMR 3 times because you didn't follow the procedure that says follow the road, you proceeded to run around and go "awwwwww mannnnn" after I banned you I couldn't find a body, so I told you via TS that if you can provide the video I'll unban you. Was a bit fishy you wouldn't die and with the amount of hackers that attack us we're a bit weary. I'll be looking into this now.
  3. 3-4 DMR rounds to the head and you didn't die. At 300M the damage of the DMR wouldn't be that low to take more then that amount of shots.
  4. hunter2123

    Server Admins in US 1040 cheating

    How did you find out peoples names on a no name tag server? None of our admins hack, I can assure you of that. None of the vehicles are spawned in, I could let ANYONE watch me save it and run a restart and they will still be there. Most of our regulars have been playing together BEFORE we hosted US 1040, and when the server went up we went vehicle hunting like anyone else would. Like you said, no proof just butthurtness. Would you happen to be the guy that used the 'lock' script on me when I shot you with a DMR?
  5. hunter2123

    Official US 1040 Colony Thread

    You attempted to raid us, hence why you got shot.
  6. hunter2123

    Official US 1040 Colony Thread

    Trololololol at the hacker that just locked me when i hit him twice with the DMR.... Say hello to perm ban
  7. hunter2123

    Official US 1040 Colony Thread

    But notice how your video is edited and shows next to nothing. I replied to your PM
  8. hunter2123

    Official US 1040 Colony Thread

    "You were kicked off game" Isn't a admin kicking you. Getting kicked by admin is "Battleye: Admin Kick (reason)" 16:09:26 Player Deltron kicked off by BattlEye: Client not responding Only time you were kicked, I can post the logs of you logging in and disconnecting a few times. But as of today thats the only reason you would've been kicked, plus thats not admin kick so. Actual admin kick with no reason typed up
  9. hunter2123

    Trading outpost

    WE run a trading post/ colony
  10. Yes, the server as in the VPS. Which runs DayZ, TeamSpeak, website, etc.
  11. "You will gain a reserved slot for game servers and TeamSpeak server (where able to)" is the direct quote. notice the WHERE ABLE TO? We're not allowed to on DayZ server so we don't. I've never kicked anyone to let more someone else into the game. We don't ONLY host DayZ hence why its WHERE ABLE TO. & You being on this thread is pretty unncessary in the first place. Me and the OP have sorted it but a butthurt kiddie wants to add his two sense. Go cry about the passworded/locked servers not the ones that have auto restarts. Just so happens they attacked at the wrong time, and some derp banned them for who knows what reason. Hence why staff is getting revised. Your two cents aren't needed/wanted until you get a purple name (Doubtful)
  12. Server was never shutdown due to attacks, we have auto restarts. But think what you want kid. I wasn't even the one to ban them, I cant find any logs to backup the ban so I said I would unban, the admin that DID ban them however will no longer have Rcon passwords to stop things from happening in the future. EDIT: Don't need GUID, both unbanned.
  13. Ok so you cheated, but yet you want a unban? Gime ur GUID and ill unban u. EDIT : Guids not needed
  14. hunter2123

    Official US 1040 Colony Thread

    I would enjoy that. I'm just not going to deal with hackers/server hoppers/ mr IM GONNA ALTF4 CUS COD IS EASIER THEN THIS
  15. hunter2123

    Official US 1040 Colony Thread

    LOL I didn't see that... Whoever did that has a sense of humor
  16. Missing where your actually banned vs the 30 second video. Love how you leave out what happened before you got banned. Oh and nice DC to avoid PvP ya cunt. I'm gonna be going through server logs, get back to you when I have time.
  17. hunter2123

    Official US 1040 Colony Thread

    We have more then one.
  18. hunter2123

    Official US 1040 Colony Thread

    We pick people up as long as they're in TeamSpeak, a designated driver could be nice.
  19. hunter2123

    US 264 Dallas`

    Back to a server thats not ran by a mouse on a wheel. No wonder you have next to 0 players everyday Star, oh and why your making a Private Hive so you can get around rocket's rules because you know blacklist is imminent.
  20. hunter2123

    Official US 1040 Colony Thread

    Having people on the hill that aren't logged in, and server hopping are different things. But whatever you say, so many butthurt little kids. Groups of 3-4 aren't gonna take out a well rounded team of 15+
  21. hunter2123

    Official US 1040 Colony Thread

    Can assure you no one would be cheating on my server if I knew of it or seen it happen. We try to provide as legit of a server as possible (Staying within Rockets rules)
  22. hunter2123

    Official US 1040 Colony Thread

    Cheater group? Lololololololololololololololololololooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool
  23. hunter2123

    come on guys, fix your servers

    You pay a server then.
  24. hunter2123

    Official US 1040 Colony Thread

    Just contact me via TS3 whenever man. We'll keep a spot open for ya