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Everything posted by Murlough

  1. Murlough

    Reporting Hackers?

    Beatin' to it. Nevermind.
  2. Murlough

    Counteracting server hoppers

    I think if you logged out in a city or town then you should spawn at certain radius out of it. That way you can still spawn near the area you were in for legitimate players but for those who server hop they can no longer spawn where ever they want.
  3. Murlough

    Relog = newspawn #2

    PLEASE EXPLAIN! How was i being a troll? This a question. I am asking you because i seriously do not know. And another thing: even if i am a troll (which is absolutely obsurd) at least i have the decency not to talk down to others.
  4. Murlough

    Relog = newspawn #2

    Sorry i thought i could ask a question. My bad.
  5. Murlough

    Relog = newspawn #2

    What are you hoping to accomplish posting that here?
  6. Murlough

    Rocket said

    I personally disagree :P.
  7. Murlough

    I hear dead people.....

    So, alot of people on these forums are crazy for "immersion" and "realism." So I have recently been thinking about the game and how it differs from reality and how it mimics reality. One of the most unrealistic things that i came up with was the strange ability for Chernebus residents to talk after dying. I understand very well that this is a video game but for people striving for realism do you like being able to talk after dying? Or your unfortunate victim "talking" to you after they have fallen? Discuss! (Also if bohemia has plans to remove this or anything i apologize for being damn ignorant :) )
  8. Murlough

    I hear dead people.....

    I'm positive i've talked during the "you are dead..." screen on multiple occasions. That was maybe an update or two ago (Ive been surviving :P) but ive never heard of it being patched.EDIT: Actually i did it recently on a friends computer a few weeks ago. This tool killed me chasing me down with a sniper rifle. I told him after i died that he didn't need to waste any more bullets because i was dead.... he still shot me alot though.
  9. Murlough

    Rocket said

    Everybody look out! Theres a psychic in here!
  10. Murlough

    Rocket said

    If no one is playing there wouldn't BE a community xD.Edit: Just be clear i don't agree with that person. Ill be playing until i can't possibly have fun with it anymore (which i imagine would be quite a while.
  11. Murlough

    Counteracting server hoppers

    COUNTER-POINT: No its not.
  12. Murlough

    Playing the good guy...

    I agree with the first two at least. I would strongly prefer not eating when im logged off (i may have read that wrong so if I did feel free to let me know xD). But yeah, hopefully that will come eventually. Also i think that there should be a limit to how many zombies come to you if you fire a weapon. An endless stream of zombies would make using firearms a deathwish. The way Id like it to be is it draws in zombies within a large radius from the shots to the shooters location. That way if he stays in a certain area said person could at least have a chance of survival. And the zombies should respawn in a different part of Chernebus that way it at least appears that you have cleared an area. That would also give people room to set a perimeter around the area and maybe fortify it. (Thats assuming large groups of players will work together more and we eventually get to do that sort of thing.) Anyway thats my wish for what the game to become. If you watch TWD then id like it to be how Rick's group lived in the Prison. Sending out groups of people for scavenging and having people guard the perimeters. Lol i know im ranting but just think of all the possibilties!
  13. Murlough

    Playing the good guy...

    The only reason i say "problem" is because 90% of alot of peoples experiences is being killed on sight or at least being forced to defend themselves. The "problem" is causing more and more players to lose trust in others and join that 90%. I wish KOSing could be about 30% personally. That way its sorta realistic at least. I never ment KOSing itself was a problem, just how often it happens is. Also it IS a valid playstyle i just wish there was more people who did it for a reason besides pure enjoyment. Edit: Another thing, I never said it was the source of DayZ's problems. DayZ has ALOT of problems at this point. Lowering the number KOSers in the game only fixes one in one hundred. But then again this is alpha and im sure most of them will be fixed at some point. P.S. This is just my opinion.
  14. Murlough

    Confessions of a Medic

    I knew as soon as i saw the title that Guppy was the OP. XD On topic though, your like the pyscho doctors in other games.... killin' people and healin' people with only your merciless wim to guide you.
  15. Murlough

    Playing the good guy...

    If you start KOS'ing because youve been KOS'ed then your every bit as part of the problem as the ones who did it to you. Also my point was that some people are trustworthy. You have just told me that 10% of your encounters are friendly. That's pretty damn good if you ask me xD.
  16. Murlough

    Walkie Talkie Stranger

    Lynched? What the hell! You guys need to stop taking this game so seriously.
  17. Murlough

    Walkie Talkie Stranger

    Human nature? Um no mate this is a video game... for entertainment. If this were real the guys doing that probably wouldn't last too long. Im shocked you would even assume that was human nature. Maybe stop taking games so seriously? On a side note, the 10% chance of it not happening is what keeps me playing.
  18. Murlough

    Walkie Talkie Stranger

    I agree that you should do it more often. Most people i know would have just laughed back at him through the walkie talkie. Sorry he turned out to be a scumbag. Made for a great story though. :)
  19. Murlough

    Walkie Talkie Stranger

    Never trust anyone because he got tricked? Please be joking.
  20. Murlough

    Dear Bambi Slayer 9000

    ........... i hope thats a joke.
  21. Murlough

    Playing the good guy...

    Shit happens. Just cause you had an experience with an asshole doesn't mean no one is trustworthy.
  22. Murlough

    Survival (Too Easy?)

    I think it could use a name-change but not be harder. The current "hardcore" is doing exactly what it should: not allowing third-person. But yeah i guess they could add a harder difficulty feature for you extreme badasses out there.
  23. Murlough

    things that make you rage quit

    Losing to my sister in Mario Kart :'(.
  24. Murlough

    Survival (Too Easy?)

    "Hardcore" in this game doesn't refer to difficulty. It just won't let you play in third-person.
  25. Murlough

    Survival (Too Easy?)

    I would assume that the amount of guns and ammo we find will change drasticly after alpha ends. So that bows become a viable option and the survival will be tougher. When it comes to food id imagine pretty much the same. Also hoping for more zombies and weapons that don't ALWAYS one-shot but thats my opinion :).