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Everything posted by Zyphid

  1. Zyphid

    Hardcore gasmask

    Should a gas mask when in first person not change the view? Same with the bike help and Payday masks.
  2. Zyphid

    Less Military Weapons

    I hear of people wanting them to limit the ammount of milspec weapons and gear. I understand the frustration of these people so how about this, Instead of limiting the ammound of weapons why not introduce a tank zombie that occupies the airfields and army bases. Make it tougher than a regular zombie, To where it will take 5 or 6 people to kill it. It could just patrol the airfields where the loot is. Not only would it solve the problem of too much milspec gear it would help promote making friends and teamwork.
  3. Zyphid

    Less Military Weapons

    Wouldn't have to look any different than the other zombies, Just be tough as 30 of them. Not talking about LFD style. All the weapons at one point were Milsepc except the shotgun and doubble rifle.