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Ratter (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Ratter (DayZ)

  1. Ratter (DayZ)

    "That female zombie is starting to look attractive"

    I made a thread about one when I first started playing which said " you need a shit" then a while later it said " if you don't go soon things are going to get messy"
  2. Ratter (DayZ)

    The Campaign for Iron Sight Zoom

    To add to my above post if you have attachments sights there should be no zoom unless it's a variable scope.
  3. Ratter (DayZ)

    The Campaign for Iron Sight Zoom

    I think that there should be some level of zooming to make it more realistic to be honest also accuracy of the weapons should be re worked too, being an ex soldier and also a Sappper so not infantry aswel (who wears glasses) you could relatively easily pick out and hit a staitionary standing target at 300m with iron sights without glasses on. It is hard to explain but when you look down iron sights your eyes are so focused on what little you can see through the little hole two inches from your eye that it is almoste like zooming. At the moment the view is more like when you are looking over the sights finding a target. Me and quite a lot of other non infantry soldiers find it easier and more accurate with iron sights than the British 4x equivelant to the ACOG. In game I think when you are zoomed in( looking down the sights) the sight picture should take up the majority of the screen with any thing out side the sights being out of focus making you fairly accurate at max range. Say 300m for m4. The view as it is now should be accurate up to 150m for m4 and free aim up to about 30m so clearing buildings. Plus the m4 iron sight picture needs changing IMO it looks shit without the carry handle and aperture. I
  4. Ratter (DayZ)


    I think being rewarded for surviving with perks is a good idea. But personally I think that you shouldn't be able to spend those points or see your stats perk wise any way zombie kills kills times shot hours survived would be cool though. Back to the point. It would be nice if it just happened in the back ground. Example repairing clothing or cleaning weapon after a lot of use you can bring items from ruined to prestene with minimal wear to your sewing or rifle cleaning kit. Or fitness if you run around a lot you can run a little faster and your aim and berating recover quicker if. If you shoot a lot reloads quicker and weapon is more stable when moving. Any way you get the idea I don't think that the efects should be to over the top subtle for combat based stuff and hard the earn. But the repairing cooking building all that suff should be a challenge to get good but the biggest difference between base level to maxed out and if you survive long enough you can max it all potentially making you a very valuable person to know in the game. Plus give us beards that grow so if your character looks like something out of zz top everyone knows your a bad ass mo fo.
  5. Ratter (DayZ)

    Crafting: Decoy head on a stick

    Possibly boring story here. But there was a British guy who defended a raid on his base back in the days of the empire with a hand full of men doing just that he went to the QMs store got out all the spare uniforms and helmets and made makeshift mannequins to make the base look full when the enemy returned they didn't attack thinking they were out numbered. I haven't heard this story in a long time but I think it was Robert Baden-Powell who did this. Plus I think this is maybe just a British thing but the saying "use your loaf" meaning use your head. This comes from a war not sure which one but you used to get a loaf of bread in your rations and they would stick the loaf of bread on the end of there bayonet put there hat helmet or whatever the wore on it and poked it out to flush out snipers. Also this worked briefly in home alone too just need to be able to put bangers in the cooking pots.
  6. Ratter (DayZ)


    I wouldn't be too upset with mortars in the game but it needs to be a two man team minimum weapon one carrying the base plate and one the tube and rare as hell and you should have to guess the distance wind speed and compensate for having your target at a different altitude maybe use ranging like zeroing on your rifle. No putting a blob on a map so you will need a map and a compass and a spotter too for adjustments. Plus make it possible to reload to quickly killing the crew and any one caught in the blast. So fairly realistic. And too much effort for me.
  7. Ratter (DayZ)

    Invisible cans, food, drinks etc. after use

    Thanks for the advice. Yeah that's pretty annoying and you don't want to risk losing that jacket as it's pretty rare. Well it is to me only found one in 60 hrs of playing. They have done a mini patch today I think so maybe it's sorted.
  8. Ratter (DayZ)

    Invisible cans, food, drinks etc. after use

    I wish this happened a bit more often
  9. Ratter (DayZ)

    Invisible cans, food, drinks etc. after use

    Ah ok haven't had that problem since the last patch. When I do it though I never do it inside a building or in a bush or a pine tree I found some times if you drop stuff in buildings it goes through the floor or if it's near a door you can only interact with the door. If it's in a bush or tree you can see it but can't interact with it because the branches are in the way. Or it does the whole takes an age to reappear it has happened to me a few times where I have found a pile of really good gear on the floor that some one has thought they had lost and left including a full pack.
  10. Ratter (DayZ)

    Invisible cans, food, drinks etc. after use

    Been happening to me too, what works for me is dropping the item of clothing or pack on the floor then picking it up again. Problem solved hope it works for you.
  11. Ratter (DayZ)

    What is good about this game?

    This does my head in! As the post title says "What's good about this game?" Well it is an excellent idea as the mod has shown us and 1.6 million people have voted by buying into Alfa standalone. It doesn't hold your hand you can do what ever the hell you want and play however you want. The map is huge with more detail added all the time. Player interactions are entertaining or truly frustrating depending who they are. And the more they add to the game the better it will get. When it isn't too buggy it is better than the majority of finished games I have bought. And it's not even finished yet. What we are paying are the FOUNDATIONS of the game! Just imagine how good it will be in beta and final release. Admittedly the issues they are having are frustrating at the moment but hey there is more to life than DayZ check it out every now and then if it plays with no problems play the hell out of it which I definitely will. If not I don't know go get laid, go out with some mates have a laugh a few beers whatever. You know live something that resembles a life!
  12. Ratter (DayZ)

    Rolling Update Rev - 0.43.116251

    I am thinking that it will be for making a bow eventually. I am pretty sure that ash is a good wood for making them.
  13. Just logged on and and in the bottom corner of the screen it said "I really need a shit" then it said "If I don't go for a Shit things are going to get messy" So loged out of the game imediately as I don't want to soil my pristine combat trousers. I am going to sound like a heavily armed toddler now but can some one please teach me how to go for a dump and do I need to wipe after (never thought I would have to ask this question at 31)?!?! Or is it a windup message on the server? Any help please!
  14. Ratter (DayZ)

    Experimental server isues.

