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Everything posted by Meenos

  1. Meenos

    New hobby: working for others

    i really like that you want to do things in a different way than normaly. actually pretty cool. However i do have a few questions. - Do you try to protect yourself from agressive players etc ? - What else do you do becide checking places and looting them to collect for people - Have you thought about being kind of a "Wandering trader" of some sort, not only give for free but maybe trade aswell ? - How did you come up with this idea ? have you tried so many playstyles that you have decided to make a new playstyle ? If you can, Have the time and want to try find me some stuff i have a list of items i would like to have on both hardcore and regular. - Filled bloodbags with O Negative (or O possitive, but on Regular) (this will be hard to get, But you can see this as a real challenge) - Blood testkits (1-5) - Ammo box (prestine) - (regular) - - Protective cases (prestine if you can find) i can ofcourse meet you and i will not kill you unless you shoot me first. And you can have all the food and drinks i carry at that moment. perhaps even a weapon or ammo or other things i dont currently need that you can give to others. This does include rare clothing and such. all depends on how generous i fell, but the better stuff you have the better chance is it that i will give you something nice in return. O- (negative) bags will get you sweet items for sure. due to its rarity.
  2. Meenos

    Hold up gone wrong!

    i for most part try to be friendly and rarely shoot on sight, hell i even rarely shoot if they are holding a gun. it all depends on their movement, communications, behavior. all that can determine their action towards you.
  3. Meenos

    Rare night time encounter

    ive have met armed people in airports, airfields who hasnt and wich i havnt shot. You dont always have to shoot on sight in airfields. though extra careful and always gun out at all times. so i guess my criticism would be not to be so trigger happy, even in hostile areas. i try my best not to shoot on site, and i rarely decide to just kill. but yeah it do happens. we where 3 guys who followed someone entering a building, turns out theres 4-5 guys inside, so we open the outside door and the guy takes a shot at me and 1 other guy. i shoot back and kill 1 of them. now we are 2 guys on 1 door and 1 on the other side of the house and we try to negotiate and ask them why they shot us and so on. we decide to go inside again. a guy goes down the stairs and start spraying with the m4. i get uncontious for a while but i get blood and a splint (one or more shots went through the leg) so the 3 guys left upstairs doesnt have any trust towards us due to the 3 kills we have made (now remember they shot first, every time) and we tried telling them that. eventually 2 persons went down. we think the 3rd guy logged out or got disconnected. and in the end we let them loot the dead people and we went on or way, explaining the situation and why we killed them and so on. so Friendlyness work even tho being shot at.
  4. pretty much everything black i could find. allthough not the backpack, and my skin. Though with a black helmet (wich i had) it will look pretty dark. - Advantages in the night for sure. As long as you dont move, make sounds or stand in a place where people woudnt think it was an object. Yeah sure, people can change light settings on their screen and in game. but for those who play fair and square this outfit will most likely not be seen by anyone. so its hotness will remain secret untill revealed in light. What is your favorite outfit ? or do you take what you can find ?
  5. Meenos

    OH! A Black ops outfit, (perhaps black cobra?)

    agreed, its nice to make own goals of finding certain items etc. Makes you feel complete in a way :D
  6. Meenos

    Elektro Beatdown

    Aim in first person and hit the head :_D
  7. Meenos

    OH! A Black ops outfit, (perhaps black cobra?)

    yeah, the good part is that you will be able to color the ballistic helmet later on. apple, um i wrote that in the text if you read it. but yeah being black would be better for survival in the night :P
  8. Meenos

    Your general looting experience

    Chernogorsk (Yephoropck) - Close to balota (left of elektro) People rarely loot there and u can almost always expect to find stuff.
  9. The only thing close to being suggested like this is a suggestion about having 2 primary weapons on your back. However this is a suggestion to allow a primary weapon in your backpack. Firsly this could be an alternativ to aproach people with your gun not drawn and not visible for the other party. you can have a fireaxe in your inventory. wich doesnt take much space at all. So why not being able to have a assault weapon or sniper rifle in your backpack. Handgun takes 4 spaces so why not have a m4 take 14 or 21 spaces ? With this example your M4 would take up 14 spaces in your backpack. However if 14 spaces it too little then you can always increase the size the gun takes in your backpack to 21 spaces. Wich is 3 rows of backpack spaces. That should be more than enough to being able to carrying it that way. This way, you can have 2 primary weapons if you would like. And concidering that backpack space is pretty valuable i bet youl think twice of having a gun in your hand and a gun in your backpack. This is also a way to bring guns to your friend(s). You find loot and decide to give your pal a assault rifle aswell, or perhaps you have found a sniper but dont want to use it so you bring it to your friends
  10. Meenos

