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About makomachine

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  1. I'm on a bit of a break from the game at the moment but was contemplating my 'playstyle' today and began questioning something I've done over the last 200 hours or so. I was killed while complying to a robbery on several occasions (all of them to that date) and I adopted a non-compliance policy which included a fight to the death and taking the most damage to my valuables as possible in the process. My initial thought was that this deterred robberies for those committing them, as they get minimal gear out of the process, but now I'm not so sure. How do you approach 'being robbed'?
  2. makomachine

    When you know you play too much Dayz :p

    You know you play DayZ Standalone too much when you find yourself knee deep in a ditch drinking drainage water. You know you play DayZ Standalone too much when you spread things out in your pockets to minimize damage taken from bullets. You know you play DayZ Standalone too much when your entire wardrobe is camo and you never leave home without a helmet!
  3. I didn't realize it was the same guy on my second response - done with this conversation....
  4. Lob those rounds if you got them - the broken mechanic works equally well or not for everyone. Your comment makes me chuckle as a gun owner and member of this forum. Call the USMC - we can cut the sniping teams in half, no spotters required from the experts here! They got the hay bales to prove it!
  5. Morons? I won't dignify your hay bale expertise with response.
  6. Actually my point is completely relevant. Crying about not seeing distant impacts with a rifle is crying about something unrealistic to begin with here. Hope it never gets fixed. Call it bug solved an arcade cheat if you will....
  7. Nailed it. 600M and people expect to see impacts in scope is a bit outrageous. Most untrained people wouldn't see the impact at less than 100M through the scope due to recoil, flinch, and the ever present blink for the untrained/un disciplined shooter. I'm a fan of it 'disappearing' at a certain range myself.
  8. makomachine

    Incapacitation/ Kinectic knockdown discussion

    No safety glasses, no shielding, no problem.... To the man in the video - "Darwin has an award waiting for you"
  9. makomachine

    You are fully geared, would you shoot these people?

    I'd say the Steam reviews have perpetuated the problem as well. They read like whoever can be the biggest sociopath wins. That probably isn't the best introduction to the game if you are looking to promote anything other than the current gaming environment. The train is rolling its a question whether BI can get it turned while it's moving. I think they'll have to break it to 'fix it' - with a cost of players in the short term to the sociopath/COD crowd. I'd vote for it - as I've got lots of titles to choose from if that's my desire. I'd go as far as to say I'd be fine with the audience shrinking 10 fold if it resulted in the game I want to play - but that doesn't make BI money. :)
  10. I'm arguing for a change in the premiss of the game with added zed pressures forcing player interaction or die with a 'cost' other than gear. You are arguing that it's impossible to accomplish and KOS isn't going away regardless. I reserve judgement on that at this point in development. I won't presume to understand your motivations for purchase - and to be completely clear, I don't have a problem with the current game environment. I've had a blast. I just would like to see something in a game that has never been accomplished - and would like an opportunity to play a true zed survival simulator. I've got 100's of PvP shooters to choose from - I'd like something different here. No need to argue that it can or can't happen - as stated, it's just my hope for the game.
  11. I bought the game as a zombie apocalypse survival game. I want it as real as possible - your motivations are obviously different. They have to be, as lone wolf hasn't worked in society since the dawn of man, that's the reason we had clans, tribes, etc. if you are alone, you are most of the time dead in short order. If the apocalypse really happened - you'd much rather be surrounded by humans than trying to sleep at night with one eye open. I don't have flawed logic - we just play for different reasons. I'm happy with my purchase no matter how the game ends up as I've long since got my money's worth out of it. Just my opinion and hope for the game.
  12. It has to be paired with the fact that if you aren't working with others you are never going to age in game anyway. Agree that without this pressure from the Zeds, it would go the opposite direction. Key is forcing people to work together even temporarily. When the body of the person firing the M4 is more important than the M4 he/she holds, then you'll end the KOS 'problem'.
  13. makomachine

    You are fully geared, would you shoot these people?

    Missing context here for me to answer. Am I seen, are they acting aggressive towards me or others, is my position compromised by their location, etc. I never just shoot someone based on looks - these other factors come into play more than their gear.
  14. Buh-Buh-Buh-Beans! Very well written and agree with everything you said pretty much. Zombie pressures is my only thought at how you fix it. The more people are forced to work together to survive, and have a common enemy, the better. Adding to this, there needs also to be an incentive to staying alive as well. Gear is the thing you most hate losing when you die. That's easily replaced. We need things that aren't 'respawn replaceable' in the near term. Things like skill development (maybe crafting, weapon proficiency, etc.) as well as an aging mechanic that illustrates status by your character looks. If you have more to lose, you have more reason to stay alive and not YOLO your way through the game.
  15. makomachine

    Primitive weapons

    I see primitive weapons as good stealth options for hunting and zombie dispatch - while avoiding unwanted attention. PvP not so much for all the reasons already stated. I do think they have a place, as long as they do t interfere with also carrying a long arm.