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About uterusmaximus

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter
  1. uterusmaximus

    Beautiful Scenery + Sick Gear

    Nice, but don´t get used too much on your gear. Its no. 1 Rule in DayZ. Because you will lose your gear... and you will find new one, and lose that too :thumbsup:
  2. uterusmaximus

    [VID] Two guys try to jump me after I try to help them.

    veeery good! :thumbsup:
  3. and again a interesting video! =)
  4. uterusmaximus

    Want this mask so bad!

    Well... you should not forget about that horse mask (its often on some funny pics)
  5. That was awesome dude. Watched first Episode... now lets go to the others! you sir, have my beans!! :) :thumbsup:
  6. uterusmaximus

    Dayz in real life

    Very interesting vid dude! Where do you have the rifle from? Is this a real Mauser or "only" a replic?
  7. Well, i´m just repeating the other posters but... it was veeeeery interesting! you got my beans. Would like to see more dude! :thumbsup: :)
  8. uterusmaximus

    [Video] Worst Bandits Ever!

    Well done, sir! :thumbsup:
  9. uterusmaximus

    The fresh spawn mugger VS the Elektro sniper.

    Nice! at least he didn´t disconnect
  10. uterusmaximus

    Dayz Ahead by Kyler Boone.

    Cool idea!
  11. uterusmaximus

    [Video] Patience Is Key

    Good hunting Stalker!
  12. uterusmaximus

    NWAF tent city snipers dream? 800m head shot.

    I wish you good luck. And don´t forget to record that! =)
  13. uterusmaximus

    HAHAHAHA Oh geez, look who's playing:

    Why would any company sponsor such an arrogant di... ehrm, person? And how can anyone have so much nolife that he have to be "proud" of his "fps-skills" ? Like he can´t do anything else. Oh great Cthulhu... make an end to this D:
  14. uterusmaximus

    Never Go To Green Mountain!

    It was fun watching this. The Song at the end is really awesome =) go on like that :thumbsup:
  15. uterusmaximus

    Prisoner - Diary of a DayZ Medic Day 1

    Was very nice to watch. Looking forward for more of this :thumbsup: