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About xacloman

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. I have to agree with you. The zombies were a complete joke before, and are still completely manageable with an axe. Also, you can still run from the zombies.
  2. Just want to say I hope the zombies stay the same or get harder. It was too easy before, you could loot an entire town while just kiting zombies.
  3. xacloman

    Far less experimental servers?

    Thanks for the quick response, just what I needed to know. Off to CS:GO to try and get my mind off DayZ.
  4. xacloman

    Far less experimental servers?

    I understand that no one is psychic, just wondering if the servers go down like this often(like at this time of day) and someone could guess for how long. EDIT: im in fiend mode. :)
  5. I don't know if you have noticed, but there are a lot of servers. Not always easy to find the perfect one.
  6. anyone else just have this happen? just wondering, maybe if I wait a couple hours it will come back?
  7. xacloman

    questions about maps

    Thank you both. I just searched one of those red houses and found a N and SE piece, and can verify how they combine. EDIT: and im with you, I love maps.
  8. xacloman

    questions about maps

    You talking about one of these? thanks http://i.imgur.com/iWQJ6qf.jpg or http://i.imgur.com/EyDfN8q.jpg or http://i.imgur.com/QzMSZ1B.jpg
  9. xacloman

    questions about maps

    So my new mission is to get a complete ingame map. I have a few questions im hoping people can help me with. 1. Do the maps overlap? I ask this because I had both the NW and SW map parts, and they combined to make the W map part. This confuses me a bit, since there are 8 map parts. Would NE and SE combine to make E? Wouldn't this mean I am losing part of the map? Is there no way to combine NW SW NE SE into one full map? 2. What are the best buildings to find map parts. I have found most of mine in gas stations, and when looking at http://dayzdb.com/map/chernarusplus#4.102.079 , it shows that they can spawn anywhere. Just wondering if anyone has seen another building like gas stations that spawns them a lot. Thanks a lot for any help.
  10. xacloman

    Server names - King of the hill

    I was just thinking this could bring in more people. Everyone at least partially reads server names. Not everyone goes onto those forums. and what I meant about loot spawns, was that I could just make the server NOT reset very often, since zombies respawn now but loot does not. I have seen other people doing this.
  11. xacloman

    Server names - King of the hill

    There have been tons of times where me and my friends would have joined a server named like this and ran there just for the fight/fun(after getting geared of course). It not about owning any specific spot, its about having a specified place for people to fight over, just for fun. Maybe I could make this a server where loot respawns a lot less, since I am happy with the zombies respawns we just got.
  12. xacloman

    Suggestion - Map Markers

    Thank you so much.
  13. So, this is kind of a suggestion, but not exactly to the Dayz dev team(even though it could be). Sorry if this is in the wrong place. feel free to move or remove if necessary. But ya basically put simple objectives in your server names. I can only really think of one example. KING OF THE HILL GREEN MOUNTAIN. You could change it to any different place like the riffy, or a military base, or even an airfield(would get crazy). Screw it why not just a building in any town. People just logging into the spot would be a problem, but if you had enough teammates(and they weren't logging into walls) you could probably kill people before they could do anything. You could also do this on a nighttime server and it would be a blast, but again gamma/brightness would kinda ruin this. Meh its alpha maybe this will change. Anyone have any other ideas. Basically some objective that would: increase player interaction(pvp or maybe co op) make us go somewhere other than elektro and kambi. and could be done without dayz devs adding any features. I am going to try this when I can host for free or have the money.
  14. xacloman

    Chernarus++: No area left behind!

    I agree. Really love the shipwreck. And do you mean kept to a minimum? I think 3 more things like this would be the perfect number.
  15. xacloman

    Suggestion - Map Markers

    Is the search broken? I cant believe no one has said this but oh well. I think the ability to add map markers(with a pen) to the ones we find would be amazing. You could use it as a reminder of where you have stuff, or where you have looted. Also it could be like a treasure map if someone killed you and stole it. Maybe, it could just be three or so different choices, like an X for looted, a :) for friend, :( for enemy, and a box for stash. Ideally it would be something like this, with multiple marker choices(obviously no teleport). http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/38731/? you can find tons of other great mods as an example from other games(maybe WoW).