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Angelo Custode

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About Angelo Custode

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    On the Coast
  1. Angelo Custode

    Zombies - getting infected

    Something that could be ADDED to the game, that would stick to the survival theme would potentially allow players to die and become zombies that can ALSO roam the land, upgrade themselves and have their own version of "bags" to carry around, to see how long they could survive as a zombie. This should be a choice or option tho, and not forced upon a player at death, IMHO. It would be a whole new angle, and a lot of work coding wise, but it would stick to the lore and add a new lore to what was already there. Example: Your an infected human in this gameworld, but you retain half your wits. You are basically a zombie, but smart enough to open doors, gather stuff, carry stuff and survive in your OWN way just like the human players do. Obviously for balance they would have to have a fighting chance in bases and towns somehow, and this would be the challenge. How could you give a player that uses no guns and advantage over those that do in a fair and consistent way? More shots to be killed? A stealth option for zombies only? Move really fast? Those are just some things that would have to be addressed in this kind of system.
  2. Angelo Custode

    Zombies - getting infected

    Yes, but there are plenty of other ways to implement that level of risk for infection all the while sticking to the base lore of the mod. Re-read my post. In it, I clearly lay out how the newly created player viruses, to MUTATE the currect zombies/infected humans or what ever the hell you wish to label them (it is just a label after all we all know what we mean), create the risk of infection because they are NEWLY created to mutate the current virus that players are ALREADY immune from. When I say realistic, I am honestly meaning a LOGICAL PROGRESSION based on what is alreay there. LOGICALLY, the players in the lore can remain immune to the virus that initially infected everyone, but LOGICALLY they may or may NOT be immune to NEW viruses that are created to FURTHUR mutate the infected humans into faster, harder hitting and/or exploding infected humans. Forgive my use of words. I will try to be more clear in the future.
  3. Angelo Custode

    Zombies - getting infected

    Yes. I am a software engineer, and the way you wanted to implement the infection chances and zombification would require too much of an overhaul to the base game code, and would be a waste of time and resources. There are plenty of other implementations that can be ADDED to what is already there to add those levels of game play, sticking both to the lore of the mod and the current game setup.
  4. Angelo Custode

    Zombies - getting infected

    Players being turned into zombie would be a fun and interesting idea, but unrealistic for this type of game, including its background (ie all players are immune to the zombie virus, why they are not infected). What I would like to see, and this is something i think CAN be implemented (if they really do go with an underground base/virus lab) is the possibility to create SUPER zombies in areas by infecting that area with a player created virus from the underground bases. This would add a whole new and exciting layer to end game for Day Z. My idea would ideally be implemented in this way: Underground bases/Virus labs implemented. Players can go around the bases and the labs underground and find rare science tools (flasks, beakers, reactents etc. etc) of various conditions. A "mixing mini game" of found substances that allows a RANDOM chance to create any one of the following scenarios: FASTER ZOMBIES - like runners or chasers in other zombie games HARDER HITTING ZOMBIES - that really really hurt and can kill you quickly EXPLODING ZOMBIES - zombies that hit a little harder and can make you sick if you are caught in the gaseous cloud and possibly would require special medicine to heal from(created in the lab maybe!) (adds another layer of oh crap) MORE ZOMBIES - just creates more zombies in the area ILLNESS/DEATH to player creating the virus - depending on the condition of the materials used a chance of serious illness or death to the player attempting to create these viruses in the first place to add a risk system. How to use the created virus in game: Ideally, a player could get close enough to a town they know has zombies in it, deploy a canister, and after say 5 min in game time that town would have the new kind of zombie, only in that area.Resetable upon server reset. These same ideas could be applied to COUNTER the viruses with OTHER viruses in the lab that can be created to counter the effects of the malicious virus, as well as create beneficial things to boost your own energy or health. For those to narrow minded to see past the word zombie and its meaning in this and/or other games: Just replace the term with infected humans, and the idea here stays the same: create powerful viruses that will make the infection in the infected humans mutate into harder more interesting infected humans or infect the player upon trying to create the virus in game. SImple, easy to implement and code. Much easier than trying to code and implement a system where players lose (or not lose) their hard earned gear by being infected like the other humans in the game. Lets stick to the lore a bit here, let the players be immune to the initial virus, but still be able to infect themselves and thus be an infected human or just die by trying to create NEW viruses to mutate the current infected people more. This creates the aspect YOU were wanting of the chance to get infected. Hell, lets also add the feature to my idea of players not only dealing with the mutated people in the game, but also that the area effected by the canisters can cause infection in other players as well, giving similar effects and thus adding even more to the dimension YOU want of the chance of getting infected, all while sticking to the lore of the mod.
  5. Angelo Custode

    Night- Heat Vision goggles/Scope

    I think they should have hard to get NVG's not scopes, so all players can have the change to shoot in the dark regardless of weapon. They should also take batteries (special kind) that are also rare and hard to get and that can get used up quickly when using Night Vision mode. This would add a new layer of fun to the game and make night time servers more popular and in use!