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Everything posted by XibaRootS

  1. XibaRootS

    Speaking My Language [Video - 9:10]

    2:30, he said : "I dont undersand anything you're saying brother, i'm brazilian"
  2. XibaRootS

    What's new?

    Hey, I've been away from Dayz SA since they released the first vehicle into the game, for many reasons. Can you guys tell me if they fixed desync of players, hackers, glitching zombies, weird lag for picking up items, and fps? Thanks in advance guys
  3. XibaRootS

    Food and Loot?

    delete the game, come back 1 year later
  4. XibaRootS

    How do you imagine DayZ?

    im not saying that the kos factor should be out of the game, im just saying that it should be less common. And i say that cause my best experiences on survival games came out from situations where kos was not the key. The thing that devs dont understand these days and i dont think they ever will is that in a pos apocaliptic scenario you need people to survive and achieve greater deeds, you cant go out by yourself shooting anyone that crosses your way otherwise you end up losing your mind and most likely getting killed before you do lose it. And btw, the real threat of the game is suppose to be the zombies, wich in the moment aren't at all. You see... have you ever seen any day z standalone video where a group of players clear a horde of zombies around a crashed helicopter to achieve the high value loot on it? The answer is no cause the game doesn't have a feature like that at this point. Now things like that would make a survival game fun to me. Then can come the kos from a group of bandits that was watching the whole thing from a distance just waiting to steal your gear and from your companions also.
  5. XibaRootS

    How do you imagine DayZ?

    how do i imagine it? hum... - 60 fps at least - no desync - no kos / more teamplay - no glitchy zombies - no lights going true walls - proper sounds being inside buildings
  6. XibaRootS

    Can't Play DayZ

    do a backup of this files, delete them and try join the server again. If you can't, do a repair of the files from arma 2 and all expansions and the mod too.
  7. XibaRootS

    How did this not kill this player?

    definitly god mode
  8. XibaRootS

    Giving Away M4A1s

  9. Why does when i try to change my weapon of fire to the melee weapon sometimes it take's forever to? Yesterday my mate was bleeding to death after a gunfight and i tried to put bandages on my hands to heal him up but it took like 20 seconds to do so, and by the time i did it said that "he moved in the process and the bandages fall out", but he was fking unconscious then after that when i finally managed to put them into my hands again he died. And that is a problem that we all know about since the release and i have never seen anything anywere speaking about that. IF someone could possibly answer me or send me some information about that i would be very grateful. Thx in advance.
  10. XibaRootS

    Can someone give me a light here?

    That makes a lot of sense, because it happens mostly when im using the hotbar. And indeed yesterday i was with the bandages in the hotbar too, it would be so much easier to do that stuff without having to open the inventory screen just to avoid that "glitch" or whatever it is the problem, and more safe too. Have the dev's spoke about this matter in the past maybe? If someone know anything about it please share, im curious.
  11. XibaRootS

    DayZ - Opinion on Server Hopping

    My Opinion: IT KILLS THE WHOLE EXPERIENCE. you probably haven't played the mod. if you had you would know how good it is to have a unique character per/server. And have that feeling of going on to the airfield to loot don't knowing what to expect since you only have that server to go there. On Standalone, you just go on an empty server and do whatever the fuck you want on the airfield without worring at all. Then after that, you hop on a full server to see if there is anyone there looting, but it never has, cause no one is dumb enough to go looting on a 50/50 server. So yea, that's my opinion bro. I HOPE that one day they will make these unique server's where you spawn with your character and you can only use that character on that specific server.
  12. XibaRootS

    Has anyone found themselves locked in yet?

    just log out, go to another server. Save your fists to another time
  13. XibaRootS

    What do you think about realism in DayZ?

    I just ate 4 cans of beans and im still hungry, i guess there is a fucking alien growing in my belly. So yea, is pretty realistic.
  14. XibaRootS

    Extreme FPS lag, confused

    Pretty accurate answer in my opinion. In a distant future yes, first they will implement many other functionalitys into the core gameplay, change the engine. And that's my friend will take at least from my point of perspective, 8 months more. Then i guess you can start having hope about performance optimizations.
  15. XibaRootS

    Stable - 0.47 Discussion

    Thank you Rkelt!
  16. XibaRootS

    Stable - 0.47 Discussion

    The items are spawning already on stable?
  17. XibaRootS

    Did FPS increase at all?

