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Everything posted by Murlough

  1. Murlough

    I tried to be a nice guy...

    Oh.... yeah dont do that at work. I assumed you meant on the street or in a store or something. And i woildn't mind seeing clown costume zombies and/or clown costumes added :D. Also it just sucks. I apologize because im in somewhat of a similar scenario and i hate it. But glad it doesn't bug ya. Ill get there someday.
  2. Murlough

    I tried to be a nice guy...

    Dude.... im sorry about that. Maybe you should try saying or doing something funny? Like if they dont respond follow them and make velociraptor noises.... that usually gets them talkin'.
  3. Murlough

    Any friendlies in standalone...?

    For the first two ive met a "squeker" and lived to tell the tale. No bullets fired. And i usually run kn front when with multiple people and i havent been shot in the back yet.(In that instance) I did have a sniper chase me out of Cherno into the woods and then killed me as i was eating some food.(I was starving lol.)
  4. Murlough

    How to get back into the game?

    Go on a full pop server and do a Detroit roll through Berenzino. That'll get ya back into it.
  5. Murlough

    Call Out SheepDog402

    Not necessarily... my steam account isnt linked to my Forums profile... This needs to happen.... i need this..... so lonely.....
  6. Murlough

    Call Out SheepDog402

    Wow i hope the moderators get here quick.
  7. Murlough

    What you wear....

    Yeah when i first started i actually kept expanding this group of people i just met with more people after telling them how to type. Looking back it felt pretty awesome running with like eight guys who all happened to be new. I don't really remember how we all died. Some of us ended up breaking off in search of loot and im pretty sure i caught a bullet or two a little afterwards. Anyway it was a good time.
  8. I don't know why but after ive become fully geared i think i own the ground everyone walks on and then end up unexpectly running into my death.
  9. Murlough

    What you wear....

    Lol i actually met a guy who knew how to do that before he knew how to type xD. Anyway i just let them know to press "/" then i act depending on thier response.
  10. Murlough

    Military Tents Spawn To Much Loot?

    Yeah i agree its a bit much.... also *in frosty the snowman's voice* HAPPY BIRTHDAAAAY!
  11. Murlough

    What you wear....

    As long as they make some sort of effort at communication then i will be fine. But if you see someone in a firehouse pick up thier fire axe after typing "hey there." Then we gots a problem.
  12. Murlough

    What you wear....

    Your damn right we do! Good day.
  13. Murlough

    Bugged audio.

    Another one im curious about is randomly a certain players mic is "broadcasted" throughout the entire server. It actually once got some bandits completely OWNED because one of them could be heard holding ul fresh slawns.
  14. Murlough

    What you wear....

    So much swag..... Thank you thats exactly what im saying.
  15. Murlough

    What you wear....

    ......Im not crying(actually im laughing cuz your post is ludicrous) i said pretty clearly i just want to know WHY its so bad. Its a mask. Thats all it is. A mask. Ive never once seen something with a payday mask act like a bandit which is why im curious. You apparently didnt pick up on that and assumed im crying.... after i mentioned ive NEVER DIED WITH A PAYDAY MASK ON EXCEPT BY SUICIDE. Wow i should change my title to ranter. Also ill get shot and killed regardless of my clothes so the mask doesnt really change that :P.
  16. Murlough

    A third M1911

    Hell yeah! Let's add light saber skin for shovels too!
  17. Murlough

    I tried to be a nice guy...

    "He did not except my invitation for chit-chat so i popped a cap in his face."
  18. Can they? Very probably. Should they? That's debatable.
  19. Murlough

    What you wear....

    Um, well.... i think it looks cool....i guess.
  20. Murlough

    Just a tiny question.

    And while that may be true id suggest letting the moderators handle it instead of getting angry yourself. If he really is just complaining about himself getting banned or whatever then it will simply happen again. No sense in acnowledging(no way i spelled that right :P) him.
  21. Murlough

    Just a tiny question.

    You quoted it yourself "check the account, it's been active for months," apparently you missed that part. I understand where your coming from but i think you should chill a bit.
  22. Murlough

    Just a tiny question.

    I would think constructive criticism goes in the "suggestions" area but i could be wrong.
  23. Murlough

    What you wear....

    Lol i can understand that i guess i would just prefer MAKING SURE they are a bandit before murdering them. If i find one of those masks id wear it but i certainly am not a bandit (.....yet hwehehwehehwe)
  24. Murlough

    What you wear....

    Thats precisely why i made this thread. So what if hes wearing a mask? How does wearing a mask paint a KOS target on him/her? I doesnt make sense to me if everyone id a bandit than why does the mask make any difference? Personally if i find the mask im gonna wear it solely because it looks cool. (And no imnot butthurt of a past death because ive only worn the mask once and am pretty sure i took a nice little fall to my death). Id just like to understand why it affects people. I apologize if im ranting :P
  25. Murlough

    Any friendlies in standalone...?

    Unfortunatly experimental is always filled up when im on.