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About Murlough

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  1. Murlough

    And yet again...I log out in disappointment.

    Well hes practically asking for it.
  2. Rick makes a great point yet again. Yeah being able to respawn just because your unconcious is counter-productive for a survival game. IMO the only way a player should respawn is by death. Plus for people who play this game as a SURVIVAL game it should be way more fun to survive an incounter where you were "tortured" then just give up and start from scratch.
  3. Murlough

    Happy to....

    Good job? Have a cookie? And for all you know they could have just spawned in the area they stopped at last. And you killed an overlooted player? What does that even mean?
  4. Murlough

    Should zombies fear fire?

    It should attract them but not insta aggro charge to the flame (that would suck). I think zombies from a certain radius from the fire should slowly walk towards it. That way the fire wont be a beacon of hell but instead a very anxious situation were you no your never safe. Now THAT would be fun.
  5. Please ignore sorry.
  6. Why are you friends with a "huge fuck" in the first place? Instead of asking why dont you just unfriend him since you clearly couldn't care less about this "huge fuck" person.
  7. Murlough

    Suicide Button?

    ......... it wasnt a glitch...... your legs broke. And no suicide button. If you really wanna die that badly, roll your broken legged ass up the stairs and fall again. Much quicker than starving to death.
  8. Murlough

    There's a lot I don't like about DayZ

    I stopped a "pussified". Hate people who use words like that. Was only reading this for the lols anyway.
  9. Murlough

    Flame throwers

    That would be pretty cool actually. Kinda screams "bandit" too. Im all for that lol.
  10. Murlough

    Flame throwers

    Ah. I assumed you meant unrealistic as in it didnt exist. My apologies. But i would think it would be heavily used by pyscho bandit RPers. Plus it would be cool as shit. But i understand and respect the fact that "for the lols" is not what this game is meant to be so i will agree nay on adding flamethrowers.
  11. Murlough

    Flame throwers

    How the hell are flamethrowers unrealistic? They seem pretty real to me. (sorry if im reading wrong).
  12. Murlough


  13. Murlough

    you missed out, pal

    Cool story doe.
  14. Also because, ya know, your not actually killing anybody. The guy you "killed" in dayz doesn't "die" he just restarts.
  15. Murlough

    Why no suicide button when broken legs?

    Suicide is in game, just not as easy as pressing a button. Also this is a SURVIVAL game it's supposed to be as hardcore as possible otherwise its not a survival game its just a game full of toolbags who bitch out instead of, you know, SURVIVING. Players who give up and let there character starve to death rather than actually trying to play the game can leave for all i care. As far as im concerned, they are confusing this game for "PvP Bitchfest."