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Solace (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Solace (DayZ)

  1. Figuratively riding Rocket's dick means jack. Also, it 1-shots because it is simulating Kevlar penetration, whereas other small arms will get absorbed or partially absorbed in most cases. When we get an engine that supports different hitboxes, and extremity wounds, then it can be a 1-shot to the torso/head, and severely damage the arms/legs. The current engine does not allow for that, so it has to be a simple 1-shot.
  2. Solace (DayZ)

    Hive Down?

    Forum "noobs" as in the people complaining on the forums are noobs, not that these people are new to the forum.
  3. Solace (DayZ)

    does a ghillie cover up a bandit skin

    Why would a non-Bandit need a Ghillie suit in the first place?
  4. Solace (DayZ)

    (PvP) What's your combat preference?

    I don't kill them, I just break their legs.
  5. Solace (DayZ)

    Zombies way too hard now

    You guys are joking, right? They lose you the second you enter a bush, tree, or building. I can sprint full speed through Elektro, lose every zombie I aggro by going through the school, and loot things faster than I have ever been able to before. If anything the zombies need to be buffed.
  6. Solace (DayZ)

    US 249 hack fest.

    I love how the Rocket defense force was cheering for Battle Eye a month ago in a massive thread, laughing at those that doubted Battle Eye, and continued to doubt Battle Eye despite the claims that the hacker problem was fixed with that massive banwave. Now the hacking problem is worse than ever, and I was talking about how the hackers were mentioning attempts of GUID spoofing and how they'd be back with force a month ago, and getting laughed at and told to take off my tin-foil hat.
  7. Solace (DayZ)

    Vehicles disappeared (US2)

    My vehicle has been disappearing and re-appearing in place for the past 3 days. Very interesting system Rocket's got.
  8. Solace (DayZ)

    SVD Camo

    DMR/SVD takes two shots to kill. The DMR/SVD has no zeroing. The DMR/SVD has more drop. The DMR/SVD has more time-to-target. The SVD has rarer ammunition. The AS50 is better. The SVD is more accurate than the DMR, and the DMR has NVG capability.
  9. Solace (DayZ)

    What Has Changed The Dayz Player Mentality

    There is no "CoD" mentality. There are a bunch of older players who have been around since the early stages who realize that the game is incredibly boring without PvP. If you say otherwise, you're either a brand new player or someone who has never left the bean coast.
  10. Solace (DayZ)

    Server Not Showing Up In Server Lists

    Nope, doesn't show.
  11. Solace (DayZ)

    Servers Crashing?

    I play on 3 servers and have 1 or 2 backup servers I frequent. All 3 main servers seem to go down a lot, as do the backup servers. Is it normal for servers to go down periodically, or have I been incredibly unlucky with my choices? Servers going down for 2-8 hours is something I am seeing a lot lately, and I was wondering if it was a problem with the mod itself, ArmA 2, or I was just unlucky with incompetent or low numbers of admins on specific servers.
  12. Solace (DayZ)

    Servers Crashing?

    Yes, but multiple servers having recurring downtime is a bit odd. There has to be some kind of cause that surely they do not even know, otheriwse they would not be having the problems. Not to mention I cannot simply address the admins due to server chat being removed by Rocket, and that they do not list a clansite or anything in their server name. I could make a thread on here addressing them, but how likely is it that they'd see it and respond? That, and I'd prefer to keep my server list out of public record.
  13. Solace (DayZ)

    Finding Nemo - Looking for someone?

    Simon and Lotay, if you're out there, this is bandit-guy AKA Solace from the Private DB Lingor map. If you see this, you gotta hand over your steam name. You two are legitimately the only friendly faces I've seen in 3 months. Sadly the server went down and I was not anticipating it being down until tomorrow, so... woops
  14. That people will wear a white arm band and still shoot on sight. Armbands though, good idea, but not easy for him to implement. Maybe in ArmA 3.
  15. Solace (DayZ)

    I'm done...

    Wow, I sure am sick of the stupid metaphors, like this, on both sides of the argument. I'm not on either side of the argument. I'm just tired of the "IT'S ALPHA GUYS," in every single thread that points out any kind of flaw, whether or not I agree with it. Not only that, but he was referring to a community flaw, that cannot be changed whether in Alpha, Beta, or full release. Whether or not I agree with the point brought forward is irrelevant to the fact that his response was not relevant to the discussion, and he should read the original post.
  16. Solace (DayZ)

    US group looking for more

    It's a gamble I'm willing to take. Hell, if they do kill me, I'll probably enjoy the game more without the shit I've gathered anyway. If not, than I'll have some fun. The antics you've described seem a lot like my old gaming community, so I think we'll get along just fine. But really, I think you're wasting your time here. Berating people on the internet doesn't really accomplish much other than wasting your time. Should just move on, it only takes an hour or two to get decked back out anyway.
  17. Solace (DayZ)

    US group looking for more

    Hey, I've thoroughly checked, but I can't find the Teamspeak password. If it's possible to PM it to me on this forum, or the other, that'd be great. "After you create the post, be sure to log onto Teamspeak to meet the guys and set up an interview with Salous."
  18. Solace (DayZ)

    I killed a friend..

    You might want to put your reading goggles on.
  19. Solace (DayZ)

    I'm done...

  20. Solace (DayZ)

    I killed a friend..

    Not really. Yes really people backstab and fuck eachother over just to get yourself better Yeah' date=' that's why I don't walk around in cities IRL. Someone might shoot me for my backpack and clothes. Just like in-game man, just like in-game. [/quote'] Pff you have to realise I didint mean it in the way youre looking at it , I mean that lets say at school a fight starts , the other person always tried to blame you so you get the punishment and he goes Free. Or when you have an awesome thing some people thinking bout to steal it from you so they will have it. It's Jealousy which makes people backstabbing cunts Except IRL there are consequences, and there aren't any in this game. In fact, you're better off fucking people over. The more people you kill in this game, the less of a chance you will get killed yourself. If anything, it's completely opposite.
  21. Solace (DayZ)

    I killed a friend..

    Not really. Yes really people backstab and fuck eachother over just to get yourself better Yeah, that's why I don't walk around in cities IRL. Someone might shoot me for my backpack and clothes. Just like in-game man, just like in-game.
  22. Solace (DayZ)

    I killed a friend..

    Not really.
  23. Solace (DayZ)

    I'm done...

    Does that count glitches, or mass-respawning? If so, it's not reliable in any way.
  24. Solace (DayZ)

    US group looking for more

    Checking out the site and everything. I've gone ahead and registered, and from what I can tell, this is a very joking and carefree community, which is precisely what I'm looking for. I'll be anticipating when we can meet in-game, and I only hope that I don't end up like this Coverfire guy, haha. Though if I do, I won't have to worry about protecting my gear anymore, so there's that. EDIT: Also, coverfire... Don't log out when you're in shock, otherwise you log in unconscious. It wasn't a glitch.
  25. Solace (DayZ)

    The worst ever bandit.

    I didn't know there was an M19 in this game.