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Everything posted by Murlough

  1. Murlough

    Would you like DayZ on Console?

    Yeaaah ok i apologize i think im being a little childish after all xD. I guess i interpreted that wrong my bad. And yeah thanks.
  2. Murlough

    What's your Favorite Weapon right now?

    I wish that we could somehow have a specialization with certain weapons. I gotta admit if i could wwalk around using a hammer like Tyreese from TWD id never even get a gun xD.
  3. Murlough

    What's your Favorite Weapon right now?

    Shovel. Definatly shovel.
  4. Murlough

    Would you like DayZ on Console?

    Wow i just finished reading the commentes and there is clearly no love for consoles... im almost ashamed of having a different opinion.
  5. Murlough

    Would you like DayZ on Console?

    I personally would love dayZ to come to next-gen consoles. The only time i can play is when i borrow my friends pc (not yet owning one myself) and dont much like the idea of buying one for a single game despite the awesomness of it ;p.
  6. Murlough

    Would you like DayZ on Console?

    Says the guy/girl who just whined. This is coming from a console using child. Have a nice day.
  7. ^Hey LazyCrazy? Do you maybe think you could maybe try being less of a total dick please? Thanks pumpkin
  8. First of all asking the question "should they be ashamed of themselves?" is by far the best way to make yourself look like a whiney 4 year old. Secondly, there is NO proper way to play the game. Im sorry someone shot you and your buttsore that you lost your pretty can opener but seriously? Its a SURVIVAL game. Guess what? You are probably gonna get shot and killed at some point. Otherwise there is very little point in the game. If you can't handle that fact then either stop playing or stop whining and enjoy yourself. You're like the guys on COD who bitch about getting shot.