    Couldn't find anything when I searched which is a surprise. This is for the powers that be but if anyone else has had similar problems it would be nice to know. Tried to get on experimental last night and got on after a bit of a wait but with no major problems other than there not being very many to chose from but got dropped of the server after about half an hour no biggie didn't bother trying to get back on. Tried again today got on one (one of the uk regular ones I could find so one of two can't be more specific) of the very few I saw and was having some major lag issues I imagine related to the issues that Rocket stated in his update post thing on redit but were really severe I would run forwards about 100m then jump back 80 or 90m and couldn't interact with anything (I have a consistently good internet connection) the second time I got on later today had the same issues but managed to pick up one of the new flat hats got kicked put myself back on to stable to be able to play the game unhindered but can't log in due to a message "Bad vehicle brown cap" or something very similar to that message as it's not fresh in my head. Tomorrow I am going to get back on to experimental if I can, to ditch the hat or play if the issues have been sorted. Hopefully that will sort it. But I thought I would put this out there so the powers that be know about this problem if they don't already. Or if it's me being a tit.
  15. Ratter (DayZ)

    How to fix server hopping and combat logging!

    How about just locking your character to the server. I only really play on one of three servers it is a bit of a compramise but if you want to be on a busy server it would be quite hard to get all the high end gear and when bases are eventualy implemented they will be locked to a server so why not get every one into that mind set now. As for combat loggers the tent or bed role solution sounds good maybe they could make it so it takes a minute to set up bed or tent and once you start the action you are locked into it so you have to be in a safe place to do it or taking a big risk. If you log when dead you lose your corps as it stayes on the server for minimum 15 minutes and won't follow you (if that is how it works don't know anything about how loging works as I don't do it!).
  16. Ratter (DayZ)

    MOLLE or Modular Plate Carrier Vest

    I like this idea would be nice in conjunction with a patrol pack with a camel back in it. I think adding more things to make you character/ load out customisable can't be a bad thing the more choice there is the better and should make for a more in depth game
  17. Ratter (DayZ)

    binary explosives?

    Hell yes!!! That would be brilliant!
  18. Ratter (DayZ)

    Some suggestions to improve gameplay

    I was thinking the other day that it would be nice to have visible rags on your character where you chose for team identification eg two rags on left thigh so every one has two white stripes on there left leg or whatever combo you want. No one wants blue on blue in there team. Any thing like names and rings would spoil the aesthetics of the game. Also if you see someone with rags on them chances are they are in a group who may be well hidden or covering them from some where. Maybe they could implement something like in the mod where there are different skins for bandits and heroes but needs to be more subtle maybe you can chose your gear like normal but bandits heroes and grey men have slightly different aesthetics on each item I have no idea how it would work that's why I'm a mechanic not a dev. I really like the idea of traps in game especially when camps are put in. I would like to see traps for small game rabbits and such large game boars and dear. Large game other players Punjy pits would be brilliant ( broken legs, bleeding, and sickness infected wounds if spikes are smeared in shit) Victim and operator triggered IEDs Trip wires pressure plates Trip flares would be good too
  19. Ratter (DayZ)

    [Issue] Experimental Servers

    I had the same problem haven't been on today so may be sorted but one of the devs posted something about implementing the new patch to stable. He said that one of the problems that they encountered on experimental was the game rubber banding every now and they had tracked the problem down to the servers not being up to the job as they are older or different to the stable ones. I couldn't find the post to do a proper quote but the above is the general summing up of a problem on experimental. I am guessing that they are sorting out the servers to check if that really is the problem. I may not be right but I think it is a logical explanation.
  20. Ratter (DayZ)

    Clothing Pockets (Separate the inventory slots!)

    Brilliant idea, really like it.
  21. Ratter (DayZ)

    Let's talk about the Long Range Scope.

    Find them all the time in machine shops.
  22. Ratter (DayZ)

    WTF my character needs to poop! Help please!

    Yeah me too seen smaller skid marks at a race trac.
  23. Ratter (DayZ)

    WTF my character needs to poop! Help please!

    Thanks for the advice I shall take my trousers off between step 2 and 3 to avoid any accidents.
  24. Ratter (DayZ)

    Serverhopping mother-effers

    Hey it's very early for me here and I'm just about to head out to work so haven't read the entire thread so this could be above. How about just locking your character to a server lots of people won't like this even I am not fond of this idea but hey I'm less fond of server hoppers it's defeats the idea of the game and a lot of people on here boast about being able to gear up in and around 1 hour so shouldn't be too much of a problem. To be honest I am not very clued up on if this is even possible and how it would be possible to implement but some times compromise is the best option where everyone feels a little hard done.
  25. I think it would be a good idea to be able to recharge or combine items like weapon cleaning kits, sewing kits, vitamins, matches and other items like that. I know that a lot of these items are relatively useless but they won't be soon. So an example if you have two warn sewing kits you combine the two to make a perfect one as the level of wear seems to show how many times it has been used. Good idea or not