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About FrostDragon

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  1. I did not suggest just to remove FOV from in-game menu. I understand that in present condition of zoom effect for weapons it will make shooting pain. This problem is complex, devs need to fix zoom for weapons and then remove FOV slider. Actually not the zoom itself should be fixed, but the position of your weapon when you use iron sight. Weapon should appear bigger, so you can realistically look througt the sights without need to use FOV. Some people use wall exploit. Why ruin their expierience just because others don't like it? I use FOV actively in game, but i am sure this is not the way how it all should be done. Exactly! This will stop people from abusing it. I doubt you change your monitor or its resolution every day, so you will need to change your FOV just once and only if you don't like default one. Do you hear yourself? You tell me that zoom is not realistic because you can't zoom IRL. And you tell me leave FOV slider because what? Can you change your FOV IRL? Why FOV option seems realistic to you? I am tired of repeating same thing about zoom, but i'll try to explain why we have zoom one more time. IRL you have about 170-180 degrees field of view. But we play computer game witch shows gameworld through monitor. And monitor can not properly show 180 degrees FOV, thats why it is limited to 90 or about that degrees. Try to limit your IRL FOV to 90 degrees! On the picture below it is shown as red line. With other words, red line - part of gameworld that you see through you monitor from the first person. It is not zoomed in or zoomed out it is 1:1. It is just limited to 90 degrees. But you can't play under such conditions comfortable, you have to look around 3 times to cover your normal IRL FOV. Here comes zoomed-out vision, which presented in game as your normal vision. Also due to monitor limitation to show only 90 degree FOV, you see it as camera pulled backward and image zoomed out. It is your normal IRL first person FOV. As example - notice last objects to the left and right you can see IRL with you peripheral vision. Then without moving, try to catch them on camera. You can't. You can see only some part of space between that two objects. I think, even with wide-angle lens. (You stand in position 1 and see through camera part of your FOV that llimited by RED LINE). Then step some steps behind until you can see both objects through you camera. You now stay in position 2 as it shown on picture below and can see all 100% of your normal IRL FOV through camera. Thats exactly the same what game does. You could play just with picture that you see from position two, but due to small monitor resolution, you will not be able to see small objects, which you can easily identify when you look at them IRL from position 1. One of the solutions is to have three monitors, so the picture is stretched between them. In such conditions zoom would be unrealistic, because your three monitors would show 180 degrees of your FOV in 1:1 scale. But most of people don't have three monitors. And if you watch 100% of FOV through one monitor it is shown in downscale 1:3. When you zoomed-in you see 1:1. When you zoomed out - you see 1:3. Thats why we have zoom, and thats why it is totally realistic. Hopefully you can understand my english... :huh: On the other hand, when you zoomed in with your RMB, and when you look though sigths it is the same. This is your normal 1:1 part of game world. The only problem is that different weapons have different scale. Most of them looks too small. That's why a lot of people use FOV to compensate it. Actually to be able to see anything through sights. While look of weapons not fixed, i agree that in-game FOV option is necessary evil, but once weapons view is fixed it should be disabled, because it gives unfair advantages which i've described in my first post. Yes, that's true. Was reposting that part of text from other person. Think he was mistaken. Just checked it in-game - different weapons has different positions relative to the dot. But while this position is fixed, players will fastly get used to it. Probably it makes scatter problem less critical but it for sure need some polish. While you can't be accurate when shooting at dot position at big distances, other problems still presents. FOV abuse multiplies magnification of any optics you look through. You even do not need optics to look around at far distances when you perform the role of scout.
  2. Ok, now i got trapped in definitions. As i told, english is not my native and this theme is new to me to speak on it. My apologies for misrepresentation. If scattering is just weapon characteristic, and accuracy is how accurate shooter is, then, of course, i've meant less accuracy when not looking though the sights. But when we talk about game this two definitions overlaps each other. Less accuracy leads to bigger scattering of your hits. You cannot actually aim with your weapon without looking though sigth. I don't know for sure how accuracy interrelated with scattering in game and how it all realised. As i think it is some kind of "cone of fire" mechanics that simulates both scatter of weapon and accuracy of shooter at the same time. If i am not right, please correct me.
  3. It is similar to holding rmb as i remember? If so, why not to do both?)
  4. And with FOV set to minimum at gives you x33,3 scope. It is critical while you can fire with x7.13 zoom at it with no scatter. All this problems are so close. Fixing one makes another less critical. And vise versa.
  5. Try to think about zoom in this way. When you zoomed in, it is your normal 1:1 vision, like you see in real life, just with limited angle of view lets say to 90 degrees. But for comfortable gaming it is not enough. IRL you have peripheral vision and your normal angle of view is somewhat close to 180 degrees. How can you simulate this? I doubt you can play comfortable with 180 FOV setting. That's how game engine operates. It has zoomed out view (your normal in-game view without RMB being hold). Look at the picture below: a - angle of view of game. For red and blue lines it is the same and is regulated via FOV setting of the game. 1- position of your head IRL and position of camera when you zoom in. 2 - position of camera when zoomed out. Blue line shows your norma IRL vision, red line simulates situation when you focus yous eyes on distant object. Red line show what you see while zoomed in. And blue line show what you see while zoomed out. Angle is the same. The only diference is position of camera. I may be mistaken but i am pretty sure game camera works this way. So when you zoomed out it covers all 100% of you IRL FOV. When you zoomed in it covers only a degrees of your IRL FOV but it do NOT gives you ZOOM. It is 1:1. Game gives you peripheral vision when zoomed out. Still not refer to real life? Thats why deleting zoom from the game pointless. And agree to Grapefruit kush, game will become much much harder without it. Yes, probably it need some regulation but it is just ok like it is now. Partially agree. You weapon is in high ready position, but you do not look at iron sight, thats why you only can suppose where is your weapon pointed actually. Maybe solution is to change dot crosshair to circle (as i remember it was in mod) and fix that broken "cone of fire" mechanic. I believe it is where devs are heading to. Just need some time.
  6. That's the problem of devs to manage comfortable default FOV for all resolutions and aspect ratios of monitors. And if you not ok with it - do some research on google. When i have downloaded DayZ SA there was not a problem to find a guide with proper settings to optimise FPS. Actually there are lots of them. I don't think that person who is not comfortable with something not able to google it out. Don't you see that having FOV option in game menu used by most of the players as exploit. It MULTIPLIES magnification of any zoom you have by 2.22. Talking about simple rmb zoom or any king of scopes. Got some kind of x3,5 scope? Nice! Just few clicks and it converts to x7.77 scope. It ruins mechanics of the game... About zoom: Refer to http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/176198-hardcore-shouldnt-zoom-not-exist/
  7. People still voting against removing FOV option but i don't see any reasoned opinion to have it. Can you, please, explain to me why you think it should be in-game?
  8. Agree. Also, in Arma there is no FOV slider in game menu. I don't suggest to limit your FOV. I suggest to limit ability you can change it fast, in-game. If it is in .cfg, you can set whatever you feel comfortable to play with. Also the default FOV can be changed in background when you change resolution. If you like to play with 1.1 it's ok. The problem is that some players sit with extremely low FOV setting (0.5) and see miles away what happening. And when they need to move it is just one moment - press ESC, move slider and you have 1.1 again. Don't think that it all because i was killed so many times so i've started to complain - that's not true. I never died is SA to that reason yet. But i see the problem.
  9. FrostDragon

