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a humble bambi

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Everything posted by a humble bambi

  1. a humble bambi

    Can I Run DayZ Retail (POST HERE)

    Hey guys. So, due to extenuating circumstances i will be aquiring a lap-top. I would like to be able to run DayZ SA in medium settings with solid FPS being a priority. At the moment the two fore-runners are the: Acer Aspire V3-772G-9656, i7-4702MQ 2.2 GHz, 8 GB DDR3L, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 760M (2GB) or the MSI GE70, Core i7 Sharkbay 4700QM 3.4Ghz,8GB DDR3, nVidia GeForce GTX 765 2GB. The MSI is significantly more expensive than the Acer (~$800 more) yet the stats are roughly the same (except the GPU) So my questions are: 1. What sort of settings will I be able to run DayZ SA on with either and what sort of FPS would I be looking at? 2. In terms of DayZ SA is it actually worth spending more on the MSI? I am a simple man, all i want is to have a comfortable, immersive and aesthetically pleasing DayZ gaming experience, I am not too concerned with running it on High/Ultra Will be very greatfull for any help.
  2. a humble bambi

    How well will I run Dayz SA?

    Sup guys, I am looking at getting an crap-top that is mid-tier when it comes to gaming in general (my PC recently tanked) and the nature of my job means i move around quite allot. I will probably be playing Arma 2/3 BUT I will pretty much only getting it so i can play DayZ. Right now I am considering the MSI GE70 Cpu: I7 sharkbay 4700QM 3.4 Ghz (4th gen CPU) Gpu: nVidia GeForce GTX 765 2GB RAM: 8GB DDR3 It also has the option to add an SSD (they havent told me the cost of doing so yet) So my questions are simple: 1. How well will it run dayz (settings and Fps) 2. Should I bite the bullet and pay for the SSD to be added? 3. Are there cheaper options out there in terms of crap-tops if all I want to do is play dayz? To be clear, I am not looking for "OMG, such FPS, such high settings, much expense" I pretty much just want to be able to comfortably play DayZ with decent in-game settings. The MSI GE70 is balls expensive in my country, so if there is a better option out there please let me know. Also: General "Can i run dayZ" questions. Thanks for the help
  3. a humble bambi

    How well will I run Dayz SA?

    According to Amazon its has.... 4096 MB Ram size on the GPU...
  4. a humble bambi

    How well will I run Dayz SA?

    O god, i didnt even see that. Sorry Abandon this thread!!
  5. a humble bambi

    How well will I run Dayz SA?

    Good to know.Because I really suck at this sort of thing (technology in general). Dude, you have been more helpfull than you think!! I just checked Amazon and i can get your Acer V3-773G-9643 for ~$800 (adjusted for exchange rate) less than the MSI i was looking at. So you killed two birds with one stone. Thank you very very much. Edit: The listed Acer only has a geforce GT 750M Gpu... will this pose a problem?
  6. a humble bambi

    How well will I run Dayz SA?

    neat, i will keep that in mind!!
  7. a humble bambi

    How well will I run Dayz SA?

    I was hoping for a more definitive answer.... :|