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Everything posted by Sharkeran

  1. Sharkeran

    New weapon confirmed? VSS Vintorez

    I love that 9x39mm round for it's proprieties. I like either shotgun shells or heavy, slow and "hard-hitting" rounds, which that round is completely. But it's far to be "good" as all rounder. It's a very special round for special operations. Nobody will want to use it for efficiency. First, it's slow. It's a subsonic round which goes between 280-320m/s. It means that you will have to lead A LOT. Even at short-medium range of 300, that's a full second of leading. Which is a lot. Second, the drop is huge as well. You have to think of it behaving a bit like .45acp. Just stronger and with some armor piercing abilities at short range (Not really for the sp-5, it's more the sp-6 thing). You will not do anything 500m away with it. It's armor piercing capabilities are gone at that distance, you almost have to lead for 2 seconds ahead, and you are basically just lobing tiny non explosive mortar round. In term of pure energy, it's also low compared to rifle round like 5.56, almost 3 times less and more over distance. Just think of it as a beffed up .45 acp. You don't snipe with those. So no, it will be far from omni-rifle. Just a kind of fun, gimmicky weapon. Maybe good for zombies, but I wouldn't even count on it because 9x39mm are rare.
  2. I just think they should use a volume system. Every item take a set volume, and a space can hold a finite volume. A mountian backpack for example could hold 60L of volume. and you can stuff everything you want in as long as you have space. It's realistic too, since in a bag you cna put small stuff to fill the gaps. It would also serve the container system. IE: a protector case holding max 2-3-4L of space. Same for medical kit. And that kit take that space in the backpack. Pockets could be separated too, you don't have one big pocket in that pant you have, but 2-4 small ones. Each could hold 0.5-1L... Ect.. You get the idea.
  3. Sharkeran

    Trading Post

    Hello there, searching for small protector case(s) and/or combat knife for hunting and amphibia s. 1st person server. I have gather stuffs around randomly to give: -AK-74 + mag + spare ammo -2x AK101 mag -2x AKM mag + spare ammo -3x CZ537 mag -1x FNX mag -Rangefinder + battery -2x makarov mag -MP5 mag -Others... Will trade happily any of those (or even give), but I would like to find what is in my search list. Thanks
  4. Sharkeran

    Night Time Play & exploit Poll

    Object on very high is a feature which change the performance of the game, gamma does not. Important for toaster. Very high quality bring the vision you have in game closer to what it should be in reality, gamma exploit bring your vision far far away from what it should be in reality. Night is dark without moon, and with moon, it's still not daytime with gray. It's dark still, hard to see well, just not pitch dark. So yes, let's punish those who see when they shouldn't.
  5. Sharkeran

    Night Time Play & exploit Poll

    You can fight these exploit. Just punish those who run around in the dark seeing everything magically because they use gamma or other mean to see without in game light source.
  6. Sharkeran

    Night Time Play & exploit Poll

    4-2-4 I like the dark night. We just need to punish those gamma exploiter for having magical night vision while other actually have to see things with lights. Would fix the problem without changing the night and keep things authentic.
  7. Sharkeran

    Is there an ACTUAL friendly server? Or does anyone...

    There is no friendly server, but there IS some friendly peoples around, don't lose hope :) I would go with you to get these things, but my computer is... unavalable right now. So, perhap in the following days if you still haven't been able to try, we could team up.
  8. Sharkeran

    Nighttime in this game is horrible

    I like night in dayz, realistic, especially in forest.I've been in one in the night and even after an adaptation for your eyes, you can't move safely, too dark, and no way to see someone unless if just beside you (and even there...). When clouds cover the star/moon (and they often are in dayz, unless you disable them), you don't see shit. As for gamma exploiting, I made a post in the suggestions which would punish those who run around all seeing when it's pitch dark, and give an advantage using lights. http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/196859-fighting-gamma-exploit-tripping
  9. Sharkeran

    Fighting gamma exploit, tripping?