    No player list and no # of players when joining server.

    I like the overall idea, but with this: I would make it it text-way, so you will see,let's say low, several, medium, high, full -populated servers with appropriate amount of players on them. So, when you join low-populated server, you never sure if you are alone there. In other cases people will still be able to choose approximate amount of people they want to play with on the server.
  10. You already have "focus" when you look at distance with rmb zoom. Game don't need additional focus via FoV correction. All other is said already. Do not want to repeat it.
  11. Hi. I am posting here on behalf of myself, ReasonX and people who agreed to us. I don't know english in perfect, so please be forgiving for some mistakes! Few definitions before we start, to make sure all understand what I am talking about: RMB - right mouse button. FOV - Field of View - in-game and .cfg option defining your in-game angle of view. Iron sight, snapshot - position when you press right mouse button once and use iron sight of your weapon to shoot. RMB zoom - position when you have pressed RMB and hold it, so the image on your screen zoomed. min. FOV - FOV in-game option set to minimum. normal FOV - FOV in-game option set to default. 1. In-game FOV option have to be disabled. critical This is huge problem right now. And it aggravates other problems i've described here. As all know, it is possible to change your FOV not only in .cfg, but also in-game within few seconds. This gives huge, unfair and totally unrealistic advantages to people who use it. I'll describe here why. When you RMB zoom with normal FOV it gives you about x3,22 zoom right now. On pictures below you can see what part of the screen is zoomed in when you hold RMB. 1 is normal view, 2 is RMB zoomed view. My horisontal resolution is 1920 pixels, so 1920/596=3.22. When you set FOV option to minimum it gives you x2,22 zoom. 1 is normal view, 2 is FOV-set-to minimum view. 1920/864=2,22 If you use FOV plus RMB zoom it will give you this: 1 is normal view with normal FOV setting, 2 is view with FOV set to minimum and RMB zoom applied. 1920/269=7,13. Some selfcheck: 2,22x3,22=7,14. Here is zoomed picture: So it is x7,13 zoom! You can see on the pictures how small is that part of the screen that is zoomed. While i am ok with RMB-zoom and it's corellation to realism (i'll describe my point of view at section 4)... THIS? This is bullshit. It would make sense in sci-fi game when you play with electronic eyes but i don't want to see it in DayZ. Also, at big distances, there is no grass, and having such huge zoom with no binoculars or other optic device makes detection of other players too easy and unrealistic. It is legal cheat. On the basis of the above we suggest to delete FOV option from in-game menu, so you have to change it in the .cfg. Nobody would play with a very low FoV in .cfg because it had too many disadvantages. However it needs to be able to be changed in .cfg, some people have different monitor setups and must change it. Sniper with small FOV will be extremely vulnerable to flanking, also to change FOV they will need to log out. (partially copied from Gews post). Why this need to be done ASAP? Many people play right now and suffer from it (include me). Also it aggravates other problems. I don't think it need's a lot of man-hours to delete or disable one single option at in-game menu. 2. Aiming without iron sight should have increased scatter. critical When you aim with your weapon with just RMB zoom it has the same accuracy as when you aim with iron sight. We think it is totally unfair and unrealistic. Aiming without iron sight is mostly like firing from your hip (snapshoting). And it should be less accurate then shooting with iron sight. Also, aiming with just RMB zoom don't limit you FOV with part of your weapon covering the screen. While scatter is not increased it gives you tons of advantages and is too Counter Strike-like. Realism? Bullshit! Moreover, while first problem with FOV is not fixed, it makes most of aim modules almost useless, because they covers part of your screen. M4 with ACOG and FOV option set to minimum makes it sniper rifle. I don't agree, but OK. Well, what if you do not have ACOG? Here is solution! Just do not use your iron sight. Hold RMB, set FOV to min and.. yay! you still have sniper rifle with no optics on it... While you have the same accuracy while snapshoting and iron