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Everything posted by crazzekiff

  1. crazzekiff

    Ranking Of Melee Weapons ?

    Screwdriver is underrated, I killed a few Zombies with two stabs to the head each! That's pretty nice.
  2. crazzekiff

    Nackt und laut an Chernarus' Küste!

    Hey Leute, ein Kumpel und ich haben DJ and der Küste gespielt und ein paar lustige Sachen erlebt und wollte es mit euch teilen ;) And for those guys who don't speak german: A friend an me played bad music on the coast and we recorded some funny stuff. This video is mostly in german, but I hope you enjoy it too ;)
  3. crazzekiff

    Nackt und laut an Chernarus' Küste!

    Schönes Ding! Sieht gut professionell aus! :)
  4. Yeah, happend to me and a friend too. I'm pretty sure it's because of that badass desync - server thinks you're still running, you are falling down the tower, server says "woah, he's dead" and you get the information "woah, you're dead". Anyone else can confirm that?
  5. Try it. For me personally there's way too much desync and rubberbanding so I'm on stable and wait for the next update. And yeah, there are a lot of more bugs on experimental, but that's why it's called experimental ;)
  6. Well, they made us already pay for the game. I call that going "Live" :D And we're not simply a community, we are their paying testers, they should treat us as a part of development. Communication is a big point imho.
  7. I follow Hicks, read that, had a good and loud laugh. Don't trust dem Devs on twitter, reddit and so on. They we're lying for the past 2 Weeks about new updates. Yesterday, he even called the 0.42 mess "awesome!" :D You clearly can't take them seriously...
  8. Okay, if Hicks means this bug with invisible players and t-pose guys in the floor, then that's pretty good. And who the hell thought today will be a stable update? :D MAYBE next week, or the week after. But I'm 100% sure this week won't come shit. Gonna try experimental again right now, maybe desync n stuff got a little better...
  9. https://twitter.com/Hicks_206/status/443363574757748736 Guys, I'm really doubting devs sanity. Guess 0.42 is so f*cked up they have no other chance than celebrating it! If they push this to stable without fixing that properly, I'm out. edit: Google translate - not even once.
  10. Finally they implemented horses and increased dem graphics! GOOD JOB DEVS FANTASTIC UPDATE I LOVE THE NEW HATS YOU DO SUCH GREAT WORK I LOVE YOU AND YOUR GAME KEEP UP THAT GOOD WORK!! #fanboystyle
  11. crazzekiff

    Lets post some screen shots (Standalone)

    It's a platform. That guy he's aiming at ain't flying too ;)
  12. Goddamn campers. Desync and all that kind of crap is really p*ssing me off cause you can't play and test it seriously like that, should have kept experimental with 0.37. Back to Stable and hoping for Wednesday ;)
  13. Yeah, we in Bambergs Kuhkaffs have a hard time with updates :D
  14. There are enough, I've seen lots of empty ones ;)
  15. Sorry guys, I called it. At least new experimental, excited for the changelog :)
  16. More like the Devs about the new Update :D
  17. I heard the Heartattack only occurs if the char is extremly low on health and you don't do something against it. It's not like you randomly die.
  18. crazzekiff

    Suggestion from a server hopper

    I really hate the timer right now. I'm not a Serverhopper, but it happened to me a lot that I join a server and within 5 minutes the server restarts or some random connection loss. Sometimes you also have to restart the game because of buggy graphics. Then you have to wait 280 seconds or so until you're back, that sucks. Timer is great, but not now, where the game is more Bug than game. Implement it later.