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  1. I would like to try out the server, to see if it good enough! so i can bring all my pals in! would love to see it first person only but thats asking too much =P
  2. I'm just concerned about 2 things in the standalone, im noticing that most people are just focusing on weaponry which for its just secondary, we should focus on survival terms and how zeds can be more dangerous ill suggest a couple of things and ill try to be quick! first of all zombies or zeds or whatever you wanna call em, im concerned about them not being dangerous enough in the standalone, i have seen many suggestions of how they should change but none of em seem a real treat or challenge for the players, some time ago i made some decent suggestions on how they can be improved in every term and im gonna post the suggestions real quick. Zombie skills, what is this? simple they should have some kind of animations or skills that can be really dangerous to deal with for example: 1- Zombies have a chance to grab on you for a couple of secs biting you in the process and immobilizing you for a few seconds, imagine the horror the player would feel and the team work that it would require for the game, lone wolves will have a hard time but they can still play alone it will just be harder. 2- Zombies have a change to make you drop your primary weapon when you are being overrun by them! i just cant imagine the tension you would feel is that happened and you are being overwhelmed 3- Zombies should not be able to pass through doors and stuff instead of that they should be able to break through doors and windows by hitting em! it would be fantastic to see you cornered in a building and see a bunch of zombies moaning and breaking through the building! i would shit bricks! 4- Zombies in berserk mode (lets say really pissed off infected) should have a chance that when they go after you they can do a mini-charge and tackle you! imagine being cool and all of a sudden BAM tackled by a zombie! i would have a heart attack man! it sounds AWESOME i don't know about you guys! but i would love that even if it sounds op for the zeds hahaha! 5- Military zeds should be extremely hard to kill because of their armor and should be faster thanks to the training they had in life! and they should be able to have all the above skills to be bad asses! Any other idea for this will be welcomed! this is just a start to make zeds harder! and i know... those ideas might be hard to implement but dang!! imagine the realism of it! the horror and all the new history´s you will hear with this kind of things! be creative give more ideas for the zeds which should be the center of the game or at least the survival part. Now in the other hand im concerned about the 50 calibers weapons, they are game breaking for me because they are just too powerful, and with the current mechanics in sniping terms they are just too easy to use!, all im saying is that its not fair to be 1 hit KO´ed when they hit you in any part of the body without even have to use real sniping mechanics! its just too easy and requires no planning! even worst with the as50 which is semi automatic... i mean... really? semi auto?.. those weapons can even explode vehicles with like 2 shots it just doesnt seem right for the game! they belong for a more advance game style like Arma itself! if you are a true lover of the this game you know they are not suppose to be around! all the other sniping rifles are acceptable! but in my opinion... i would just leave the cz550! its just too awesome and fits the environment of chernarus perfectly! LESS MILITARY WEPS FTW! give out your opinions! i love to see people that really care about the game posting and suggesting!
  3. That is hard to find, servers with admins are almost extinct and im pretty sure it will not change much the hacker situation since most of hacks are not even possible to spot! but at least a server with an admin its a start! if you know one post it in here so i can make the server my new home!
  4. I have been playing this game for a while... maybe for like 3 or 4 months or even more, i have seen bad times and good times for the mod, but lately im seeing the game in the worse state ever in hackers terms, i believe there may be a lot of post talking about this issue, but well there is nothing we can do about it! hacking seems to be too easy right now! but well im not gonna discuss hacking because we all now its a severe issue right now, what i want to know is that if there is any server, ANY SERVER!! with decent amount of people and without hackers? i think some clans and community´s that own servers right now should close the servers up and give invitations to the server for some people they will be put in test for like 1 or 2 days to see if they are not hackers! they will have total control of who plays in the server or not and will be easy for them to analyze logs or at least easier to identify hackers around when you know all the people in your server! it might be a temporal solution at least for those who are looking for a decent experience of the mod... Thanks for the mod! but hopefully this hacking thing end soon... sadly we all know it wont. PS: i just joined a server 10 minutes ago, a ghillie suit guy appeared from nowhere in front of me said "hi you are dead" and killed me! was an awesome experience and i just had a hatchet!
  5. I'm gonna just give away my idea straight ahead, what about making the zombies harder by creating some kind of "skills" for them? for example: 1: Some type of zombies can tackle you throwing you into the ground and making some damage, that would be annoying and terrifying at the same time! 2: Some Zombies can just grab you and hold you for a couple of seconds biting you if you let them stay too close to you, imagine the horror... don't about you guys but i would shit my pants! 3: There is a chance that if a zombie or many zombies are on you they can hit you in the hand and make you drop your primary weapon in the ground, how many times that happens in a movie? and we all know the results! shit bricks! 4: Maybe someone posted it before but well it was a good idea! Zombies should be able to break through doors and windows to get to you, of course Day Z team would have to improve that wall hacking the zombies do! i would just love to be trapped in the super market and see zombies all around the windows hitting them and knowing that once they destroy the window... you will have a bad time! >_> 5: i know it sounds weird and stuff but what about making some zombies a little bit more... smart, the idea its simple maybe they can create some kind of ambush sometimes in certain places! i mean not like they will plan it or anything but maybe sometimes you can randomly be trapped in a place really easily by them. 6: Military Zombies should be waaaaaay stronger due to their training when they were alive, maybe they will hit harder and can be more aggressive and of course they would be able to perform almost every single skill previously stated. And well those are my ideas! one important thing to remember is that these ideas are not for the mod since it would take AGES to implement or maybe it can be impossible so... i would aim for the standalone game! for me the problem is that the zombies are not dangerous enough right now! so... if you guys have more ideas for our dear friends (the zombies) name them! i would love to hear more skills suggestions for them!
