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Everything posted by crazzekiff

  1. Well, 1012 Posts don't come from nowhere. :rolleyes:
  2. You didn't get the joke, eh?
  3. Yeah okay, have your own opinion, but also accept mine. - and what the f***? I'm sorry, it's "disaster", alright, but are you so b*tthurt to get personal and bullshitting on my spelling? The guy, who doesn't even differentiate between "it's" and "its"? You serious, "braa" ? Btw, you're interpreting many things based on my short sentence that I'm trying something new at the moment. Again, I never wrote "It's better", neither in updating terms. @h0nkx: It's not about a new patch. It's about communicating to the community. That's the disaster. Telling us what's wrong and why it's not pushable to stable at the moment, that's how I understand "Involving in game development". Maybe "keen disappointment" would be a more pleasant term for disaster, I'm not sure.
  4. Woah, did I touch a sore point or what? I like survival games, many folks wrote "Play something else", I answered that I do. I never wrote that it's better, it's "something else". No hate intended. I <3 DayZ. So calm your t*ts. And yeah, I'd declare what happened as a desaster and I have the feeling that we won't get an update tomorrow somehow. That's not how you treat the guys who trust you in alpha-stage.
  5. Yep. Decided to download "Rust" since that updating and communication desaster. Maybe this will shorten the time until they say tomorrow "0.37 will be added Wednesday while Maintenance".
  6. Totally right. But I mean that it's unclear to me when they first say Stable and Experimental will be updated today, then declare that Stable shall be on Friday and don't add something about new stuff on exp. Some information what's going on til Friday would be great.
  7. If the devs don't want the community to think that they're shitting us, they better said "sorry, problemz, needs work, not 2day" instead of "Screw everything we wrote 2 hours ago, Friday it is. Because that's how we roll". And still no statement WHAT, or rather if they changed something on experimental today. Dear Devs, don't be so quiet, you're not RockstarGames. We paid to be INVOLVED in your work.