    DayZ is peaceful

    Hi, im Meenos. Mostly known as meenos, Flip or Nawas. - Currently playing time (85 hours) - Probably count as a new player. But i fit right in, love this game- im Friendly and i try to help out as much as possible, and try to point my gun at bandits as much as possible.
  11. Meenos


    lmao. Force feeding survivors cocaine will be the new thing.
  12. Meenos

    Never the right ammunition...

    just keep on fighting. it takes time to be good. no matter what game you play. Think like this - You learn from your mistakes - You actually become better by playing (due to experiences) - Just fight fight fight till you win - You can always remember anything you did good and just try figure out new good ways.
  13. Meenos

    .22lr Damage is absurd.

    Facts: - Shoots as fast as you can pull the trigger - (kind of silent) - Low dmg now the first and the 3rd together, what do we get ? Higher DPS if you are a fast clicker. and since theres barely any recoil this weapon would do pretty good if you just clicked away like crazy. has anyone actually tried its function PVP ?
  14. "mostly" i spawn on the same spot, where i last where. But on some servers i spawn in a (new place) where i last where. so lets say i am at balota on spawn 1. i log out to eat or what ever. change server and log in. (its not only with hardcore and regular) seems like theres 2 different spawns on different type of servers aswell. first time i found myself in spawn 2 i was in the beach and assumed i had been killed so i played like i was killed and went to the town etc. logged out a while later and logged in on another server, found myself in balota where i was with my spawn 1. only first person seems to be one type of spawn from what i can tell. but i can also have a new spawn on (freely choosen views) so how does it work and how do i know when i will go to my first spawn or second ? or are there more than 2 different spawn you can get on the same character ? Summery: Spawn 1: Balota Spawn 2: Elektro facts: - It isnt always only (first person) servers that makes me end up in spawn 2 - It isnt always only Hardcore/softcore servers that make me end up in spawn 1 - because it seems like both hardcore and regular can put me in spawn 1 how do i know for certain if i login to spawn 1 or 2 ?
  15. Thanks Boneboys and the other guys for the response :) . yeah i guess it must be something temporarely that wont be like this in the future :P but its pretty frustrating sometimes, not knowing who you will spawn as :P. can be dangerous, haha
  16. Meenos

    New MORE Wooden Stick Spawns

    a good idea if you cant fint medic help, wooden sticks etc is to go to a crowded city in a crowded server and iether ask for help or try to attack people as the poor man you are (broken leg) :) cheers gl mate +1 for more sticks
  17. mad skills dude. Good job
  18. Meenos


    +1. would be cool to see ! (YOU HAVE MY BEANS!)
  19. Meenos

    Guns can spawn with little ammo

    +1 , like finding a revolver with 1 ammo. maybe 3 if your lucky. however the ammo in the weapons should be very limited, you should rarely or mostly never find a weapon with full ammo. For example you can find full mags of m4 pretty easy, its the gun thats harder to find. but to find a m4 with 10-40 bullets would be very very OP
  20. Meenos

    Megaphone - Increased VOIP Range

    (6) - slots sounds pretty decent for this type of item. +1 for the suggestion, i think it would be nice to have. Very useful as you said. I took the time to write down Positive and Negative things about this type of item Positive things about having a megaphone Uses: - Guy/girl with broken leg looking for players - Locating people in the game (forrests or big cities) - Finding people you have lost (friends, teammates etc) - playing Music when having a party - Negative things about megaphone Uses: - Lots of people using them at the same time in a city - Scaring people - People playing Loud obnoxious music or sound effects while camping - (Should attract allot of zombies) - if implemented - Will get lots of attention from players and zombies (previously stated)
  21. its worth it!, i havnt regret buying it.
  22. Meenos

    Sad reality of how people play dayz

    there is a deeper explanation to how people play http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/178845-the-truth-about-heroes-bandits-survivors-kos-and-friendlies/ i found this thread before, was awesome to read, really interesting (not posted by me)
  23. ive updated the post to make it easyer to understand :)