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Posts posted by Chunsa

  1. Great story and you're so nice to help the newb out.  I have yet to run across anything gruesome.  I know I will eventually and I'm scared for when I do.  ><


    My story, 

    One morning, I met up with an old friend that has been surviving DayZ for a long time.  He comes over to my low pop server and we decide to meet just south of Berizino, at the construction site.  We meet, and say hello! We enter the site and start looting and talking.  I went up the building, then on my way down the stairs, I make a left, right off the 2nd floor, to my death!  Luckily, my friend was actually a real friend and saved my stuffs AND lucky I spawned on the beach just east of where I died!! So the first dead body I saw, was me.  It felt strange seeing it/me dead for the first time. I didn't know my body would still be there. This game... :huh: I feel like I'm just at the tip of the iceberg.


    TLDR: The first dead body I saw, was me :(


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  2. I'm female and given the choice I always play female characters.  I suppose I like to identify with them and being able to do things that I cannot do in real life, such as wearing armor, riding a tiger or surviving an apocalypse.


    The more character customization a game has, the happier I am --- it's like my meta game.  :P

  3. wow thanks for all the great info and tips everyone! They help a lot and it's really fun to read other player's stories and tips.



    My first day in game (last week), I was shot in the leg immediately upon spawning.  My screen went black and I was unconscious, I was like "wtf is this"....  Right away I heard another shot, then bandaging noises and another player's voice asking if I was okay (my mic wasn't working atm).  This person just kept talking to me, bandaging me, fed me and gave me water.  He killed the guy who shot me and helped me to the nearest town, showed me how to loot things, run, walk, move camera, equip stuff -- basically the 101 --- Only after about an hour did I get my mic working and could properly say thank you!  I'm thinking this is a rare occurrence, he was so nice and made my first moment in the game an awesome experience.  I'm not sure if i'd be this hooked if it wasn't for this dude's help...... after he left, I died falling off a 5 foot catwalk.  In World of Warcraft, I could jump off mountains and not die.  Apparently not in DayZ. heh  :blush: It's so different, I actually enjoy those RL aspects of the game and how it affects your well being and health.



    Six characters later, I've learned to survive a little better.  Last night, I was killed because I trusted someone, it's a long story, but the typical scenario of me following him up the stairs, he runs up ahead, turns around and hacks my face to a bloody mess.  It was chilling, the first time I got killed by another character.  I had so much loot too!  >:( but, that death was my lesson to not get attached to the loot.  I just have to try again and be smarter next time.  ^_^



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  4. More rules? Ja. Lots of new rules. For instance- No KoS servers have more Kos. If you need target practice, PM me if you have ArmA2, I have a brand new mosh-pit set up (with advice from your friendly neighborhood warrior, Irish) that I need tested out. :D

    If you help, I can give you the mission file, and you can use it whenever you like. :)


    I suspected those no KoS servers were that way, but it's good to know.  Thanks for tips. :)


    Also I would help you out, but I don't have ArmA2

  5. So I've been playing DayZ SA for about a week now and I love it! :wub:  I'm finally getting the hang of things and ready for some player interaction, but I'm starting to think I need some target practice and etiquette tips before I go waving my gun trying to make friends.  What are some ways you vet players got your target practice when first starting out? kill noobs?  :blush: Zombies are so predictable. 


    Also, a friend of mine said I would be KoS if I wore "that mask" :facepalm:


    --- I was wearing (what I thought) was a super cool mask.  Since I don't want to look like a threat, I took it off.  Are there more rules like this one in the DayZ community that a fresh nooblet wouldn't know (?)

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  6. Hey all :P I'm new to the game, just started playing yesterday and I'm hooked.  It's really hard getting started and I'm lying unconscious, again as we speak.  But it's a lot of fun and I can't wait until I stop dying and get better at surviving this crazy (DayZ) world.  Send me a message, I'm always looking for people to play with and learn from, I'm a super noob right now, but I can keep up and listen.  
