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About maxisthe8

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    Geeky stuff all around
  1. maxisthe8

    The odd stories?

  2. maxisthe8

    The odd stories?

    Oh ye, and if anyone happens to know a way around the artefacts that pop up here and there, then do tell :thumbsup: Its such a small thing, but annoys me greatly, and cant see him to google my way to a fix
  3. maxisthe8


    How does so much loot even end up in there :o
  4. maxisthe8

    The odd stories?

    I made a video awhile ago, but was really unsure of what to think about it so I didt post it anywhere (funny how you can be nervous about showing something to complete strangers you will propably never meet :huh: ) But I finally decided to just post it, since its almost been blocking me from wanting to make more vids and its been sitting there annoying me, any feedback would be greatly appreciated since im having such a hard time figuring out what I like/dislike about it and how to change it for other vids so they can improve, annoys the crap out of me that I cant put a finger on how to improve it... its weird, video creation is the first "artistic" medium ive had such a hard time critiquing myself on, when i draw/paint/play music and such stuff, I almost instantly know whats wrong and whats decent, but with this stuff im overly clueless https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Hier5MeTDU Cheers Maxis ps. See you all ingame soon, cant wait to start playing again after the new patch!
  5. maxisthe8

    Revenge is a dish best served cold

    Nice story, the pictures made it a lot more enjoyable to read. And as someone else said, welcome to Cherno =p!
  6. maxisthe8

    Dayz SA Fan Art Thread

    Wow, the old picture one with all the people infront of the house looks pretty darn neat
  7. maxisthe8

    People who eat tuna

    This Forum has some weeeird stuff in it from time to time :o
  8. maxisthe8

    Noob Rebellion! - In the bat we trust =p

  9. maxisthe8

    Noob Rebellion! - In the bat we trust =p

    Crossed 100 views, thx guys :lol: Thx to helpfull people sending pm's ive learned much since, and so far ive not had anymore "realod mishaps"
  10. maxisthe8

    Noob Rebellion! - In the bat we trust =p

    hehe yes, Ive learned that since then, very usefull trick indeed =p Was also really amased when I realised the crafting went beyond the basic stuff and that you could actually craft backpacks,splints and all that fancy stuff. Cant wait to get all my tests and pre exams done this week so I can play again next week :lol:
  11. maxisthe8

    Noob Rebellion! - In the bat we trust =p

    thankyou! I will definatly be more carefull with how and to whom I give weapons with ammunition from now on =p
  12. maxisthe8

    DayZ now has Nazguls

    Thats... Creppy... :blink:
  13. maxisthe8

    Noob Rebellion! - In the bat we trust =p

    Hehe, thx. Will have a look at that req post, and ye, sadly I learned the part about being carefull with gear the hard way. I gave my revolver to a naked guy along with some food etc. He proceded to reload it and shoot me :blush: But eh, easy come easy go I guess, time for another "quest" for gear
  14. Hey There! Pretty new to this whole DayZ thing (ye.. Ive been living under a rock for the last year or so... ) But I picked up the standalone and ive been having a blast so far, except for the fact that most people didt seem to accept my friendship very much... And for the first time I took matters into my own hands and decided that for one times sake I wouldt be shot in the back while running from my "supposedly new friend". Its propably just a small thing for most people, but for me, whose most valuable wep so far had been a baseball bat and a sqrewdriver, this was kindoff a huge thing. ( my hands litterally shaked with excitment) I decided to try and make my "big day" into a small vid, tried to voice it abit differently from the various other vids ive seen, so it would be abit more personal. Anyway, on a ending note, if anyone is interested in playing with someone who enjoys the slightly more player interactive focused style of gameplay then shoot me a message, so far my encounters with other people which went beyond KOS have been the most fun, so hoping to get more off that. Infact the most fun one so far, was being robbed by people who put a sack on my head, handcuffed me, tested blood on me, and then left me in the woods, just wish I had gotten that on film, was emergent gameplay as I had never experienced it before. Cheers Maxis - The noob nextdoor
  15. maxisthe8

    The inside of the ship

    wow, looks really neat, gonna have to explore and find it soon!