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Everything posted by bassangler59

  1. bassangler59

    Dear Developers

    Devs you have my thanks also. May you all have a Happy Holiday Season!!
  2. Those of you that want to join my new DayZ Old Timers Private Server give me shout on Steam. BassAngler59 From there I'll send an invite to join our little group. All the info you need is on the group page.
  3. I'll take that into consideration.
  4. Not if. It's going to happen, Jan. 2015! It's going to be called "DayZ Old Timers".
  5. I'll be turning on the new server in Jan. Discussed it with the wife and after the holidays I'm good to go. I'll be sending PM's to all of you that want them. No KOS will be the #1 rule. However there will be PVP zones, where all is fair.
  6. Well gents I'm 55 and agree with you. I will be starting another server (private), the one I have now is public and I'm still bound to it until the time runs out. And I have to convince the wife. ;) I don't want the edge taken out but I'm so sick of the kos mentality. If you're gonna kill me have the nutsack to talk to me first.
  7. bassangler59

    mr blackout you make this game unfair

    Beans for Blackout's Diary.
  8. bassangler59

    Patch confirmed? Vilayer's emails and facebook.

    Vilayer is a server provider and that is why they would have that info.
  9. bassangler59

    [Maintenance] All Servers Are Down?!

    Just got this when trying to log onto my server. Just to let you know that your server will be going offline shortly for the weekly maintenance. Due to the update being pushed today the maintenance window might be longer than the normal 3 hours, we will inform you when everything is updated via email and social media linked below. You can keep updated live via our Facebook (http://www.facebook.com/vilayer) and Twitter (http://twitter.com/@vilayer) for any news and updates. We also remind you have if your server is suspended after the update it is because your server has been flagged for breaking the hosting rules. This may not apply to you and is being sent to all customers as a reminder. The hosting rules can be found here - http://dayz.com/downloads/Server_Hosting_Rules_Public.pdf - please keep in mind that all hosts and servers are required to follow these rules, so if you are breaking any of them please correct your server asap. Any problems or questions please let us know via support. Best Regards, Vilayer Support Staff
  10. bassangler59

    Kick/ban players from server

    It would be nice if the Development Team would weigh in on the Admin posers and the Offensive names issue. It offends the hell out of me as the one who pays for the server. I personally feel justified in kicking those individuals and would hate to have my server suspended.
  11. bassangler59

    Anyone using Vilayer as their GSP having server issues?

    My Chicago Vilayer server was working fine. Good luck with yours.
  12. bassangler59

    Admin RCON tool

    On my server I just shut it down when I'm done playing. Not gonna let a bunch of freeloaders run free. Got reported once and that was enough for me not to kick unless they have a racist or offensive name. And then I record it with capture video just incase.
  13. bassangler59

    What to do with cheaters?

    Beans to you. My server is also coming down when the payment comes due. I pay, therefore I should have the right to kick any dumbass I want.