  6. I'm gonna just give away my idea straight ahead, what about making the zombies harder by creating some kind of "skills" for them? for example: 1: Some type of zombies can tackle you throwing you into the ground and making some damage, that would be annoying and terrifying at the same time! 2: Some Zombies can just grab you and hold you for a couple of seconds biting you if you let them stay too close to you, imagine the horror... don't about you guys but i would shit my pants! 3: There is a chance that if a zombie or many zombies are on you they can hit you in the hand and make you drop your primary weapon in the ground, how many times that happens in a movie? and we all know the results! shit bricks! 4: Maybe someone posted it before but well it was a good idea! Zombies should be able to break through doors and windows to get to you, of course Day Z team would have to improve that wall hacking the zombies do! i would just love to be trapped in the super market and see zombies all around the windows hitting them and knowing that once they destroy the window... you will have a bad time! >_> 5: i know it sounds weird and stuff but what about making some zombies a little bit more... smart, the idea its simple maybe they can create some kind of ambush sometimes in certain places! i mean not like they will plan it or anything but maybe sometimes you can randomly be trapped in a place really easily by them. 6: Military Zombies should be waaaaaay stronger due to their training when they were alive, maybe they will hit harder and can be more aggressive and of course they would be able to perform almost every single skill previously stated. And well those are my ideas! one important thing to remember is that these ideas are not for the mod since it would take AGES to implement or maybe it can be impossible so... i would aim for the standalone game! for me the problem is that the zombies are not dangerous enough right now! so... if you guys have more ideas for our dear friends (the zombies) name them! i would love to hear more skills suggestions for them!
  7. Ill make a new tread with just the zombies skills ideas! if a mod see this please erase this tread!
  8. I agree, maybe it wasnt the best idea to put both ideas in the same tread, im gonna start a new one and erase this one!
  9. Like i said in a previous reply, the bandit thing was supposed to be more like a feature! something funny that occurs and i said it was secondary for me and kinda unimportant, i mostly want to focus on how zombies will be! environment and stuff! i want the game creepy and mysterious again! the unexpected its always awesome! imagine being tackled all of a sudden by a zombie with no warning or sound!i would shit bricks!
  10. Remember that the bandit idea its secondary and not really really important! if you don't like its fine! just remember there is another half of the post you can comment on! and the zombies skills are my priority! i want to be afraid of the game again!!!
  11. My idea just aims for some more difficulty for them! i don't really find banditry an issue like i stated before, i just want for them some realistic side effects! i mean i would love to go insane by killing people haha! and another thing that creates too much banditry its the lack of peril from zombies situations! fix it! make the environment more creepy and dangerous and maybe people will be distracted from just killing on sight!
  12. Thanks! that's the idea! just making you think too much before doing something hasty or be terrified by the idea of making things in a rush!
  13. Lets just change the word punish then because its really hated right now, lets call it! Bandit side effect! and its done! i don't care about punishing them i just want some effects =P
  14. I'm gonna just give away my idea straight ahead, what about making the zombies harder by creating some kind of "skills" for them? for example: 1: Some type of zombies can tackle you throwing you into the ground and making some damage, that would be annoying and terrifying at the same time! 2: Some Zombies can just grab you and hold you for a couple of seconds biting you if you let them stay too close to you, imagine the horror... don't about you guys but i would shit my pants! 3: There is a chance that if a zombie or many zombies are on you they can hit you in the hand and make you drop your primary weapon in the ground, how many times that happens in a movie? and we all know the results! shit bricks! 4: Maybe someone posted it before but well it was a good idea! Zombies should be able to break through doors and windows to get to you, of course Day Z team would have to improve that wall hacking the zombies do! i would just love to be trapped in the super market and see zombies all around the windows hitting them and knowing that once they destroy the window... you will have a bad time! >_> 5: i know it sounds weird and stuff but what about making some zombies a little bit more... smart, the idea its simple maybe they can create some kind of ambush sometimes in certain places! i mean not like they will plan it or anything but maybe sometimes you can randomly be trapped in a place really easily by them. 6: Military Zombies should be waaaaaay stronger due to their training when they were alive, maybe they will hit harder and can be more aggressive and of course they would be able to perform almost every single skill previously stated. And last but not least! my idea to "punish" banditry would be this one! and guess what!! it would be realistic! here it is! 1: When you are an extreme bandit or got too much innocent blood in your hands you can get some kind of hallucinations! memories of you that appear randomly blocking your sight for a couple of seconds with horrifying scenes of you shooting your victims! or seeing people dying in front of you! kinda like a war madness! i am half bandit and half survivor because you can never be just one! don't like to be extreme! And well those are my ideas! one important thing to remember is that these ideas are not for the mod since it would take AGES to implement or maybe it can be impossible so... i would aim for the standalone game! for me the problem is that the zombies are not dangerous enough right now! banditry isn't a deal its just that we need more deadly zombies and situations that will distract people from the "main" goal that we all know, Kill on Sight! Thanks for reading this in advance! PS: Fix the duplicating tents when you pick them up again, they re appear in the place you set it in the first place and of course repair the missing gear from them =( its kinda annoying to make try and error for like 2 days until the tent decides to store your stuff properly! and when you raid some tents in the next restart the gear re appear! ugghhh! but well this is not the place for bug fixes so that's it! >_> and be free to post more ideas like the ones i just gave! I WANT DEADLIER ZOMBIES!!