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Everything posted by Murlough

  1. He couldn't help himself man! She practically threw herself at him!
  2. ^Ok i agree with the fact that it may have happened to others (although in retrospect i didnt show that in my post) but you have to admit that at least SOME of it is people whining that "the zombies spawning suuuuuxxxs!!" instead of admitting they maybe just didnt see it chasing them for a while and stopped for too long.
  3. Absolutely not! This game doesnt even have dragons in it!! Fucking wasted thirty bucks on dis sheet!!
  4. Murlough

    How do you think DayZ Standalone is going?

  5. Murlough

    we need another shipwreck (spawn discussion)

    Um i dont know if this had happened to anyone else but ive spawned in the middle of the woods near a small town on two occasions. So spawning on the coast isnt an always. At least for me.
  6. Murlough

    Possible Suggestion: Playing dead

    Meh. Im so good at dying already i dont really need this feature. :P
  7. I personally wanted to test out the whole "ZEDS ARE SPAWNIN ON MEH WAAAH" theory so i shot a full clip of my assault rifle into the air in the middle of an airbase. And while i saw several zombies come at me from multiple angles none spawned ON me. Actually they were quite far from me.... i had time to stand still and pull out my fire axe of death and then proceeded to own the undead muthaf****as. So yeah no spawning on top of me at least.
  8. Murlough

    How do you think DayZ Standalone is going?

    I think id be alot happier if they added Megazords but thats just me.
  9. Murlough

    How do you shoot?

    I dont always shoot a gun but when i do i usually miss every shot then get owned by the guy and/or gal i was shooting at.
  10. Murlough

    why do YOU play DayZ?

    I know this is completely off topic but im loving the Inoue profile pic.^
  11. Murlough

    My experiences so far.

    Lol congrats Binman! I have been through similar scenarios but when i tried to kill i guy witb a shovel his buddy walked in on me and pretty much chased me out of electro with his fire axe of death xP. Love the game tho and i wouldnt feel too bad about it this is DayZ afterall.
  12. Murlough

    Wich vehicles do you want to see in the SA?

    A megazord would be pretty sick too.
  13. Murlough

    Wich vehicles do you want to see in the SA?

    That motorcycle from Tron.
  14. Murlough

    What's your most recent mistake in DayZ?

    Trying to kill a guy who i knew was hacking. He shot me through the floor of a fire station. Luckily he was a dumbass and when he shot my dead body to make sure i was dead he MISSED. So i actually woke up from being unconscious with dude just looking at me and i was just laughing and not moving at all in game so he thought i was dead. Eventually he went downstairs after staring at me for five minutes.I waited a while till i thought he left then tried going downstairs to make my escape. When i tried to move i quickly realized my legs were broken and he managed to ruin my epipen. So i rolled my beaten ass down the stairs thinking i was probably gonna be beaten to death by zeds after i just got a pristine shotgun with usable ammo (Needless to say i was both thrilled for surviving and pissed for getting OWNED). So after i had rollen down the first flight of stairs and miraculously not dying of fall damage HE SPAWNS RIGHT NEXT TO ME ON THE SECOND FLOOR! I thought i was about to eat the harsh profanities i had been roaring after our initial incounter. So i frantically roll down the second flight of stairs as fast as i could but then realized he was NOT currently murdering me with his assault rifle. My curiousity getting ahead of my better judgement i rolled to a spot were i can clearly see him up the stairs. HE HADNT MOVED FROM THE POSITION HE SPAWNED IN! So thinking i was about to get some sweeeeeet payback i crawl upstairs and shot a few pellets from my shotgun up his posterier. I shot again. I waited a few moments believing lag was messing with me. Annnnd NOPE he simply wasnt affected by my nearly point blank shots to his backside. Shortly after i decided it wpuld be best to just leave when he turned and finished me were I lay. Long story short i took a chance for revenge over a chance of survival.
  15. Murlough

    why do YOU play DayZ?

    I play for one reason and one reason only. To feel accomplished when i actually survive for two whole hours on a populated server.
  16. Murlough

    So what happens when zombies can run up stairs?

    ^Also got murdered by a Zed that spawned on the 3rd floor of a hospital in Electro.
  17. Murlough

    So what happens when zombies can run up stairs?

    Ive actually gone up one of the building with the rotating stairs and found a zombie or two just chilling in the rooms.
  18. I think I speak for every brotha in the apocolypse when I say DAAAAAMMMMN SHAWTY.
  19. Murlough

    My First Combat & Kill in DayZ

    That sounds awesome! Ive never killed anyone yet either. Once when i was in Electro i walked into a hospital and saw a guy standing in the middle of the hall bleeding out. I thought if he noticed me i was dead so i decided to get him first with my handy shovel. As I took my first swing his buddy came in and chased me out of Electro with his fire axe of death. Lol long story short never attack someone with a shovel in Electro XD.
  20. Good sir you have just made my day. Thank you.
  21. Murlough

    Would you like DayZ on Console?

    This is just my opinion but i think the biggest issue for a peasent console player is the thought of paying more money for parts than just waiting for next console. Plus im not exactly the most spec savy dude in the world. Id love to join you all in the master race but owning aand mantaing a usable pc just seems like a hassle.
  22. Murlough

    Would you like DayZ on Console?

    Its the Dayz forums not the PC forums. Like i said i dont own a PC yet ive never seriously thought about playing on anything but a console. It always seemed like an alien thing to do for me so i just sruck with it. I play DayZ on my friends PC sometimes (like once every two weeks) anyway i love the game so i enjoy following the forums. I will always be a console player (as far as i can tell) but will hopefully make the jump to pc in the not-so-distant future. And no problem with questions man. You have a nice day too xP. Also i dont know if im lurking or not... more like stalking with a positive attitude.
  23. Murlough

    Would you like DayZ on Console?

    Still the best game ever. (En mi opinion)
  24. Murlough

    Would you like DayZ on Console?

    I guess im one of the few on consoles who enjoy other games :/. MAYBE ITS A SIGN! Anyway i would definatly buy dayz for a console but im not positive others would follow suit. Maybe i just need to start saving for a PC.
  25. Murlough

    Would you like DayZ on Console?

    ^ I did see an article that Dean was 'hopeful' in the next gen consoles. Long article short he said it would only be after DayZ standalone made it to 1.0.