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Everything posted by GHouse1014

  1. Just got great assistance from SoulShaper and Se7en. +1
  2. A: Your in-game name: SCN.GHouse B: Your condition/ailments: Broken leg, low blood C: Your location - be specific: North of Balota Airfield Tower D: A general description of your character: Normal skin, Czech Backpack
  3. GHouse1014

    To NWO from CQF

    Just a question to the CQF guys, what are your ROE? Note, not affiliated in any way/shape/form with NWO. I'm just curious in general about survivor ROE. For example, I do not actively hunt players but I have killed some that I perceived as a threat to me and mine. Banditry?
  4. GHouse1014

    I'm done...

    I love this. Also, try to avoid people as much as possible. Head north. There are better spawns there anyway. Some places to note: Stary Sobor, NWA, Berezino, etc. Gotta be careful or you will get killed. This is a waiting game sometimes. Can you sit still longer than the other guy?
  5. GHouse1014

    Zombie Spawn Rate?

    It happens a lot. When I'm doing overwatch for my group of survivors and I have to kill one almost immediately another 1-2 spawn. Makes it pretty much a waste of ammo to clear an area. Honestly, you should avoid trying to clear an area of zeds before you loot it anyway. It's a waste of ammo. This isn't a huge deal if you're well established on a server, but still.. Better save the ammo for when you really need it.
  6. GHouse1014

    Want to join/create small group

    I've got a group of survivors that is always looking to add to our ranks. We use Teamspeak 3 for voice communications and (sort of) have a server as well. PM me for my steam info if you would like to know more.
  7. Everyone says sniper rifles are for bandits which makes me scared to carry one around when I find it.. I'm usually overwatch for my group of survivors and find them useful. But I can't really go into any place where I'm likely to run into someone else lest I risk a bullet in "self-defense".
  8. Hello, my group may be interested in doing guard detail for something like this. We have a pretty solid core group. I still need to discuss it with my officers, but we'll get back to you. I've joined your Steam group, shoot me a message sometime. Look for GHouse.