  18. Guys, just open tickets... stop bitching on the forum, you are just exposing to people out there that there is a new kind of hack and many of the littlelings that visit the forum will see that and turn to the dark side of the force.
  19. XibaRootS

    Your Opinion

    I want to know what you guys would have done in a situation like the one i am going to describe now, this is a little story of a situation where i meet a guy. So here it is: I was working my way down the coast, when i arrive at Kamishovo i could notest that the front houses were with their doors closed so i scavenged what i could and reminded myself that i only had 3 bullets for my main gun wich was the mosin. So i was going to the police station to find some of 7.62 rounds hopefully, and thats when i see a guy running out from it naked with a crossbow in his back, bleeding and with 3 zombies behind him and an awesome press vest on him too. So he takes refuge on a house near to the sea and i presume he was trying to find some bandages since he was already all naked and i decide to help him, so i go there... i put the zombies down and when he see's me he starts to panic but i told him to stay calm and i was going to bandagem him. He thanks me for that. Then the shitstorm starts, after getting closer of him and notesting that he was wearing nothing but a pristine press vest, and since i was in a need of one... i decide to handcuff him and took that for me, afterall he had nothing but that and a crossbow with no arrows in it. And as soon as i uncuff him he starts to throw bad names at me calling me piece of s***, jackass and many other bad things while i was leaving the place. So i was asking myself, and i want to know what you guys think about that... What should i have done in a situation like that? What would you have done after all that?
  20. XibaRootS


    you only lose fps by what is rendering on your screen, if you look at the ground you'll get 100 fps, if you look at a big city you will drop to 25. So... the size of the map have nothing to do with performance (frames). Performance is defined by the engine and the amount of things that it can support. There is people running Planetside 2, interacting with thousands of players at the same time in a huge huge map and the game stills run better then day z does, why? Because of its engine is already optimized to use all that a rig can offer. Unlike day z where the engine itself doesn't uses even 20% of any cpu because the engine is not programed to do so yet. And i am pretty sure that if the engine of CSS was capable to reproduce what the engine of BF4 does, the game would be smooth with no fps drops easily. You can't compare an orange with an apple buddy. And then again if your theory is correct, why Arma 3 runs better then day z if the map is huge as well? think on that.
  21. XibaRootS


    Yea does not change the fact but, ill give you mine example. I have the exact same processor as he does and same amount of ram, my gpu is lower then he is (gtx 560) and i am running day z out of the big citys with 45 - 50 frames. I only get close to 20 looking at citys like elektro or those ones north and northwest of cherno with the big apartments. And i have friends with a cpu and a ram better then mine and they get the same performance as i do using the same config as i. Of course they get a bit more frames but is not even more then 3-5 frames. So the fact on my opinion is that the game still needs a lot of work in therms of the performance issue and that even had been recognized by rocket on reddit a couple of months ago.
  22. XibaRootS


    Im pretty sure you can run other games in therms of graphics better then day z with no problem right? If you do so, the problem is in the engine of day z that still not optimized. So dont worry buddy, you just need to wait for the day when they'll do it. (If they will)
  23. XibaRootS

    DayZ SA sound replacement.

    its amazing what a sound improvement can do in a game, And on my opinion this would be an awesome improvement. Nice work
  24. XibaRootS

    Testing the throwing and physics in new experimental update

    Nice job. For me the game is running worst then before in therms of frames per second.
  25. XibaRootS

    FT (x64) Servers

    Can some kind soul explain to me what exactly is that they implemented in the servers that run day z wich changed the old version to the actual x64 bits. I've seen rocket talking a lot of it in interviews but i still dont get what is the purpose of that thing. Searched on internet and couldnt find anything explaining. So if any of you guys can share a light here that would be awesome. Thanks!