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Everything posted by NoBoady

  1. NoBoady

    11 lessons for Bambie

    Not true, Splitting Axe: 2 hits, farming hoe: 2 hits, crowbar ain't so bad either, but i didn't count ;)
  2. Hi there, after one of my first real characters was fully geared and me playing very passiv I got bored, walked to Electro and got shot trying to help a bambi. I wasn't frustrated at all, looking forward to a new journey (only full servers (35players)). I hope you enjoy readind, i really enjoyed playing! I made my way to the north, avoiding looted cities of the coast and those bandits lusting for my life. After hours of almost starving to death, carrying canned goodies without a way to open them and defending myself against those zombies, armed with a hoe, I found a badly damaged fireaxe in a barn near Staroye. I used that to open those beans, spilled half of them and gorged 3 cans in a row. Energized and with new hope I made me way through Shakhovka, Guglovo and Novy Sobor to Stary Sobor where i found a fine, pristine Shotgun with a quickloader and 9 shells. So there i was. A lone girl wearing a beanie, a green raincoat, kickass sunglasses, armed with a shotgun and a farming hoe I intend to visit the military base south of nw airfield, so i continued my way towards Kabanino. Leaving Stary Sobor, a zombiegirl was standing on the field and i thought "i never shot a shotgun before... better try it!" so i aimed and shot her in her zombieface. I underestimated the volume of a shotgun shot. The bang was followed by several grunts and suddenly 7 Zombies were running towards me. I shot 3 more and then switch to my almighty farming hoe and smashed the remainig zombies. After defeating those braindead folks I recognized blood dripping through my clothes, so i used a bandage i found to patch myself up. Now I knew, not to shot this gun, unless there is no other way. I reloaded gun and snaploader and continued my way. I ran past Kabanino and crossed the field towards the military base. On my way i heard something that sounded like a pistol shot, coming from the direction of the base. So now i was alarmed and aware that i was not alone. At the wall of the base i observed the area, but could not spot anything, so i drawed my shotgun and went forward. The doors of the green, two story building were open. I entered the building, closed the door behind me and went to the cell-room on the right (the door was open as well). Being in the cell i heard a reloading noise. i squated down, positioned myself so i could see the main door, the window and the cell door and listened carefully. I heared footsteps, just a few and very silent, but i could hear them. I raised my voice "hey buddy, i can hear you, i'm down here. don't worry i won't shoot you". Indeed, I didn't want to shoot anybody. Me, all alone, hunted by zombies wandering across dead and emtpy cities, I could use someone to talk to, no need to fight. After a moment of silence i continued: "Hey don't worry, I don't want to fight, just say something"... nothing... did i just fantazise thouse noises? Have I been alone for such a long time?... No there were footsteps! i could here them again and whoever not responding made me worry! I aimed at the door, where i expected the head of a crouching guy and tried to stay calm. My heart was beating like crazy, i resisted the urge to go leave the cell and go upstair to where i heared the noise... i just waiting for something to happen... Nothing, for like 3 minutes, a few noises every now and then and the all of it sudden i heared footsteps coming arount the corner and i could see HIM attempting to crouch into the room. I shot twice, ran out of the room reloading, turned and crouched back into the cell, where i saw him laying dead on the ground. All geared up in army green, hunter backpack, a mosin with a scope next to him. I screamed at his dead body: "what the fuck dude, why don't you answer, what the fuck??" I could not believe it. Such a waste of human life in such a bad time for humankind. As i calmed down, i went upstairs, finding a guy laying dead on the ground, wearing a bandit-mask, m4 and carrying two completely filled ammo-boxes. Everything the two totally geared up guys had was ruined, exept for the m4 and the mosin. The rifles were pristine and equiped with the finest attachments, but i could not care less. I found MY gun, that probably just saved my life. I grabbed the ruined backpack, a combat vest, searched the barracks and headed to Vybor. Maybe there i'll find some survivers, that are willing so survive
  3. 5h with the new patch: Zombies respawning is great because now there are much more of them, even if a place was already visited. BUT: They should not spawn near the players (one just popped up in front of me) and of course the Zombie-going-through-wall-issue should be fixed soon ;) As a fresh-spawned player the coast is very dangerous now because loot doesn't respawn but afaik this will be fixed too?!
  4. NoBoady

    Display Magnum ammunition

    Hi. Shooting with the magnum and counting the bullets i thouht it would be neat if one could actually see how many bullets are left in the revolver. At the moment the gun always looks full even of there is only one shot left. I hope there is no topic on that yet :)
  5. NoBoady

    Lockable and breakable doors and windows

    Was about to start a new topic about it, but since I found this one. The look and somehow the feeling in dayz remind me of JaggedAlliance2 (yiha) and something I do miss are doors, that can't just be opened by pushing them. When you think about it, it is a little weird, that all the doors are unlocked. There should be doors you have to break first (with lockpicking, or violence) before you can open them. (looking forward for the containers! :) )
  6. NoBoady

    Display Magnum ammunition

    Oo I feel a little stupid right now. I think my thoughts got mixed up because when i found the gun i had 1 bullet but it looked like 6, but thats not such a big deal ;)