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Everything posted by wellthat'sthat

  1. Played about 8 hours with my buddy over 3-4 daysWent about our business carefully, collected a lot of loot, saw only 2 other human players the whole time (parted ways amicably)Joined a server (name was something like No Bandits, Fast Loot 24/7 Always Day)Went to an airfield, entered a generic 2 story building with a door made of bars on the first floorLooted it, was about to leave when a Canadian guy started talking to us through the closed main doors. Obviously a banditOther people started spawning in, spamming Duke Nukem voices over their mics. We were pretty screwedAfter an annoying 10 minutes, both of us got shot through the walls. We were in separate floors of the building and had carefully avoided windowsThinking we'd been screwed by admin abuse, we tried disconnecting. Lost all our loot. Final thoughts: Too bad about the blown $30 but at least I only wasted 9 hours total on this sh*t. also inb4"umadbro??" I obviously was, but you live and you learn