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Everything posted by Meenos

  1. Meenos

    Boss Zombies

    u can report bugs if you check the forums there is a report bug page :)
  2. will zombies Wallhack powers be removed soo ?
  3. Meenos

    Name 5 thinga you want the most for dayz asap.

    1: Working Vehicles (any would be fine) - Yes i mean Any type of moving vehicle, skateboard, why not, kickbike why not ? 2: More types of Food, Drinks (larger onces) big juice cans for example and big can of beans or whatever :P and bacon! 3: More zombies 4: More weapons and gear 5: More clothing
  4. Meenos

    Suggestion from a server hopper

    they should not promote Loot farming at all. Rather have a bigger timer. 5 or 10 minutes if you log in, are there for 5 mins and switch. yes i understand its very hard to find loot at military bases, been there done that. So go deeper in the map ? theres a airfield if you go realyl deep. aswell as on the right side of the map. here is an awesome map, enjoy http://dayzdb.com/map
  5. Imported. we have pineapples in sweden and we are probably the furthest from pinapples in real life, so yeah. its not impossible
  6. Meenos

    Primary weapon in backpack (14-21 spaces)

    yeah, i dont think you should be able to disassembly weapons without tools. you would need a wrench and a screwdriver to be able to disassembly guns
  7. Meenos

    Using pens to mark blood type on blood bag...

    +1, would be more uses of pen becide writing a deathnote to whoever finds your body. ive done this just for the fun sake of it in case i die of a zombie or anything :)
  8. Meenos

    Wheres the dead people?

  9. Meenos

    Train Vehicle

    Awesome suggestion, totally +1. great way to travel, and once you leave your handcar and move on. maybe someone who is walking the other way finds it and uses it to go where you came from. +1 +1 +1 +1 DO IT !! TRAAAIIIINSS !!
  10. They should be force to putt a password up or if you could make a Filter to filter out (Dont join) servers etc. Its a bit irritating to have to read the server name before joining. IF they dont want you to enter a server they should be putting up a password or have the server not being shown on puplic list. Isnt there a way to filter away those servers when you play and want to switch server ? or something like that. Have the servers be hidden but joinable if you have the IP or server password etc ? Just thought there would be a better search option, Filter and restrictions of some sort to help people pick servers easyer. thanks
  11. Meenos

    Premium loot -- A balanced proposal to "gearing up"

    nice idea :) but yeah its pretty hard to move arround in the game when you dont have any weapon what so ever. because so many are trying to kill you. ive only met 2 heroes in this game so far. and in regular cities people camp and kill you. or they group and kill you, the solo surviver has a hard time if he does not gear up properly, so yeah i go to the airport and il get a m4 and a handgun and 90-130 ammo. that way i can actually defend myself :P
  12. Meenos

    Advertising for big money

    lol i died.. XD funny stuff
  13. Meenos

    server issues (Dont join) - Clan only etc

    yeah but there are so many servers ? dont they see this when they check server list ?
  14. This is quite simple. A list of weapons im suggesting being added into the game. Also feel free to comment whatever youd like :) Baretta 9mm Katana sword Kalashnikov AKM (AK 47) Assault Rifle Spas shotgun Vss Vintorez supressed sniperrifle Barrett(50 cal) sniper .50 PKM Light Machinegun M60 heavy machinegun Micro uzi / Ingram or regular UZI (any of those) Desert Eagle Atchisson AA-12 Automatic shotgun
  15. Meenos

    Food = Exploration

    So the options for food isnt very large, and in a zombie apocalypse. Well after you have eaten the can food and fruit. there could be mushrooms in the forrest. i mean, cities are mostly covered with bandits, or they are probably looted. But in the forrest you could go if you badly needed food and to avoid attackers. Mushrooms could be awesome for new and old players, its a way to explore the map more aswell. Fishing, now that could be a very interesting idea aswell. Requirements to fish and eat (fishing rod) (knife) (bait of some sort) 1. Get a fishing rod 2. Get bait. (iether use real fishing bait or you can use "sardines" for bait wich would take 1 portion. same if you used rice or other things to attatch to the fishing pole. 3. Wait 4. catch the fish 5. (Knife) - Clean the fish from everything unedible 6. Eat raw or cook (over a fire or on the ministove thing, Could probably be more options for that aswell. )
  16. You should have something like a random item when you are spawned. we all are "survivors" we come from different places and different homes. This should be the case with the survivor aswell. So lets say you start the game. You check your inventory and it seems like you have 1 bandage and a flashlight. The next time he might have a knife, or 10 .45 ammo. This could be extended to random clothing aswell. Not too good clothes that is. but perhaps our hero has a raincoat, or a jacket ? just to make things interesting. Each hero will always start differently. Yeah it wont be 100% fair. but its random so its all even still. Just a suggestion, yes there are a few more "items" suggestions but i figure this would be pretty interesting
  17. Meenos

    Starting the game - random item 1-2 spaces

    how about Delaying spawn time on (non death by player) .. etc falling down a building or such. Having it increase allot for each each like first death, regular respawn time. 2nd death, add 2 minutes, next time 5,10,20,40,80, 100 minutes Have the regular (oohh, that guy shot me in the head) type of death being as a regular spawn (first suicide death)
  18. http://dayzdb.com/ is better :) - also great for you guys who needs to locate themself on the map easyer. this is the best site available
  19. Meenos

    DayZ's 99 problems.

    its funny lmao, but it isnt so hard if you use the map http://dayzdb.com/map#4.058.118 so you can locate yourself, then just get stuff :P but yeah, people do attack and kill allot, so be really careful who you running in too unless you have a gun in your hand :D