    Hello. First of all, I want to say that I personally like night in the game, even if pitch dark, it give a authentic feeling, and helpless feeling in the game. I do wish that flashlight and headlight were working better though (Not a narrow beam without any light around, and not being helpless even with an headlight because it light the ground and not the zombie eating me 1 meter in front of me. But that's not why I'm posting here.) What I was thinking is that, ok, with gamma, you can see in a night-vision like manner, but what if we consider that, even if the player see, the character in game, the one you are playing, don't? What it mean, you may be able to see thanks to the gamma exploit, but the character can't. What happen if you begin to run when blind? You trip on stuff on the ground, take wall in the face, and other not so fun things. So, based on this, wouldn't it be fine to think of implementing a system that make you trip in forest, near clutters, hurt you slightly if going near walls/stuffs too fast and whatever may happen when blind and running, based on the speed you have and the light level? (I know it's certainly possible to know the light level, because it was calculated in the mod.) Running full speed in the forest in pitch dark will surely make you trip, walking would reduce the chance (When going slower, you have much better time to check if there isn't something in front of you using your touch senses.) Having a higher level of light would reduce the chance as well, since you could see some of the things that may make you trip or that you would ram into if blind. Of course, using a light source, of any kind, would negate all of these, and so would be an advantage, not only a disavantage to use one. Thought?
  10. Sharkeran

    book "the trial"

    I found your book :) Contact me on pm ^^
  11. Sharkeran

    Fighting gamma exploit, tripping?

    I'm aware that peoples would hate a random event happening like that, but again, they are tricking the game by abusing the gamma, so it seem fair that the game "return" it somehow. And You, as a player, will see both the stone and the player, but not the character you playing, hence the risk of tripping. Even if someone is just camping a position sniping peoples, peoples which don't use the gamma exploit can see the muzzle flash. The gamma exploiter would have 3 choice then. Either not moving, risky since the other now potentially know hsi position, moving without light, but taking the risk to fall in the open, or using a light and moving without tripping, like those not gamma exploiting have to do to see where they go. In all case, it will give a more fair game to the player not abusing the gamma, since all 3 options have a risk. Peoples not abusing gamma wouldn't have problems anyway, since they use lights. Only those not using lights and magically seeing everything would trip.
  12. Sharkeran

    Fighting gamma exploit, tripping?

    Yes indeed, it need develloping, that's also why I put it here. As for what you saying, yes, you might turn aorund these clutters, but, dunno if it have been understandable in my post (I'm not a native English speaker sorry), just moving around would give a give a chance to trip, depending on the ground. For example, running on a road, even blind, is ok, since it's quite flat, so not much chance to trip, but if you running in the forest, ground is uneven, there is plenty of stuff on the ground to trip on (forest in game is flat, but if we want realism, a forest have root, rocks, little holes, small bush... ect, plenty of stuff to trip on irl. So you would have a high chance to trip. Field would be kinda in the middle. There is different grounds in games already and the game recognize them (differents sound are an example of proof it recognize different kinds of grounds.) Being closer to things would rise the risk of tripping, moving slower would reduce it. Only way to be really sure you will not fall is to use a light source so you see.
  13. Sharkeran

    book "the trial"

    I do have some books on me, always. I can't wait for fireplace, sititng beside it during the night and relax while reading a book. (Gaz lamp are nice tough) I'll look around for that book for you, I don't have that one on me. (I don't play much regular, if ever now, but I still have a geared char on it, so will search)
  14. Sharkeran

    What headset do i buy and why?

    Yeah, it does have 3 speakers on each "ears". Each inside have they own wiring coming from the 3 jacks. (I know this pretty well due to the repair I had to do on it XD). I have an asus xonar as well.
  15. Sharkeran

    What headset do i buy and why?

    I have the roccat kave, and while it's not the best in "sound quality" (for music and such), it's really great in games. The 5.1 coming from there 3 jack 3.5 (+1 for the mic and 1 usb for the power) is really a game changer and quite accurate in the positioning. From what I've tested with other headset, headset with 7.1 using usb and virtual sound are sometime less precise (I've not tried much headset, but those I did were less precise in sound positioning than my kave). BUT, I would recommend a real sound card behind it (Asus xonar, creative sound blaster...or any other. There are other like that made for gaming and such and some integrated motherboard sound card are good, but often it's an crappy low cost realtek chipset which is used.). Gibonez talk about audiophile headset. I'm with him when he speak about sound quality, but those aren't made for surround sound though, and you have to rely on technology like dolby and some others to create a false feeling of surround, which I have never really been pleased with. personal preference. (Btw gibonez, I have the kave for gaming and an akg for music and such.) See ya