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Everything posted by ViRuS1

  1. ViRuS1

    Stable Branch: 0.45 Discussion

    They have to many problems now...first when is make restart the server and we go to join again the same server make crash the exe..with message windows the dayz exe stopped working. Second problem is when we loot some items after on a while we see we lost that items Third problem is when we run and and rise the weapon up the weapon goes right and left like a hell Forth problem is ww see one item they say is pristine we take it on our backpack after on a minute we see the is not pristine but is badly damage or damage item and the last I see while we make and exit on game just one more again crash exe...the dayz have been stoped working I think soon we wait some patch fixes And in my opinion its very good all that new stuff but we need little more fixes!
  2. Guys what is the different Dayz Sa with Dayz supported edition...I have buy the basic edition after the game when released the game I must buy again the released game(because I buy the basic edition)?
  3. ViRuS1

    Loot Fix on All Servers Now?

    Merged with? can you explain?sorry but in my opinion of course I think is unfair? to not have loot other servers except on Multiplayservers....But ok Maybe with update or hotfix on other servers come! Or is a Fixed Loot on that server Multiplayservers? I see somethink like that try to say us the member Deize! I think the official servers say we can not make any changes but the Multiplay servers allow to buyers to play with cfg?
  4. ViRuS1

    Loot Fix on All Servers Now?

    Hi Guys My question is about the tents loots and cars loot e.t.c I see that loots work only on Multiplayservers...actually I have buy server from Gameservers.com with that ip and I see the tents they don't have loots also the cars and e.t.c ...also I join server like the gamingdeluxe and I see also there they don't have loots...but only that new loots on tents and cars work on Multiplayservers..is somethink wrong with the other server?
  5. Also That Server Have problems Sometime They Kick Players For Signature Time Out...actually The Almost Players! Thanks!!
  6. ViRuS1

    Current best server hosting company

    I buy from gamerservers.com but guys I pay 50euros for server and we don't have any ftp tool to manage ours server...example if I reach the maximum player (30) what can I do to join when I need to play and second if someone cheating we can not kick him...this is unfair we buy servers for what?