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Posts posted by Flawed

  1. More demands from single brain celled jelly like organisms that self implode when they see a bug in an alpha mod..../sigh. As iv said to the other 999,999,999,999 Million people, its ready when its ready. If you dont want more bugs to implode about next patch, i would suggest being patient.

    Are you fucking kidding me?

  2. So essentially, at the sandwich shop, you buy a chicken sandwich, then want all of your future deluxe chicken sandwiches for free?

    If you don't want to pay for the Dayz stand alone game, then just keep playing the free mod as it continues to develop.

    For myself, I will be ready to pay a small fee to get in on the ground floor. This is going to be great. It worked great for me with Minecraft.

    No. No. No. That is not what we are saying at all. Griff answered it, so everything is peachy now.

  3. 1. The "Minecraft-Model" means that while the release is in Alpha, you will get it cheaper. You can wait for the full release, where you will pay full price.

    2. The money they made will go towards expansion. To give all that money back because the community feels like it's owed to them is just bad business. Also, they now have a new development team, and that needs funding.

    3. It won't be the same product. My god. The standalone will be eons above the mod. The mod right now is restricted ALOT by the Arma engine. The standalone will be free of that restriction

    There you go then - that is what many of us want to hear, clear communication.

  4. I just don't know where to begin with your argument

    My issue with this "Standalone are the following specs given from BI and DayZ directly"


    • The game will be released in an Alpha build for a low price point
    • Rocket is project lead for DayZ at Bohemia Interactive.
    • DayZ is set to follow the Minecraft pricing and development model.
    • There will be continued support for DayZMOD alongside DayZ game.

    Release date: Unknown

    Price: Unknown

    Minimum Requirements: Unknow

    So essentially my issue is they PLAN to release a game at a retail price *following mine craft business plan* for about $15-25.00 IMO. They also plan to release this as an ALPHA build. My issue with it is the fact that BI KNOWS they made millions already from Arma 2 AO that they would NOT have made because of this mod. I am not complaining, I am pointing out the fact that they already made a crap load of cash they wouldn't have if this mod hadn't existed. NOW they plan to RE-RELEASE, the same product, an Alpha "game" as a Standalone to REMAKE the same money they got from this game/mod without improving the many flaws that currently exist? They say they are planning to use the Minecraft pricing and development model, sure that is a good way of saying " The game will NOT be finished upon release and there will be a ton of continues updates because we are in a rush to push a release to get the money while this game is popular." That is all I got from this press release. I will not be spending any of my cash on a "alpha" game if they do not fix the hacking, glitching and bugs that currently plague the DayZ mod. The only real benefit to all this is that it gets direct support from BI, which I am sure its had for a while now.

    I just don't know where to begin with your argument

    I agree with him, if I am on the same page, I sincerely hope DayZ will be using the Arma 3 engine. Otherwise, why pay again for another game that may be the in the same state of its predecessor? I understand the frustrations due the the bugs and hacking, so he has a right to be wary. I love DayZ, totally got my money's worth. However, I want the standalone to be that much better, not another alpha with the potential to have same problems of the original.

  5. So what? YOU decided, as a customer, to buy Arma 2: CO in order to play DayZ.

    If you already had Arma 2 : CO, you wouldn't have had to spend another dime to play DayZ when it came out.

    DayZ is a free mod. Rocket has to make money somehow so yes you're gonna have to pay for HIS game, Rocket is not Bohemia Interactive, he doesn't care about whether you bought Arma or not.

    Not my question. People here say that DayZ is free, but it's not

  6. Sorry for taking the bus, I know you and your freinds were getting fuel but I had never had a vehicle before so I took it. Then later on when I came back to get a freind with the bus you saw your chance to get it back at the gas station but we shot you and dragged your body onto the road and finished you off by running you over. Sorry but it was the most fun I've ever had. And no you may not have the bus back! It's mine now!

    I was almost with you, but you failed to defecate on the bodies. 2/10

  7. Edited original thread post and went to the trouble of transcribing what Rocket has said on private hives and servers in his latest interview for those who are too thick-headed or lazy to go and watch the video for themselves. Lets not twist these words around, shall we? I don't want to hear any more of the this bullshit of speaking of Rocket's behalf about his "vision".

    UPDATE FROM ROCKET:"... recommend at the moment to do private servers for the live streams. ... So I think that we can probably come to some solution here and in the short term that would help with the hacking".

