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diddy (DayZ)

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Everything posted by diddy (DayZ)

  1. diddy (DayZ)


    useless during the day so no point in having it.
  2. diddy (DayZ)

    Just my Luck!

    its clear you are too bad to fly the chopper anyways........
  3. diddy (DayZ)

    lol sniper in ghillie at us256

    woah you know how mad you just went
  4. diddy (DayZ)

    My lucky day!

    So how did it end with the guys who picked u up?
  5. diddy (DayZ)

    does a ghillie cover up a bandit skin

    It will come back when you next play mark, thats a common thing once you put clothing on
  6. diddy (DayZ)

    DayZ Parkour

    lol thats the best part its so unpredictable, i have already jumped off the second story of the school in elektro and walked away fine, but today i broke a leg when i opened a door in the barracks :)
  7. diddy (DayZ)

    Partying in Cherno

    joo mean party in elektro, dont think that building even exists in cherno
  8. diddy (DayZ)

    DayZ - Helicopter Invades Camp!

    they deserve it for parking a bus there, why park something that big by your camp lol
  9. diddy (DayZ)

    is this any good?

    press n to switch between nv and thermal
  10. diddy (DayZ)


    You will stop bleeding at 6 k fyi
  11. diddy (DayZ)

    2 Helicrash sites within 30 metres

    i have seen this atleast 3 times already, its kinda weird right. That is a scary spot though look at all those woods for snipers.
  12. diddy (DayZ)

    Where does a vehicle [HUEY] spawn after it blows up?

    I am curious about this also, i read that it does not spawn for 7 days after a crash but need people to confirm
  13. i disagree, helicopters hold some of the best loot in the game ( nvg's, optional clothing, and the rarest guns). It should be a challenge to get this equipment.
  14. drop your backpack and pick that crap up son
  15. diddy (DayZ)


    Just found one a couple days ago at the only place they spawn..... Heli crash site
  16. Good kill, but dont hang out in that tower long man, i have personally sniped many people who go up there from the hill behind the hangars:)
  17. diddy (DayZ)

    Bugged Ghillie Suits Still

    just put one on myself, alone with 2 buddies who were standing next to me. All 3 worked fine for us.
  18. diddy (DayZ)

    Rooftop M203 to the Face

    Did you loot his body for a drink afterwards
  19. diddy (DayZ)

    Of course, my luck....M136 Rocket Launcher...

    I tried running the tents over at my old camp 2 times already, it does not work as soon as server restarts they are fine with all items in them again
  20. diddy (DayZ)

    Of course, my luck....M136 Rocket Launcher...

    Na, thanks to all the flaws in the alpha, when we moved our base a few days ago all of our shit dupes on every restart now. Its boring to have so many of every item in the game
  21. diddy (DayZ)

    7 NVGs and 1 Ghille Suit for trade.

    As 50 for ghillie
  22. diddy (DayZ)

    Of course, my luck....M136 Rocket Launcher...

    Wait something on your list is good?
  23. diddy (DayZ)

    Of course, my luck....M136 Rocket Launcher...

    Luckily there is nothing good in starry anyways bamnmmmmmmmnm
  24. diddy (DayZ)

    Of course, my luck....M136 Rocket Launcher...

    my bad thought it was an exploit