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Everything posted by uterusmaximus

  1. uterusmaximus


    Hello Guys! Day17 of survival We were 2 survivors on the Airstrip near Krasnostav and just looting the Hangars when suddenly some guys on Quads and motorbikes appeared.... so far so well. Me idiot, didn´t know what to do so i just fired on one of them (srsly... wtf) So we were waiting in the entrance corners of the Hangar to see whats going to happen next. A f*cking disconnect happend to both of us (same internetz) We loged in back again and i wanted to see where the guys have driven off... because i just saw them driving away before we lost connection. I asked my GF if i should look around the corner to see if i can see where those guys are... she said "NO gtfo ò_ó", so..... i did it. Then suddenly i heard a grenade, ran back into the hangar, heard gunshots... run more panicly then a headless chicken through the hangar and finaly... Yep - get shot and died! My GF stayed in the corner and shot one guy who tried to loot my sexy dead body. (6 bloodpacks, 6 morphines, some painkillers, a littlebit to drink. Oh and a nice AKS Kobra with a million clips of ammo and a G17. Military Flashlight, compass and the usual stuff) My GF got shot once and was bleeding down to 8000. So she risked to bandage herself and ate 3 cooked meat (out of 10!) Then she got under fire through the wall and layed down... Then a guy came over the corner. She shot the rest of her last Bizon magazin (27 bullets) and finaly died because the guy hit her too badly. (she got 2 empty waterbottles, ca 5 pieces of cooked meat, Bizon, PDW, 3 smoke grenades, 1 grenade, tons of bandages and 6 morphines) To those guys: I don´t think that you will have fun with the Bizon, but enjoy the rest of our sexy stuff! And Thanks for the nice action!
  2. uterusmaximus

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    After some hours of trying and waiting to get the update on the second PC it worked and we could log in. We player for an hour... checked Grishino for some ammo and so on then went back through the forest to NWAirfield. First the heaven went grey, then the Barn (far away) right to us began to spawn those artifacts and the area around the NWAirfield too. First on my computer and 1-2 minutes after the same thing on my girlfriends computer... =(
  3. uterusmaximus

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    What the Hell can i do to avoid the error "error getting files" or "file host is not responding" ? I installed DayZCommander on my PC - everything worked well on another PC - i get the errors above. Sometimes it starts downloading and then aborts it wtf oO And updating with six updater doesn´t work
  4. I don´t know if some players of D77 are reading this but i just want to excuse myself for disconnecting Today 6. August I was on the NW Airfield for a littlebit loot... I hade some graphical errors before and restarted the game, then it worked. Ok, so i came out of the Flightcontrol-Tower and was on my way to one of the hangars when my mate saw another guy... I hope this guy is reading, because i dunno if friendly or not but i was ready for a fight or to team up BUT as soon as I saw this guy and zoomed in to see what he has the graphical issue came back and i am totaly NOT ready to die due to the graphical errors so my mate and i just ran out of the wood and disconnected simply because it was unplayable! Sorry for that!
  5. uterusmaximus

    [Video] Robbing Noobs - EP2

    i think, especial this situation, maybe tells something about the character of the player... i am not about morality or such stuff but.. comon, THAT wasn´t funny to me.
  6. uterusmaximus

    Video: Helicopter Hunting w/Shootout w/Explosions

    Great! More of this if you want some moar internetz!
  7. uterusmaximus

    Everyone on server dies?

    I understand that, what happened, pisses you off... but if not a hacker then another player would have killed you and you would complain about how shitty ppl are in such a game and why the devs don´t make a pvp-free server
  8. Ha! hätte nicht gedacht in einem Video "aufzutauchen" War ne verrückte situation damals... ich saß ja auf dem Hochstand und sah euch beide. Für eine Sekunde dachte ich mir "hm... knallste oder knallste nicht" dann wollte ich doch lieber mitziehen, lege mich hin (warum auch immer haha) und falle den Turm runter Allerdings schade dass die Bruchlandung nicht drauf is :lol:
  9. uterusmaximus

    Day Z Videos

    Nice vid! But... what does "Take a shit" mean? do you mean that he should just calm down or somethin?
  10. Date/Time: 28. 7 What happened: 1 - instant broken lags during to Zombie attack. Happened simultanly to me and my GF. Blood was 10 000+ 2- Cow disappeard as soon as we arrived ca. 2 meters near to the cow. 3- Cow-Corpse disappeard when i clicked on "take raw meat" instead of clicking the gear button. The Char took only one meat, then the cow disappeard. 4- I was at 200+ Blood. Then i got back to 9000+ and still had blurry vision 5- Ammonition refills after each login (i know, a lot of guys are gonna hate me for mentioning that) 6- Weapons (or too big Items) simply disappears when i try to put it in the Backpack but have too less space for it Where you were: Above Gorka, Old Fields and then Kabanino What you were doing: Hunting Animals! *Current installed version: *Server(s) you were on: DE77
  11. uterusmaximus

    Cows, broken bones and blurry vision...

