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Everything posted by xeno

  1. I'm not the "ultimate God" and neither is anybody else who mods. Everybody can make those features too. You just need patience (lots of it) and learn how to mod the RV engine. All the tools for modding are available. Xeno
  2. You forget one thing... we spare time modders are already there for a long time (years) in the series. None of us is getting paid for making a mod like rocket. If you guys want to have features in DayZ, he is the one to ask for and the one who has to make them, not anybody else. And our fans would be upset if we suddenly add zombies/infected/or whatever it is stuff to ACE or would put effort into it (even if we MilSim fans are currently a minority in the series). Xeno
  3. Exactly. We are just tired of reading things like ripping ACE features bla bla while making some individual ACE features did take a lot more time than making dayz in a whole. Xeno
  4. Sorry, but we have absolutely no interest in DayZ. Neither will there ever be a ACE DayZ nor will we hand out permissions to use ACE features in DayZ. Xeno
  5. xeno

    Large ~ 1 kilometer on Fire

    It's exactly the other way around. It's an issue in vanilla A2/OA (destroyed choppers/planes cause this for JIP clients) and it's fixed in ACE and Domi. Xeno