    At first I raged when I read his comment "recommend at the moment to do private servers for the live streams." Some people watch these live streams, and buy the game as a result. If they are only watching a canned environment, where hackers are dealt with quickly, and then buy a game in which they are forced into a unstable (hacked) environment (hive/non-private) - that's just wrong. However, at the end of his statement he seems to come back into awareness of a possible solution to hackers, as a result of private servers.

    Glad this happened while he was talking to them. That whole video was pretty sad to be honest. The constant hacking, battle eye bans, etc really showcased the current state of the game - and many, many people witnessed it.

  8. then don't buy arma 2, how fucking hard is this to understand?

    You can in fact use a ford taurus as a getaway car in a bank heist. If you get arrested during said getaway, you don't get a refund on the fucking car.

    So many entitled little brats running around. It's not your fault you're a spoiled little cunt, it's your parents; they did a shit-lousy job teaching you. It is un-fucking-believable the level of stupidity that comes with "I bought this game, then added 3rd party shit to it that I don't like, so I want my money back". I've been handing out refunds today, if you want one, I'll happily mail you a check for the $0.00 you spent on DayZ. No matter what your motive for purchasing Arma2 was, you DID NOT, COULD NOT, AND CAN NOT purchase DayZ.

    I wish I could say you people are learning a valuable lesson here, but I suspect most of you used mommies money anyway, and she clearly hasn't learned shit in the 14 years you've been mucking up everything.

    Read my posts. I'm not saying he deserves a refund, he deserves to play the game he paid for - regardless if it is a mod. You need to take a knee, and hydrate. I run into hackers all the time, and I deal with it my own way and keep on playing. However, the OP deserves more than "lol faggut its mod herp derp alpha"

  9. Dayz is not a product that he has purchased so he has no rights to get a refund even if he could he bought arma II and got it then he chose to download a free mod that runs on arma II's engine that happens to be buggy you cant slate a game because the a mod that runs on it is buggy, given the fact of how popular its become people like this complain because they fail to understand this dayz is free if he wants value for his money he can go play arma II untill dayz is less buggy since thats he has paid for.

    I understand that DayZ is not a product. However, he paid money for Arma 2 to play DayZ. He should at least have the option to play it, but he can't since he is unable to respawn. Most of us here have no interest in Arma II

  10. So I left the game running for about 2 hours last night... contrary to what some dude on this post said about it taking 20 minutes to die in the water at night... I had suffered NO damage what so ever and the hunger barely went down. So I left the game running last night before going to bed. This morning I wake up, check the game, apparently I was disconnected from the server from being inactive. I connect to a diff server and I'm still at the full12,000 blood, with only slight discoloration with food still at green and the water icon at slightly green/brown.

    Why the fuck has there not been an emergency patch to re-enable the respawn feature? If there was a problem with people abusing respawn before why not just put a timer on it or something but at least have an option to kill yourself. At this point I'm tempted to find hacks myself just for the purpose of teleporting myself back to main land or to kill myself cause this mod doesn't seem to have any fucking reasonable solution what so ever to this problem. Everytime some script tard decides to do this I need to keep the game running for hours to kill myself... wtf seriously.

    How's that swimming simulator working out for you? I'm sorry this happened to you. I, just like yourself, bought this game for DayZ - not the Arma milsim. For it to be in this state, and for people to defend it because "it is in Alpha" is frustrating. You should have *at least* the option to kill yourself/respawn, in order to attempt to play DayZ, and get something for your money. Shitty situation, and no one should defend a product (Mod or not) in this way which is basically useless in your current situation.

  11. Lots of people are saying that if the game is based off the same engine as War Inc, that it will fail. I did a quick look at some vids last night, and I think that the graphics, UI, and Inventory Management are far superior than what we have in DayZ. Now, I do not know if the WarZ engine has bullet drop and the like, but by looking at the attached video (skip to about halfway through) the environment and chr models seem pretty good. This from a video dated early 2011. Seems like an easy port from War Inc to WarZ.

    Now if the DayZ standalone uses the Arma III engine, that could really sway things.

  12. i dont see a problem with it, those things really munch through ammo so it would be hell to keep maintained and armed. if someone guns you down in that, they probably deserve the kill. not to mention it isnt complete safety, the second they slow down they can be one shot gas tank killed or simply followed untill they get out and shot

    Agreed. I think there are enough limitations mentioned that technicals would not become a dime a dozen, but if you were to see one, engage one, etc - it would be something to remember.
