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Everything posted by Marxx

  1. I really liked how the zombies were before the zed update/
  2. Then again, you also have to consider the tediousness of going through houses to houses only to find out everything has already been looted.
  3. Marxx

    PSA - Energy & Hydration

    What happens when you're stuffed?
  4. Marxx

    Loving the New Zombies

    I think what they should've done was fixing the pathing for the zombies BEFORE they actually made them harder.
  5. Marxx

    Do you want a Bike now!

    I think introducing the Bike soon will be enough "vehicle(s)" for the time being. Just extremely annoying running everywhere.
  6. Marxx

    Waiting for Host

    Anyone have this problem? I can't seem to join any servers. It just has this continuous message
  7. Marxx

    Waiting for Host

    Would like more productive comments than the kid above.
  8. Is it just me? My shovel won't hit anyone, left click does nothing?
  9. Marxx

    Why getting killed is a good thing...kinda

    I just hate losing my stuff.
  10. I had the LRS, but when I dropped it, it glitched through the ground and I couldnt find it again :(
  11. I'd probably just suicide, so I'd jump off a building.
  12. Marxx

    I think DayZ is becoming Tetris.

    Your screen is so bright.
  13. Try the airstrip northeast of Krasnotav Jail buildings usually have them.
  14. Marxx

    Post your Preferred Loadout

    Mosin LRS Both FNX and Magnum Ballistic Helmet Gas Mask Olive Tactical Shirt TKSO Pants (Or green cargo pants) Military/Combat black boots Hunting Backpack Fully camo :)
  15. You could probably add another tip - Always check that you have ammo in your guns. I made a mistake one time :( and possible, try to stick with camo'ed (usually green) clothing. Nothing's worse when your red sweater is clearly seen in the bushes.
  16. Marxx

    [POLL] Do you regret buying the SA?

    Was never a fan of zombies (because im a wimp) but this game just makes me love it.
  17. Marxx

    loot spawns

    Random spawns
  18. Survival game. Shoot or get shot.
  19. Marxx

    Dealing with zombies unarmed?

    1) Run, run run run runr unrurnrunrunrurnun 2) run in circles and ali muhammad them
  20. Marxx

    My first day.

    Im impressed in the Standalone and I'm having fun, and it's only Alpha.
  21. Marxx


    I think eating canned food will be more beneficially because its incrediblely OP atm.
  22. Ambushed, it was all Rocket's plan.
  23. Marxx

    My letter to a dead guy