    Ok, well... today the cow did not disappear and the zombies did not break my legs. Instead my GF and I had some graphical issuses (Some Black Glitches) and the thing with ammo still happens. AH! and i forgot to write that i can write direct comm... my GF (sits in the same room.. i think same IP too due to the switch we are on) can see the chat, but i can´t see hers or any other... Oh and something else: We had a really huge load of Zombies attrackted... Was about 30 Zombies (two times) Both times in a different barn in Kabanino. I attracked one Zombie, shot it with Winchester... suddenly about 30 Zeds appeared and it seemed to take no end... and after a short time we had the same situation again? So are Zombies spawning very fast or are there just more around?
  12. I like your ideas very much! That would be the kick in the ass for all those "he-doesn´t-even-have-a-hatchet-but-i-shoot-him" guys! But how realistic is it for the devs to implement these things?
  13. uterusmaximus

    How I stalked a group of bandits

    Very nice, thanks for sharing the vid!
  14. uterusmaximus

    IF this was an actual game...

    - Game purchase - studio developed? - Community and studio servers - both - Kickstarter
  15. uterusmaximus

    [VIDEO] I suck at axe-murdering

    HAHAHA GREAT!!! I lol´d hard!
  16. uterusmaximus

    Zombie Herds

    I think i would shit my pants! Sounds like a nice idea to me... i would like to have that ingame
  17. uterusmaximus

    different "roles"

    My thought is that it might be cool if you would get a random "role" when (re)spawning. Why that? Because its a apocalyptic setting, and i don´t think every survivor was just a .... survivor. Before the Z-Virus disaster there where soldiers around, and firemen, policemen, hunters, farmers, lumberjacks etc. For Example: Soldier - you spawn with a rifle, not too much ammo Lumberjacks - spawns with a hatchet Hunter - spawns with a shotgun and so on. What do you think about this?
  18. uterusmaximus

    different "roles"

    I agree with you guys. My idea wasn´t the traditional idea of a class... i thought more about the starting equipment at the beginning without any restrictions at the charakter itself . But good to know that there was a similar suggestion =)
  19. uterusmaximus

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    Exactly. Don't make them easier or harder. Make them more complex and realistic within the context of a zombie survival scenario. You can keep the difficulty the same' date=' eliminate the annoyance, and make zombie combat more interesting. I suggest the following: -Slower Zombies -More Zombies -More shots to the body required to kill [/quote'] EXACTLY why the hell are the zombies skinny and freaking sprinters, they are faster than pro athletes, ok some ziombies can be like that but most zombies would be fat cuz you know everyones got some extra weight and n top of that none ofthem take more than 3 shots to kill Same wish here I think it was mr. Romero who said that zombies are slow because of the rotting, dead flesh. So i think more and slower zombies would be much better. And maybe they should be weaker (i am not complaining abou the difficukty of fighting them ) Where should the muscles cone from? And i wish they should be only killed vy destroying the brain.. Yes i lnow, its tge typically zombie then but i would like it the most
  20. uterusmaximus

    Direct Communication

    Does anyone else have problems with Direc Communication? Always when i meet another player they don´t answer to my chat. Either they cannot use the chat, they ignore it, or - and thats what i think - they simply cannot see it
  21. uterusmaximus

    setup help!

    that Pic helped me: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/84/1336518831001.jpg/
  22. uterusmaximus

    Post your STUPID DEATHS

    I was on some kind of deer stand... Saw two guys coming. I wrote "Hey Guys" in the direct comm But then i thought "uurgh, whats if they are the bad guys?" so i thought i am very clever... turned to the ladder side, made one step and tried to prone. Well.... I fell off the stand, broke my leg. The two guys heard me fell and the breaking of my bones, stood before me for a while and just at the moment when i would have been able to move again one of them shot me. Oh lawd...
  23. uterusmaximus

    Backpack eats primary weapons

    Had the same problem. But i had a nice time with my MP5A5 and the 29 Bullets i fired *_* Made accidently two threads because i didn´t saw that the admin has to look over my posting.
  24. uterusmaximus


    Hello! I was wondering how long does it take the Corpses to dissapear? Will they remain until anyone hides them? Sorry if this question was asked, but i couldn´t find anything and sorry for my english : S