sight, this not worth to be played. Sadly i don't have ACOG right now to make some pictures, but i know it should give you about x4 magnification, so it almost similar to RMB zoom. With FoV set to min (x2,22 zoom), you have 4x2,22=8,88 zoom with ACOG. It is 7,13 without ACOG - not such a big difference actually and no covering of your screen with ACOG textures. If ACOG gives less then 3,22 then... just throw it away, because it will give you less magnification then simple zoom-in with RMB. Our suggestions: introduce increased scatter for snapshotiong (firing without iron sight) with all weapons. Update 03/11 12:55 AM.: Found out through discussion and checked in-game: Crossair (dot) in game is not accurately centered, different weapons has different positions relative to the dot. But while this position are fixed, players will fastly get used to it. Probably it makes scatter problem less critical but it for sure need some polish. 3. Remove on-screen dot from hardcore. critical while 1&2 are not fixed While first and second problems are active, this is big problem. Hardcore supposed to be as realistic as possible. And while you can be sniping with no optics set on your weapon this has nothing common to realism. Also, when problems with FOV and scatter would be fixed, dot will not be such big issue anymore. Me personally will not have any cases against dot in this case. But some people don't like it on hardcore at all. Our suggestions: remove on-screen dot from hardcore, at least while problem 2 is not fixed. 4. Zoom. Also some work should be done for zooming. Gews described it very well at his post here http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/165710-the-campaign-for-iron-sight-zoom. Please read it. Me personally like to think of "zoom" option when you use iron sight as when you close your second eye and aim just with one eye. It makes sense and it's totally OK with realism. In-real life closing one eye limits your FOV like to 60% from normal. But eye have non-limited resolution, so you can't just put shade on 40% of your screen and say: "Look! It simulates one-eye vision!" - that would be totally unrealistic, because your monitor has resolution and it is not high comparing to your eye. For those who think that zoom is unrealistic - think of it as of focus of you eye on distant object. It limits you FOV in-real life. So why it should not do same in-game? So having zoomed in (when you press RMB) and zoomed out (as default) positions for aiming with iron sight is similar to aiming with one eye opened and with two eyes opened respectively. In my opinion this should be done for all weapons, including PU scopes and red dots. That should look great. When you press RMB once, you start iron sight with your weapon with no zoom (zoomed out position with just normal FOV). Then, if hold RMB you zoom in and see more precise what's going on in front of you. With all respect to Gews, i think this four problems are very interrelated and need complex solution. Thats why i have mentioned zoom in my post. If all this will be done, we will have really nice and realistic shooting in game. Сonclusion. I believe that devs works on this problems and have plans how it should be done. But, as i said, many people play right now and this problems (maybe except the second one) don't need a lot of work to fix. Also if you delete on-screen dot for now while you working on scatter, it would be ok with problem two for a while. Please, discuss.
  12. FrostDragon

    The Campaign for Iron Sight Zoom

    Agree with Gews. Me personally like to think of "zoom" option when you use iron sight as when you close your second eye and aim just with one eye. It makes sence and it's totally OK with realism. In-real life closing one eye limits your FOV like to 60% from normal. But eye have non-limited resolution, so you can't just put shade on 40% of your screen and say: "Look! It simulates one-eye vision!" - that would be totally unrealistic, because your monitor has resolution and it is not high comparing to your eye. For those who think that zoom is unrealistic - think of it as of focus of you eye on distant object. It limits you FOV in-real life. Thats why simulating it as zoom looks realistic. So having zoommed in and zoomed out positions for aiming with iron sight is similar to aiming with one eye opened and with two eyes opened respectively. In my opinion this should be done for all weapons, including PU scopes and red dots.