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Everything posted by Travisabrams12

  1. Hello, I was playing Day Z Standalone today and I while in Elektro on the docs, I opened a Gate and glitched, falling through the docs. i am now Stuck in the Bay and every time I join a server my character falls to the bottom of the bay floor and dies. But when I go to try and respawn, the respawn button is greyed out. Help Please.
  2. Travisabrams12

    Unable to respawn even with "You are dead"

    Still not fixed...
  3. Travisabrams12

    Unable to respawn even with "You are dead"

    Someone halp
  4. Travisabrams12

    Unable to respawn even with "You are dead"

    Tried all of the above, no luck.
  5. Travisabrams12

    Unable to respawn even with "You are dead"

    I have read practically ever thing related to it I could find and none of the fixes work